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Black History jam

4 years ago
Write stories about black people being cool or something, idk.

(Not required to be only historical, but we could use more historical storygames in general so we can push Killa into making that category too.)

It's a jam, not a contest, but points and commendations may be given on admin whim as usual.

Expecting this one might be a dud, it's just bad timing immediately after a major contest. But with luck we might at least anger one of those snowy white 'not your story to tell' self appointed gatekeepers.

Can be storygames or short story essays or fkn non fiction essays if you want, I don't care.

Black History jam

4 years ago

I think EndMaster would create something fantastic here personally. 

Black History jam

4 years ago
He was raised a poor black child.

Black History jam

4 years ago

EndMaster please confirm this is very crucial information.

Black History jam

4 years ago
Wow, you are brave.

Black History jam

4 years ago
The notification goes off when you post, editing won't save you.

Black History jam

4 years ago

i took it off because I couldn't remember if that actually tagged people or it was through a different route. I intended to tag him.

Black History jam

4 years ago
Hmm, flippantly tagging End is very risky. I guess you've been around long enough for some immunity though.

And Endmaster was raised in Detroit and went to basically all black schools, he's actually blacker in the honorary sense than most of the actual black people I know.

Black History jam

4 years ago


Not writing about black people though at the moment because I'm currently trying to focus on writing about a white woman.

Black History jam

4 years ago
But how can a man even remotely understand and respect the complexity of a fictional character not having a peepee? I demand you stop at once.

Black History jam

4 years ago
Hmm, I remember doing that a month ago.

Black History jam

4 years ago

I don't want to offend anybody, but since I think I can say it here without being censored.... Does anyone else think it's REALLY weird to have an entire month dedicated to the history of one group of people?

No one else was important enough to care about? Or if you point out the obvious that it's cringy white guilt at work, why does that only apply to one race? Black people weren't the only ones discriminated against.


Sorry but I'm just so sick of hearing about black history month. I'm surprised even black people don't think it's condescending and stupid and if anything just highlights the fact they didn't have much actual impact on history except for being victims.

Black History jam

4 years ago
If you're annoyed now, just wait until June!

Black History jam

4 years ago

Really weird? Nah. No Nut November, on the other hand, now that IS really weird.

Anyway, the fact you think Black History Month is about saying no one else is important enough to care about is stupid. It doesn't take much to figure out that isn't the point. It isn't Black Superiority Month.

Yeah, but you'll say 'it is insinuating it!', but I really don't think it is. That's like saying the fact Innkeeper isn't featured insinuates it isn't good, isn't as well liked as some of Endmaster's other games, etc, but that's not it.

Sure, you might think it is a 'bad fate' month and that's why it insinuates it, but I think it exists in good fate.

I do not think it would be as ubiquitous as it is if it only existed because of black people, and/or because of guilty whites. Now you're making me have to research the month, dammit. More on this later.

In regards to that second paragraph of yours, I'll add: no-shit black people weren't the only ones who were discriminated against, but that isn't the point. Such whataboutism is stupid and you should be ashamed for using it.

I will add that I do wonder where all these places you're hearing about Black History month are tho. I don't live in America/Canada, and don't go out much, so maybe I'm just missing the billboards that are pestering you.

Anyhow, you don't have to be sorry for being sick of hearing about black history month, just like I don't have to be sorry for being sick of hearing about people bitching about these things.

You see, the procrastinator that I am, I sometimes look at the forums for the games I play, and sometimes those games give people 'Black Lives Matter' emblems or something, and lo-and-behold, people complain about having them.

This isn't what you're talking about, but it frustrates me in a similar manner.

Anyway, I mention it because while neither of us need to be sorry, we SHOULD not be stupid, and aim to understand the frustrations of others, and perhaps we should put our energy not towards being sick, but rather something else. Say, perhaps we should research the thing that frustrates us?

Without further ado, here are two more research based sections (and fuck you for making me do them):

Black History Month Research

Wikipedia Link.

Hey, the article isn't that long, I'll just leave the link there for you to read. Feel free to criticise the people of the past who're responsible for your current day plight.

I will add this (from the bottom of the page) as I think it might be of extra interest to you:

Other history months

  • Filipino American History Month
  • LGBT History Month
  • Women's History Month
  • Disability History Month
  • Dalit History Month

Heritage months

  • Arab American Heritage Month
  • Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
  • Irish-American Heritage Month
  • Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month
  • Jewish American Heritage Month
  • National Hispanic Heritage Month
  • National Tibetan American Heritage Month
  • Native American Indian Heritage Month
  • Polish American Heritage Month
  • Puerto Rican Heritage Month
  • South Asian Heritage Month
  • Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
  • Haitian Heritage Month


  • Afro-Colombian Day
  • Black Awareness Day, Brazil

That wiki link has links for all of those, if you're curious about reading about them (I doubt you are).

I will say that you seem to have built up your frustrations without looking into the month first, which is a risky play if true (but mostly kinda stupid). Heck, I bet you didn't know the focus was on African-Americans.

'Highlights the FACT they didn't have much actual impact on history except for being victims'

I get the feeling you didn't do research before making this assertion of fact, and I can't say I approve of such foolishness.

It does make me wonder, how much impact is required to qualify as 'actual impact on history' by your criteria? It would be cool to see your list (made without any research) of all ethnicities/races/whatever, and see which do and do not qualify. I just get the feeling you won't be able to list all too many white people either.

Anyway, here is an example, would Martin Luther King Jr. qualify as having had 'actual impact on history'?

Regardless, here is a Wikipedia link of a book with a 100 names. I point it out because they do have a criteria, and it is near the top of the article. Your criteria might be different.

You might, for example, care more about the 'collective' than any individual, which would be nice as it means you don't have to name 100 white people, and can just say, 'America invented this'. But that would be a bit odd, since America has African-Americans within it, and discounting them would mean you want to talk about people again instead, and...

I think I'm rambling. I'll stop, but I am still curious about your criteria.

Anyway, the incredibly funny thing about your post is that it shows Black History month has failed, as you think '[black people] didn't have much actual impact on history except for being victims', when the whole point of the month is to educate your ass.

Fun fact, black people did have criticism for Black History month, read the wiki article! Shockingly, the world and people's view tend to be capable of nuance!

Here is another site, link about black history, and in their words:

February is dedicated as Black History Month, honoring the triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history, including the civil rights movement and their artistic, cultural and political achievements.

I hope my rude response finds you in high spirits and you learn something from this, for I certainly did! Crazy what research can do, instead of just bitching about shit.

I also hope in the future you do research before bitching, but do be careful, for good sources are a bit of a bitch themselves (depending on what you're researching), as in this age of information, deception is all too easy.

Feel free to let me know if any of the links lie, I didn't exactly do thorough research here, and it'd be good to know what to avoid in the future.

P.S. Let me know if this wall of text reads well. I try to keep them readable, but it has been a while since my last one.

Black History jam

4 years ago

Just going to say, sucking dick/munching rug/replacing your parts with hot dogs and pig assholes IS NOT A FUCKING HERITAGE.

Black History jam

4 years ago
It is pretty funny how that one worked out.

February, the cold and absolutely miserable month that everyone hates? Well no one else wants it, give it to the colored folk, maybe it will shut them up a little while.

June, the month that's great for barbecues and outdoor family gatherings, and already contains the main black people holiday? Well sure let's give that entire month to the sanfran queers who hitched their little gay wagons the Civil Rights movement after most of the work was already done, hate their parents and never stop watching anime in their apartments except to have anonymous sex with strangers in a Wendy's bathroom.*

*not Canary, he's one of the good ones.

Black History jam

4 years ago

This is a lot of words to read when the most important thing it says is just that you're not in America and have not had to suffer through Black History Month every single year in class, and especially this year where it's ten times more in everybody's face than ever because people are trying to look good.

That entire list you posted doesn't matter, the only "months" anyone cares about or has ever heard of is Black History and LGBT Pride. Those are mandatory to force everyone to celebrate.

I mean today is National Umbrella Day, does that mean you think umbrellas have equal significance to every other thing on the calendar that ends in Day?





Black History jam

4 years ago

Who's forced to celebrate these? I haven't heard of Black History parties.

Black History jam

4 years ago

It was announced over the loudspeaker that we were celebrating Black History. Not an option or a question. No other histories need apply. 

Black History jam

4 years ago

They have black history month here in Canada. It was never really a big deal, and it wasn't really more or less boring than any public school history. 

I think the issue here is that you're pants shittingly retarded 

Black History jam

4 years ago

Funny how you seem to feel like Black folks haven't impacted history except by being victims- It's true, stuff that they brought with them, like music and food, while innovative, were born from some pretty dark shit- We as a culture learned to cook pork ribs and embrace traditional 'barbecue' cuts of meat because this was the cheap protein they fed to slaves. Up until fairly recently, if you asked a British butcher for pork ribs, he's probably gonna ask if you have cats at home.

The original genetics of rock and disco (and by extension metal and house music today) coming from "black" music and being revolutionized by numerous black artists since, among many other cultural imports from ebonics that are nearly ubiquitous in America right now ("yo" "What's up?" the concept of "cool", the term "chops" as a measure of skill or outspokenness, "weed" as reference to weed... Or "weed" as euphemism for weed) The argument could be made that these are the products of slavery and segregation rather than assimilation- But other immigrants have brought their own culture with them, so it can't be blamed entirely on them being othered. Sure, that's why a lot of African Americans are here, but while the darkness of this history is omnipresent, it's entirely up to interpretation where you decide the light begins.

Is your home heated by natural gas? In 1919, the first central heating furnace was patented by Alice H. Parker. Do you use street mailboxes? In 1891, Philip B. Downing came up with that. 3-signal traffic lights? A guy named Garret Morgan made those. Before that we only had a red light and people didn't always know when to yield. A black man singlehandedly raised the collective IQ of randos at intersections by 10 points just like that.

Do you like video games? Jerry Lawson was an electronic engineer who figured out how to make portable and programmable ROMS that could be physically stored and added/removed from computers. He invented the video game cartridge. Sure, you might say, "Oh, well my game system doesn't USE cartridges", but in, say, 1975, computers were very big, very expensive calculators and dossiers who had mostly abstract and bureaucratic uses. When Jerry Lawson was working on cartridge technology, cartridge consoles were the only ones. He started an entire industry, which brought computer technology to the homes of the masses and started the wheels rolling for so much innovation that followed. That's pretty fucking significant and not really related to slavery, isn't it?

Of course, that's not as badass as you typically get in folktale-ised history, so we could instead talk about Henry Johnson, the guy who killed 20 germans at the same time in WWI, at least 5 of them with a knife. You think that's not significant? Pff, what are you? A Prussian Imperialist? Or Bass Reeves, who in addition to just having cool backstory- (he beat up his confederate enslaver and escaped in the middle of the civil war) famously became a Deputy US Martial. If you think black people didn't have much impact on history, how about the time that one guy singlehandedly made the West 3,000 criminals less wild. That's right, he played a hand in ending an entire 30-year period of history that all the movies take place in. A pretty damn big one.

Sure, they weren't government officials responsible for conquesting and moving flags around, but that's not exactly a fair comparison when, until really recently in the historical timescale, they just weren't allowed to do that shit in most nations with written history. What they have touched, and what they have built, has repercussions that echo through the country and influence the very life you live.

I don't blame you for being bored by it, I really don't- It's the most unexplored and one-note subject ever horrendously mis-summarized by the common school system. But the fact that nobody's telling these stories is the whole reason it exists. Really, just learn more history in general.

Black History jam

4 years ago

Excellent post. Thank you very much.

This reminds me that Charles Saunders died recently. He was an author of fantasy novels which are set in an African-inspired world where people are black. What sets Saunders apart from other authors is that struggle against slavery isn't a theme that comes up in his books. To my knowledge he is unique in this respect.

Apparently blackness and slavery have become so entwined that other authors can't escape the trope. This is perhaps the greatest tragedy: Colonization has destroyed much of the unique cultures that evolved in Africa over thousands of years and replaced it with the slavery narrative.

Black History jam

4 years ago
What's your favorite book by him? Some of these look interesting.

Looking at the wiki article, he dodged the draft for Vietnam and moved in with a Nova Scotia community that was founded by people who all got free land for siding with the British back during the Revolutionary War. (Taken from the French, who took it from the Mi'kmaq.)

Not surprised he wasn't so stuck on the slavery narrative since he had the means to go to university right out of highschool and then leave the country, his experience wasn't really a typical "poor oppressed black person" one, which is necessary for having any organization in America pretend to care about black people.

Black History jam

4 years ago
Only read the Imaro book, a while ago. It's decent.

Black History jam

4 years ago

I do like history and read a lot of but it, but it's obviously a big subject and I have my own areas of interest. I'm not saying there aren't individual people who did things that were interesting, but none of it is things that effected entire countries and cultures that would normally be taught about in class, except for slavery and the Civil War. There's nothing that justifies an entire month of forcing teachers to go on about this stuff when massive areas of far more important history are never even skimmed over. 

If I wasn't clear I'm not against any kind of actual history, just the entire idea of having an entire special month. None of the examples you bring up will ever be taught, we just have to hear about George Washington Carver again.

Black History jam

4 years ago

Personal anecdote: In 1998 I joined Princeton University. So, one day I ended up going through the website on which Princeton listed famous alumni and staff members. There were the names of people and a three word explanation of what they are famous for. Some examples are "Buzz Aldrin: Second man on the moon", "Bill Clinton: President", "Elena Kagan: Supreme Court Justice", "John Nash: Nobel Prize in Economics", "Brooke Shields: Actress", "John Wheeler: Nobel Prize in Physics", and so on. Also on this list is Cornell West. His entry said "Cornell West: Black Intellectual".

Finding this on the homepage of leftish institution in the 1990 symbolized like nothing else how prevalent systemic racism was/is. I wrote to the PR department about this and they changed the page. I think it says publisher now or something.

Black History jam

4 years ago
Getting strange readings from this is this possible...the autism levels, they're off the charts!

Black History jam

4 years ago

I really wasn't expecting this much of a response, I thought everyone in this site hated writing. :(

Black History jam

4 years ago

Went to a 95% black high school in Detroit during the early 90s at the height of Afrocentrism resurgence.

Every day was black history month. Lol

Black History jam

4 years ago

Mizal I'm sorry for running your thread, I will write an on topic story to apologize. :)

Black History jam

4 years ago
Well this should be good.

Black History jam

4 years ago

I'm still waiting.

Black History jam

4 years ago

It was just a joke story and I got distracted with an idea for a horror story instead. Besides I wouldn't want to post it now since Tim36D's was better and everyone will just call me a retard again. 

Or is this one of those things again where the mods force people to do something and that's the whole point? -_-

Black History jam

4 years ago
Y’ know, an edit would’ve worked fine

Black History jam

4 years ago

Post the story.

Black History jam

4 years ago

Wakanda Forever my bruthas

Black History jam

4 years ago
Ngl this song's an absolute bop! lol

Why does this feel like a track Biggie could've rapped over?

Black History jam

4 years ago

Dear Mizal, 

Sorry to hear about your thread.


End Master

Black History jam

4 years ago
A thread like this either dies with no posts or it lives long enough to see itself overflow with faggotry.

Jerome LeBrond, Agent 0.6: Ain't Time For That

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 2/11/2021 8:34:09 PM

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to another groovy episode of Zero-Point-Six, brought to you by the brothas down at Anaconda Malt Liquor. Anaconda… “It’ll give you Oooooo!”

Last time on this funkalicious adventure:

Waitin' on his next gig from the men upstairs, Jerome was just chillin' at his local gamblin’ parlor, when he met a fiiiiine-ass-bitch by the name of Jane Swallow. She was a secretary for a Mr. Richard Johnson, some recent real estate fat cat. Lucky for 0.6, his newest assignment was to get the deets on this rich cracka.

Posing in his sunday best as a potential business partner, Point-Six slid right into Mr Johnson’s personal files. Found out that this crazy mo’fucka was plannin’ on bombing-out the slums Jerome’s homies called home. Replace it with some white condos or some shit. Bombs were already in play, all around the hood, and the detonator was set on a train passing right through.

Jerome had to catch a riiide on the 3:15 to funkytown, fight his way to the front, and put a stop to these Weapons of Mass Discrimination. So here he is, at the lead car, about to pass out some more whoopins to these fools…

Jerome kicks in the train car door, stepping inside and popping his collar. Mr. Johnson and Jane sit towards the front of the car, next to a complicated device that can only be the detonator signal machine. Jane appears to be tied to her seat, mouth taped shut, and Mr. Johnson starts to applaud as he turns around to face our hero, grinning all the while.

“Ah, Mr. LeBrond. I don’t suppose you’re here to follow up on business? At least, not my business proposal…” He says, his claps getting slower in pace as they go on.

“Richard Johnson. By the order of the US of A, I’m here to stop the bombs and take yo’ crazy ass in...” Jerome says, cracking his knuckles for effect. “... But that second part’s optional.”

“I see. Tell me, Agent 0.6, how are you gonna go about stopping the bombs when you’re outnumbered like this?”

“Outnumbered? Whatchu talkin' ‘bout, Richard?”

As he says this, his signature “Point-Sixth Sense” kicks in, and he narrowly avoids two figures leaping in from behind him. They land in front of him, revealing two twin ninjas blocking his path, armed with katanas. Mr. Johnson gives a supervillain laugh as he folds his arms.

“Meet my two personal bodyguards, my hands in this business, Lefty and Righty. But you’ll get to know them as ‘The Juice Crew’... Because they’re about to put the squeeze on ya, and make ya bleed.”

Jerome, surprised wearing off, proceeds to smile himself as he removes his suit jacket, and then pulls his shirt off, revealing the gold chains he keeps around his neck. He simply brings both of his hands up, giving the finger to both of the ninjas. Provoked, they both rush him, katanas at the ready, giving a synchronized swing.


The katanas clash against Agent 0.6’s many rings across his fingers, as he blocks both swords almost unarmed. Swiftly, he delivers a side kick to Righty, sending the ninja flying as Jerome clutches Lefty’s sword between the rings. Mr. Johnson stares in disbelief.

“What?! How can you do that?!”

With his free hand, Jerome lands a heavy blow to Lefty’s midsection, followed by a roundhouse kick, sending him barreling through the air. Agent Point-Six gives a hearty laugh.

“Now I KNOW you ain’t been to the inner city! Where I come from, e’erybody in the hood knows Kung Fu!”

He assumes his classic “Black Panther” stance as the two ninjas recover themselves. Righty rushes ahead first, swinging rapidly, but every swing is deflected by both Jerome’s rings and his expensive gold wristwatch, not allowing Righty any openings before delivering a knee to the stomach and a fist to the face, crashing him into a window. Lefty, using this new opening, slashes right for Jerome’s chest.


The katana impacts against Jerome’s many chains, leaving not a scratch on him. He grins as Lefty’s eyes widen.

“Oh, you done fucked up now, baby! HYOOOOOO”

Zero-Point-Six’s foot rockets up to Lefty’s chin, sending the ninja crashing into the train car roof, his body hanging there. His leg lowers, Jerome exhaling from the effort, just in time to hear the click of a revolver being chambered. He turns to see Mr. Johnson holding the gun to Jane’s head.

“No more, LeBrond! Stay right there and keep your bling where I can see it, or Miss Swallow here gets a new hole in her head!”

Jerome, seeing the fearful look in Jane’s eyes, slowly raises his hands. Richard gives one last evil laugh as the train speeds towards the ghetto.

“Looks like we’re coming into the station, yet it seems you’ve arrived at your last stop, Agent.”

He levels the gun at the agent just as 0.6 pulls an afro pick from the back of his head.

“But YOU’RE the one that’s gonna be riding the Soul Train, Dick.”

With lightning speed, he throws the pick at Johnson, impaling him right through the brain. He collapses to the floor, dead. Jerome breathes a sigh of relief as he runs over to save Jane. As he removes the duct tape from Ms. Swallow’s mouth, she quickly shouts out in fear.

“Jerome, the detonator! We’re almost in range!”

“Was hoping you could help me with that,” Jerome replies, untying her from her seat. She gets up and immediately starts working on the detonator terminal. It responds with a series of beeps and boops, but also the sound of failure.

“It’s no use, I’m locked out! We can’t stop it from triggering the bombs!”

“Well, there is one thing we could try…”

Jerome, having picked up Richard’s revolver, fires all six rounds into the machine. It makes a few pathetic dying noises before the display shuts down, smoke emitting from the gunshot holes. Jane clings to Point-Six, looking over the damage.

“... Well, let’s hope this works…”

Moments later, the train arrives in the ghetto, and after a few tense moments, no explosions are heard. The detonator is disarmed. The two of them embrace in joy, and share a passionate kiss after that harrowing experience. Jane pulls away and looks up at Jerome.

“How about we get out of here and see about that dinner you owe me?”

Taking her hand, Jerome starts leading her out of the train car, over the body of Mr. Johnson and picking up his clothes as they pass.

“Fo’ sho’, baby girl. Maybe afterwards, I can show you why you can’t ever go back…”

The two of them exit the train and onto the station, hand in hand. The camera pans out to show a sunset against the urban skyline, as the police sirens wail in the distance. Just another day in the inner city.



Now that was a groovalicious ending, boys and girls. Ain’t nothing like Zero-Point-Six layin the smackdown to some bad cats. Good for the soul, I’ll tell ya.

Next time on Jerome LeBrond, Agent 0.6: Jerome comes face-to-face with what could be his equal. Only difference is, one of ‘em is a honky from Georgia. Which sucka will come out on top and be the new top agent?


“Know your place, you fuckin' Nigg-”

Jerome LeBrond, Agent 0.6: Ain't Time For That

4 years ago


Jerome LeBrond, Agent 0.6: Ain't Time For That

4 years ago
Funking hell, can we get a whole series? I was grinning just at the intro and then it only got better.

Thank you for saving my thread.

Jerome LeBrond, Agent 0.6: Ain't Time For That

4 years ago

All in a day's work, miz.

Don't think I have the creativity for an entire series, though. Dead horse would be beaten pretty fast.

Jerome LeBrond, Agent 0.6: Ain't Time For That

4 years ago

This is absolutely awesome.