
Forums » Creative Corner » Read Thread

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Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago

Hello Cystians! It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been a little busy but I'm back now and will try to be more productive here in the coming weeks. I just wanted to start a new thread to post some of my drawings, cys-related and otherwise. I've got another drawing thread but that one was mostly for requests and I'd like to have a thread to post my personal drawings whenever. Thanks! 

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago
Commended by Ford on 11/18/2023 10:39:07 AM

Starting the thread off right  ;~)

gender envy so hard rn

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago
I'll let Sherb do the honors with commending this one.
Or banning you, whichever.

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago
Truly a terrible day for creative corner.

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago
Looks like you accidentally left some scribbles, so fixed that for you.

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago

You just shaved his legs

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago
But not in a weird way. Just in the way that two normal guys who are acquaintances might do.

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago

Suranna's (Official) Art Thread

8 months ago
dead thread