Mizal, The Grandmaster Procrastinator

Member Since


Last Activity

7/26/2024 7:47 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

3 wins / 13 losses


Lauded Sage Exemplar of Avon


Behold my profile.
There's, uh, nothing here right now. Someday I should probably find a balance between the old text wall, and...this. (she drew my avatar you know!)

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Earning 5,000 Points Thorough and consistent writing workshop contributions / excellent commenting. Having 1 Storygame(s) Featured Posting 21478 Forum Posts Given by BerkaZerka on 11/10/2017 - Forum and Site Contributions Not Unnoticed Given by EndMaster on 11/30/2017 - It's everything you've always wanted! Given by Gower on 03/24/2021 - "I never want to see anyone, and I never want to go anywhere or do anything.  I just want to write." - P.G. Wodehouse Given by JJJ-thebanisher on 08/14/2019 - For excellent writing, keeping the site together and generally being an excellent presence Given by Killa_Robot on 08/15/2019 - For being a net positive to the site, even while helping idiots Given by madglee on 02/16/2022 - For all your contributions to CYS Given by MadHattersDaughter on 03/11/2021 - To my BFF and our hardest working admin. Sorry about, well, you know. . . Given by mizal on 08/15/2019 - MUHAHAHAHAHA! *strokes fluffy white cat* I always knew this day would come. Given by ninjapitka on 10/22/2022 - Truly a dead site without you Given by Will11 on 01/14/2018 - For Inseperable and your other great stories


You harvest in the Arena. Every machine needs a function, and that is yours. Written for the Tiny 'Topia challenge.

A Stack of Cats
You are a man on a mission. The cats, they must be stacked.

A puzzling math and logic game I made just to put some of the scripting practice I've been doing to use. Have fun and please let me know if you encounter any bugs.

Should be solvable by middle schoolers, or those with same basic level of intelligence as a middle schooler.

Agent of Order
Orbiting a barren planetoid in a system full of nothing just past the edge of the frontier, The Last Outpost is just another refueling station. Strategically important, true, but on a routine stop you never expected to spend longer than a couple hours there, let alone a couple of days fighting for your life...

There are five epilogues, but some may be difficult to discover. Note that actions have consequences, but not always immediate ones. (And if you just need an End Game link, go play around with the probe.)

Facts About the Planet and the Solar System
A compilation of some little known facts about the solar system, as well as the debunking of a few myths.

In addition to the scientific explanations, there's a small story dramatizing it all.

Hopefully young readers will find this fun as well as educational. :)

(Might not be the greatest story ever written, but consider this: it got me 200 points.)

Featured Story Inseparable
It doesn't matter what they say...

Jack the Bean Counter
The bean, it must be found. For MHD's Fairytales contest.

Love is for the Birds
...and the squirrels. Sort of.

Written in six hours, for no other reason than to avoid consignment to the SHAME pit after my other Romance contest entry didn't want to cooperate.

Now You Gotta Deal With This S***

A tale told in verse. A text from your sister requesting a pick up from a party leads to a night of strangeness.

Inspired by Bucky's ballad contest. Though...I wouldn't call this a ballad. I'm not sure what I'd call it, actually, other than exceedingly stupid, and fun to write.

(Don't pay any attention to the scores, they're just for me to track which endings reviewers get.)

Read My Stories or Die!












Silver Horn, Silver Hooves
When the weather is fine, you've been coming to this grove to drink from the pool for centuries now. Today, you meet a stranger and hear a story that changes all that...

A fairy tale adventure.

Another Damn Wolf Story
I have no idea why I wrote this. All I can say in my defense is that it seemed like a good idea at the ti--wait no that's a lie, I said, repeatedly that this was stupid and shameful every time I mentioned working on it.

The truth is I needed to publish something before the end of the year and there is CLEARLY a burning need for wolf stories in the psyche of children using the internet. But then they write them badly, or make their wolves behave like clans of cats. So here is a simple straightfoward story of a young wolf leaving his pack in search of a better life. Maybe no one will ever feel the need to write another one now, or if nothing else maybe this will give them ideas for how to do it in slightly more minimum-standards-meeting ways.

Final conclusion however is that writing about some dumb animal with no agency is not something I'd recommend.

Character Creator

If you don't know what this is for, then it isn't for you.

Don't Get Date Raped!
A short, educational piece. Please remain sensitive and respectful in the comment section. (I'd hate to have to report you to an admin for bullying me.)

(DO NOT READ if you're at all easily offended or lacking in a sense of humor. There's nothing graphic at all in here, but seriously, I still cannot stress it enough, this story is not for you.)

WOWSERS! Triggers ahead!

Dedicated to the good people of COG.

Articles Written

A List of Storygames for People Who Like to Read
A list of storygames with substantial effort put in, all written in the last couple of years and sorely in need of ratings and reviews.

CYS Forum Advice and Etiquette
A modernized guide to the forums. The path to internet popularity and happiness, and a few CYS specific do's and don'ts.

Recent Posts

Raping advice/critique on 7/26/2024 7:41:16 PM
If you don't want to spend the rest of your life with your Tinder date, you damn sure better pay her or you're going to prison for a long, long time.

Raping advice/critique on 7/26/2024 7:36:36 PM
I should probably point out that on the (tbf, somewhat difficult to access these days) storygame guidelines page, it does have a rule against using site members as characters without permission. Although, I guess her last post does seem to imply consent (Although not love or hate) just be aware she can always veto that later, so maybe it would be simplest to just not do this weird thing you guys are doing

Can't access Link Restrictions on 7/26/2024 5:22:19 PM
That's so crazy, no one's ever encountered this before I don't think.

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/26/2024 3:53:40 PM

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/26/2024 1:36:20 PM
Just mention in response to one of these points though, the objective in story A was to determine Magnus's role in the meeting. That was stated in the beginning. And it was interesting also that you were the only one who questioned the authorship of these. Something pretty much nobody did in the last contest either even with Ravenic clearly not being present. Anyway, glad you got some breathing space with your IRL stuff, and thanks for taking the time with these. I knew you'd like Story B

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/26/2024 1:32:12 PM
I'll wander back through in a bit to hand out comms and update the main thread with the last few duels.

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/26/2024 1:13:07 PM
Just some quick thoughts on these and an explanation. Yummy had a co worker end up in the emergency room, and was too young and tender and exploitable to realize he should refuse to work two 12 hour shifts on his days off for a boss who had just additionally denied his vacation request. However he was good and responsible lad enough to warn me of this, meaning there was still time to drag another author in on the last day. I was in the mood to mix it up a little from the people we usually tap for this, and Ford had mentioned recently wanting to do some writing again, so I went to him. And he accepted, before learning what the prompt was. Kek. (You've got to dig for it a bit, but contrary to popular belief, Ford has been known to do a little writing. Mostly stuff involving detailed combat and magic systems, while he is notorious for having a blissful smooth spot in his brain where anything related to politics or history might go in a normal person.) Crimson had turned in the original copy of his the first day, but during the wait on the second story, he expanded it based on some advice. This was a pretty significant rewrite that doubled his word count, and of course looking at it I knew at that point that the landslide would be in his favor no matter what the other side turned in. Conscience is a stand out easily in the top 5 of any previous Thunderdome story, genuinely emotional and with the choice of a real world subject matter only making it stand out further. That said, Infiltration was a lot of fun too. Humor is a pretty subjective thing so it was interesting to see how far it missed the mark for some people. (I was pretty much with Gower--it might have been enough to win many previous matches, but not this one.) Obviously rushed in the second half, it was spot on for me as cyberpunk meets Austin Powers. The palpable sense of growing awkwardness as the spy is stuck there listening to all that cringe and knowing he'll have to include it in his report and never hear the end of it from his partner was hilarious to me. But it was pretty clear which way the vote world go. If Crimson's had been any less than exceptionally good of course or had any major weak points, in other words if it had been a mediocre effort in any way, I would've figured odds were good more readers might have gone for the entertainment value of funny shitpost story instead. (As this is a known weakness among many CYStians.) But it was fun getting two enjoyable stories that were so wildly different in tone either way. Anyway, this like the last one have been pretty standout Thunderdome events. We're going to take a break a couple of weeks and resume with what looks to be a pretty interesting line up, stay tuned!

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/26/2024 12:48:34 PM
I put a huge spoiler in the OP lol. Surely you recall THE RAT?

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/26/2024 12:37:21 PM
The bladed barrel bot put up a good fight, but in its hastily assembled state might have been programmed with the wrong genre for this particular encounter. It soon was toppled over in a shower of sparks. "Bzzt...the darkness comes. bzzt...come closer, human...my vision...bzzzT!...fades..." it wheezed through puffs of smoke, the smell of burnt plastic in the air. "Is there anything I can do for you?" Crimson asked, stepping up with a feeling of something like pity for the construct in its last moments. "P-p-please bzzt. Give me....your hand! And...and...and...I'll give you...my cyber lovestick. Error. Bzzt. Error. Bzzt. Error. Bzz--" Mr. Clean, seized with sudden disgust, drove his sword straight into his robotic opponent, ending its struggles. Which, might have been a bad idea. He was badly electrocuted. But still the winner, dammit! And after a short four hour trip to the on-site emergency room with Darius, was able to take his place in the winner's circle. As for the destroyed bot? Well, Ford had probably already forgotten it existed.

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/26/2024 12:35:07 PM
Just getting this tied for longest thread again now that the other has been necroed.