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New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

I'm new. Just here to "Fuck shit up" post something i don't give a flying fuck sorry for my foul language I get into a phase of anger sometimes.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

I don't think joining a site while angry is the way to go...

But welcome anyways, I think.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

thank you but I'm just angry because the the stories i suck at them.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago


-I mean, uhhh, hi.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago
Welcome, enjoy your stay.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Welcome!. Enjoy your stay here with us at chooseyourstory.comcool.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

How many versions of the epic face are there?

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Tim is gonna be pleased or pissed.... :P

Welcome dude!

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

... Frankly, we really don't need any more people around here trying to 'fuck shit up.' I think people just recovered from having PTSD over the last time somebody tried it. The community is generally very welcoming here, no one felt the need to "deal with" you coming here, though they may if your intention really is what you said.

I don't really get your introduction, either. Why, exactly, would you make your first post and first impression here something you feel the need to apologize for? If you already felt bad about it, posting it was foolish.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

People come here from different backgrounds and ages. Some, like me, would just want to give a good image, despite not really caring about what people think. On the other hand, there are also immature people who also don't care what people think and take full advantage of that by doing and saying what they want. For example, I used to get inflamed in arguments here just to have something to do. It started to give me a bad image, so I stopped. While another person would have just kept doing it without giving a *bleep*.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Uh, Honor... consider this for a moment: He's acting defensive before literally ANYONE said anything to him. This is his intro post. xD And if he genuinely didn't give a fuck, why would he apologize in the first place? Or even introduce himself?

... My confusion isn't over those people, who may or may not care about their image, my confusion is because this is an oddly timed and extraordinarily mixed message.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Now your post makes sense haha! 

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

I wasn't putting this guy in any class, I should've went over all the types . With this guy, I'm guessing he's an attention lover who makes crazy post because it generally gets a lot of attention. With an attention lover, all they want is attention, despite it being positive or negative.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

That is my assumption, but I don't like to assume. Besides, I said that our community is very welcoming, he would've received attention either way, so that method is illogical and possibly counterproductive.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Agreed. But expect more posts from this guy that resembles the one he just made.

PS: None of this was intended to put you down in any way Gatman.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

"1. Don't look for trolls in new people, respect them as you would a normal member."

T-HC Thread. Regardless of how he acts you should respect him, not everybody is a troll in hiding.

If he can be more productive than some people on this site and show that he has talent/learning ability to gain said talent then we will welcome him into the community.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Agreed. I apologize for anything I said that may have offended you Gatman.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Welcome to CYS, enjoy your stay while you are here.

 Also just because you can get into an occasional 'phase of anger' doesn't mean you need to randomly start swearing or start yelling at other members. Just in case you were wondering, that's what you have actual voices for. 

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Too all thanks for the comments i guess and i feel welcome

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

For your first story, I recommend reading ''Tower of riddles''.

New Comer deal with it

10 years ago

Haha, you're a funny guy.