
Forums » Creative Corner » Read Thread

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Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Since I’ve been feeling pretty lonely in this dead corner of the site, I’ve decided to come up with a creative writing exercise. Many of you are probably reading stuff or procrastinating working on your contest storygames, but why not take a couple of minutes from procrastination and try out this fun and very short little activity?

The task: Write a story in six words.

At some point, you’ve probably heard of the six-word story “For sale: baby shoes, never worn,” allegedly originating from Hemingway. Wikipedia calls it an extreme example of flash fiction. I’m quite interested in taking a look at how y’all express your creativity in such a condensed format.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago
Started a thread, never got replies.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Because you were so kind to be the first one to reply to my thread, I'll reward you with an in-depth review of your six-word story:

Well. So it looks like you know how to count, which likely suggests that you managed to pass kindergarten, or even first grade. One of my main problems with your story is that it can't stand alone and wouldn't make much sense when taken outside of the context. This probably could be remedied, however, by changing a word or two. Another issue is the lack of substantial content; there's nothing particularly interesting about it because it's missing the whole "why should your reader care?" component. In the future, I'd recommend you to pay more attention to writing your story's plot.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

The bitchiness is strong in this one, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

*Sigh* I just couldn't resist. Mizal may be rubbing off on me.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Well, I guess I've been lucky enough to never be on the wrong side of Mizal's bitchiness, which, from what I've seen is pretty high quality. The only wrong side I've been on anyones bitchy side on this site is Steve's low-fi bitchiness, which compared to Mizal's is like a whining baby to an angry ex-wife. Different poisons, but one definitely has a bit more direction and knows how to go for your nutz.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

I find that surprising. It looks like you've been around for a while?

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Early 2015, but I've been on and off the site as an active member. I've yet to gotten around to publishing one of my storygames, though I am actively working on one for the contest.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago
no u

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Holy shit, is that a blank?

Work with it don't molest it

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

My last day here. Blueberry pancakes.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

I don't count so good.

An actual one: "Mummy, not the knife again... Please."

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

"Sorry, we don't sell smaller coffins."

Jumped. Realised I want to live.


Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

One that's been done before: "My reflection blinked."
(These ones might function better as a writing prompt than an actual 6-word story)

Acid rain falling on dead skin.

It hurts to be buried alive.

A healer sold us poison.

No sign of any ships today.


Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago
6 6 5 6

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

True that a lot of these can be expanded into full stories. The ultimate challenge, really, is to write one small detail but imply a whole world. Looking at some of the other replies, I'd say Romulus and AzBaz were able to do this especially well.

I like the last one you put there. It's not terribly specific, but it certainly opens up the imagination.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Yeah, mine really expands into the reader's imagination to portray a sad, merciless World, capturing the helplessness of a simpleton who's picked on by his peers for not having a basic grasp on arithmetic. Heartbreaking...

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago
Not understanding stories, people posted anyway.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Unfortunately procrastinating: posted in this thread.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Always double check the bigger freezers...

Shat in bushes, need new shirt.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago
Astronauts' screams, fires on the launchpad.

Goons never ate, killed without remorse.

The last of humanity died alone.

He passed the examination, fire him.

Shutdown sequence begins in thirty seconds.

The final answer never really existed.

She could forgive, but never forget.

Age was our blessing and curse.

The daredevil's son will replace him.

Onward sailors, bring me that horizon.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

The sock hurt my dick: yank! 

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Get the fucking goose out, now!

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Argument deleted, not exactly sure why

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

thank you for the hyperlink, friend

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Wrote a story in six words.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

No you didn't. Well, not really.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

I do worry about your intelligence... (or rather, lack thereof...)

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Thank you. I make sure to keep my brain cells and neurons to a minimum. I have to make sure that I stay stupid enough to believe Trump's bullshit and try to deny global warming.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

You're both idiots. Only six words.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Why make it political?... Just... Why?

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

It's just has to be a fetish.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

That's seven words, you silly chungus.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Goddammit, and you edit locked it.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

That's technically 7 too, you know.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

I'm only a little brain dead

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Understood, not as perfect as me.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Because politics are good for everyone. At least that's what my limited number of brain cells tells me.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Like you never heard! This words!

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Lock it up, it's too dumb.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

That's too good. Try mental hospital.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

That's not where the idiots go!

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Where do we put them, Sent?

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

In the dum-dum hole of course!

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

You know, that's technically seven words. :)

Also, emojis are not words, right?

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

Dum-dum is word, God Dammit's compound.

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

I am full...


"So, who's missing?"

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

'My variation of this trend of cannibal six word stories would be this-

'So... full...'

?'Wait. Where is Jerry?'

Fun Writing Activity

7 years ago

That works too, although I was going for a werewolf thing.