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"Girly" Games

10 years ago

So I like Harvest Moon. Virtual farming, virtual lovers, virtual babies, the whole bit. I know several of my guy friends like it and play it and are into virtual milking and virtual swooning and virtual children, but one day I asked this guy if he played Harvest Moon and he's like "Dude, thats like, so GIRLY."

I mean it only looks like this

Awww cute WAIT I MEAN

Well, when you think about it, even though the original Harvest Moon games had just the guy option and when they used to make a separate girl game and guy game first, it so adorable you can't help but think it's for girls. But then again, isn't Pokemon just as cute? And like everyone plays that. 

Another thing: Dating games. They make lil' dating sims for guys, right? Like kaleidoscope. Thats a sim date for guys (they came out with a girl version though) but how many dudes play sim dates? Really?


So, do you guys play "girly" games? Harvest Moon? DATING SIMS (oh noooo)?! Hamtaro?

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

You're a girl?


"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Wait, you didn't know? You didn't snoop around in the old forum threads (especially that one with Ford's happenings thing for Porkman)?

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I don't know what the rest of this thread is about, even, but in response to the original post.

I loved Ham-Ham Heartbreak.  Also, only otome games are really for girls- most dating sims are for guys. At least in Japan.

Harvest Moon is a little "grindy farm stuff, not enough character interaction" for me.  

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I'm having an absent thought, now that you've mentioned dating sims and how most of them are for guys, but I figured I should post it here regardless, because I honestly don't know where I'd put it otherwise...

I once traveled the internets to its most obscure depths, and found that there was this one woman who critiqued a lot of online games that almost absolutely no one cared about. The interesting thing about her was that, while she wasn't a feminazi or annoying feminist as far as I could tell, she really was a feminist, and a Fat Acceptance member as well. From what I could tell, she was really making valid points about how women were moving into the gaming world and that the misogyny needed to go the fuck away. But alas, it would probably have been better for her to talk about more popular games. There was one article in particular that made me chuckle a bit though. It was about a dating sim that featured a date-able overweight girl and 7 other chicks that, according to her description, catered to different fetishes and tropes. While I suppose I'll have to take her word for the gameplay description, she made note of the fact that, (since the game catered to fetishes) the girl took some sort of orgasmic pleasure from eating. And thus concluded her article on the game with her appreciation of the 'respect' the fat girls were getting, but criticized it for "reducing women to mere fetishes." That kind of detracted from any argument she could have made, to me anyway, because honestly I didn't feel that she realized that was kind of what dating sims with fetishes in them were supposed to do anyway...

Anyway, yeah, I like Harvest Moon, I guess. I also liked Candy Crush, but swiftly got sick of it after the first world.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Speaking of which, have you played Katawa Shoujo?



"Girly" Games

10 years ago

That was a good game. 

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

No, but now google has piqued my curiousity. What's it like?

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I found Katawa Shoujo incredibility boring.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

It's unfortunately one of those games where if you don't immediately pursue the girl, you can't get her path.

heart Hanako and Shizune.

I didn't care for the part where I had to wade through talking to Kenji, either.  If he's not an option, don't make me waste my time with his linear bs.


"Girly" Games

10 years ago


"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Rin was awesome.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

wrong reply

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I remember when my friend gave me ham-ham heartbreak in the 4th grade. I still have it (and still play it).

Ah, good times

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Cooking Mama was as girly as I could get...

Oh, Nintendogs?  Where is it?!  I wanna play wif ma puppy NAO!

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I believe most Dating Sims have Otakus as their target audience. 

The Sims are pretty cool though as a game and can be manly! Harvest Moon looks boring and childish to me but I don't think girly is the correct term.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I tried Rune Factory for the DS once since I had heard it was a "manly" version of Harvest Moon since there was combat involved, but I got bored with it.

The Sims is okay and sometimes I'll go a few stretches of playing around with it, but eventually I get distracted with another game that involves direct conflict.

I think the only "dating sim" game I messed around with was one of those games on Newsground or Kongregate (or some flash game site) but it wasn't so much of a dating sim as it was a raping sim and I still got bored with it.

Is Terraria considered "girly"? I like playing that one.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

terriaria is not girly i have alot of not female friends that play it and i play it i also play minecraft and roblox and my favorite cartoons are naruto and the tick

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Not female friends, also known as...


"Girly" Games

10 years ago


"Girly" Games

10 years ago

It is a DS game, what did you expect?

Well yeah, the Sims isn't a game to play for a lot of time. It gets repetitive IMO but it's fun if you play with someone else, don't remember if you can do it on the PC though but you could in PS2.

Pretty sure Kongregate is PG-13 so it was probably Newgrounds. Dunno which one you are referring to but it sounds like something out of MeetNFuck. I think only Newgrounds sim I've played and I liked is the 2nd Pico Sim (though I didn't play it, I just liked the events that would happen when you were working) and.... that one where you go in that motel filled with girls but that's just cause I first played it when I was 11.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Nah I think the game I played was literally a rape sim now that I'm thinking more about it. 

If I'm remembering correctly, I was a serial rapist and I had to lure a number of girls to somewhere secluded and then when successful it went into a graphic text description of how I was violating her, getting off on her fear and teaching her a lesson.

Probably found it on some random flash game site that doesn't have any restrictions on content.


"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Sounds like something you'd find in NG

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Oh, it's on new grounds.  It's called Something like domination.  You're like, a crime syndicate member, and theres other missions and stuff you can do, but the way you recharge your energy or whatever is kidnapping girls.

I can't find it right now, but I do remember playing it.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Sounds fun

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Yeah Seth's description sounds pretty accurate.

I remember one game I played on Newsground where you played as a little girl coming home from school and you find out your parents were brutally murdered. It was called The Ugly.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

And you had to hide from the guy and if you made any sound he would kill you!  I remember that game!

(How did "girly" games turn into this?)

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Sims has conflict.  I had this one family who had a crazy grandma they kept locked in the basement, and then the mother burned to death in front of her infant daughter and teenage son, and the father immediately fell in love with the firefighter who put out the smoldering remains of his ex-wife, and they ran off together, leaving the teenage son had to try and raise his baby sister, who had sadly inherited their familial insanity.  Good times.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago


"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I bragged to some dude that I finished GTA San Andreas 100% without cheating, using mods, getting busted or being killed, in only 36 hours. (there's a an imperial metric fuckton of shit to be done for 100% completion, it takes days for even an experienced player to complete it, but not so fast and not so efficient as me), and everyone was impressed.

And then there's this half-retarded redneck fag and smartass-wannabe who started laughing like a dumb kids' show dork, and said GTA is girly and the only good manly games are Farmville and city-building sims.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

... GTA is girly?

In what universe? >_>

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Wait, hold on a sec. GTA? Girly? Impossible.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

A game is a game. If I can enjoy it, I will play it. I don't really give a damn if someone thinks it goes against gender stereotypes. (Stereotypes in general tend to piss me off. I've tried games -just- because someone told me I wouldn't like them and "they're not -for- you") It's weird to see you start with Harvest Moon, though, because at its core, it's about building and caring for a farm. Try coming down here and telling a farmer that his profession is only for women. =P (Not that you'll get away with your face intact.)

I'm a decent Pokemon trainer and I kick ass in Halo. I like dating sims and Assassin's Creed. I've spent hours on Skyrim, Dark Souls, Bioshock, and Candy Crush. :P

... I didn't know there was a Hamtaro game. xD

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Oh, there's a couple.  They're great!


"Girly" Games

10 years ago

It's probably more due to the cutsey anime style of Harvest Moon rather than it being about farming that some might consider it a "girly game."

Take the same concept and make the protagonist a muscular shirtless dude with a farmer's daughter type on his arm while he tries to work the land in a post apocalyptic setting (swarming with mutant zombies of course)  and it would suddenly become the "manliness" game ever.

Holy shit, someone needs to make that game now.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

With the cutesy anime style.

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

Oh, and it has to have harvest fairies. You can't forget the harvest fairies...and cows that collapse and then mysteriously disappear instead of dying.


10 years ago

To preserve the true manilness of the upcoming post-apocalypse farming game, the cows have to die. And they need to do it graphically. When your cows die, you can't just have them falling over and croaking like a pussy, because that's not MANLY enough, no, the cows need to fucking EXPLODE, they need to make their blood and guts rain from the fucking sky!

Also, fairies are for fucking FAGS. REAL mean harvest EVERYTHING with their BARE FUCKING HANDS and swat fairies to death with rolled up newspapers!


10 years ago

That'd be a waste.

Wasting resources are for little boys who play in the mud.

It's obvious : subjugate fairies to horrendous torture to gather their tears, and tear off their wings slowly (but delicately) for resale.  Feed them to your mutant pigs and hear them scream as they're mauled alive in the trough.


10 years ago

Torture is for terrorists. Crush them over your fields to use as fertilizer, preferrably with your bare hands, because doing anything with those things is MANLY!


10 years ago

Woohoo. I can smell the testosterone through my computer. You know what...let's put up a bunch of gold fence posts just to show our swag. When the villagers show up to complain, we put a cap in their asses...a single all of their asses. Just like line 'em up perfectly and make the shot. Instead of an optional summer home, have an optional fucking zombie fighting arena. Make it so instead of additional rooms to your can add additional moonshine stills to make cheap booze to pedal to the pathetic local population. And for good measure, coerce the Harvest Goddess into having sexual relations with you (well, you can technically already do that, depending on the game). Sorry, no offense to women, zombies, or alcoholics.


10 years ago

Swag and arenas are for PUSSIES! Real men don't need arenas for an excuse to kill everything that moves! They also don't coerce godesses. They VIOLATE GODDESSES AS HARD AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN WITHOUT PROTECTION. Because protection is for FAGS. Haha see the irony in that statement? because, y'know, gays can't impregnate each other... I'm just gonna stop now...


10 years ago

Wait. Do what to the goddess? And I'm the one who gets called out for saying disrespectful things about women? The frell, man?

Anyway, I didn't say the arena was for you. You make the townspeople pay to fight and then use the money to buy the gold bricks they hate so much. When they come to you, sickle 'em to a boss. 



10 years ago

(To be honest, I think I'm disrespecting men a lot more right now. XD)



10 years ago

Memes are for the weak.  It means you're not man enough to create your own original concepts.  IF YOU'RE MAN ENOUGH, YOU WON'T HAVE A REASON TO SICKLE THEIR HEADS OFF AND DEFILE THEM.  YOU DO IT BECAUSE YOU'RE A MAN.

But honestly, we're just screwing around.  If a woman feels offended that a fellow female is getting defiled, she has yet to experience the horror when a guy learns that little boys were raped by old men.


10 years ago

I didn't say sickle their heads off. It's better if you sickle their arms off, tie them together, and use them as nunchuks.


10 years ago

Pull out their eyes, shove the eyes up their bottoms, drip baby oil in their eye sockets, make them eat their own arm starting from the shoulders,  break their teeth with their own heels, strangle their feet until they turn yellow and fall off and then beat them with their own legs and set them on fire , then slowly peel off their skin with a pickaxe and have them rolling on a floor made of legos, then, apply  techniques to keep them alive and impale them on sticks decorated with their own broken teeth while tattooing bad Spanish words on their insides, then let a malnourished pack of wild rabid boars ravage and eat the remains during a downpour of radioactive rain.


10 years ago

what has happened to this thread

it's a massacre

I thought we were talking about hamtaro


10 years ago


Just sit and take some popcorn.

There's some Kool Aid in the fridge.


10 years ago

You're next.

Fear the marmotization of CYS.



10 years ago



10 years ago

*eats Tim*

Not spicy enough!


10 years ago

Now we have rape, torture, murder, sexism, AND cannibalism.




greeeeeeaaaaatttt... *sarcasm*


10 years ago



10 years ago



10 years ago



10 years ago

You're fat.

*eats madbrad200 , Carnivine, and the guy in the pic"

"Girly" Games

10 years ago

I mean, there are games targeted towards the female population and games targeted for the male population, but at the same time, either gender could play that game. There's no sign on the kaleidoscope game that says "NO GIRLS ALLOWED TO PLAY THIS GAME." and the same for harvest moon.


Using the Harvest Moon example, there is also the other series Rune Factory which is usually targeted more towards the male populace (as shown by the fact that theres really only 1 game in that series in which you have the option of playing as a female character, and you only get that option after you beat the main storyline in which you have to play the main storyline as the male character with the female character making very few appearances until the end -I believe that is the only one-). I have played both, I know male friends who have played both, I know female friends who have played both. The line between a feminine game and a masculine game gets kinda blended in these situations.


Also for the dating sims... Again, the line gets blended a lot of times. Mainly because of the wide variety, and not only does it get blurred between the innocent-and-erotic dating sims but also in the male-and-female dating sims. I'm seeing more and more dating sims where the player has the choice of being male or female (Roomates for example, never played it but this is just what I've hear). Supposedly, in Roomates you have the choice of being the male or female protagonist and even within the male protagonist storyline you can date one of the male interests and within the female protagonists storyline you can date one of the female interests, as well as dating the opposite gender in either storylines. Because of such, it begins to blur the lines again. Not only does it give the male players a chance to play as a male and date women/men interests, but it also gives the female players a chance to play as a male and date either women/men interests, and vice versa should they chose to play as the female protagonist. Due to that, more and more people are exploring the possibilities of opening it up to both genders in many different ways.


I did play Hamtaro (the ham-ham heartbreak one), I found it adorable, and, the person who played it with me (because I struggled with some of the puzzles and just because we both found it adorable and fun) was the opposite gender. Hence both genders playing the game together even if it was considered 'girly'.


Really, it all depends on how you look at games and what kinds of games you're attracted to.