Set in the world of The Ancient One. Arendin and Rain have lived many lives together, and have fought against the Ancient One and his insidious evil in many of those lives.
In this storygame, you play as Arendin the day before a coming battle with the Ancient One, who is in control of the King's Army. But in spite of your previous conflicts with Alaric Thorne, you are unprepared for just how deep the Ancient One's plans go..
Scribe's Note: Arendin and Rain have been reincarnated multiple times, and have always been given different birth names by their parents in each life. However, as they adopt their original names once their memories have been awakened, I will use the names Arendin and Rain.
(Please be aware that this storygame contains mature themes, such as sexual content, violence, scenes of abuse, and mind control. A lot of the more adult content will depend on paths you take in this storygame, but I'm not going to warn for those in the storygame, as I don't want to pull anyone out of the story. Just be aware that the Anything Goes rating fits some of the paths here).
This game also contains a same-sex male/male relationship and hints at a second in other paths.
If you reach what appears to be a dead end, or there's only one choice, try looking in your inventory.
Written for the rebellion contest December 2024.