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What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Obviously a lot of things, since I've just been busy for 2 years straight, dealing with finishing high school and going to college. I've been checking in now and again to see new faces, contests and phases in the site, but I feel like I missed a few seasons of CYS.

Anybody willing to give me a CYS recap for the seasons since 2015? I'd appreciate it very much.



What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
some stuff almost happened once or twice

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

^ That's Ford who got his arss banned by betting his account (and loosing) in a contest. Kiel Farren and Sethaniel left after Kiel baisically lost his marbles. EM and Killa are mods. Steve is still Steveing. All storygames that are now 2.5 or below are taken off. 3J updated a few things.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Damn right, sweetheart. Steveing all the motherfucking day.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

That's why I haven't seen them! That makes me a little sad...

How did Kiel lose his marbles?

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago


What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

It was truly a huge shitstorm.

I wasn't even around for it either, here's how End explained it to me when I asked him one time:

Here’s what happened (LONG): 

Okay, first it’s important to know most of the people involved even if you haven’t interacted with most of them (You’ve probably seen their posts though) 

Mizal, Bucky, Iavatus (Ivy for short) and to a lesser extent Axiom, Malkalack, and Steve vs. Kiel_Farren & Soundstorm (Stormy) and to a lesser extent Tacocat 

And yeah, I ended up getting dragged into it as well. 

Basically ever since Kiel got promoted to mod a few months ago, he’s slowly been pissing off some folks with his behavior. The guy didn’t go full douchebag immediately but he started acting like an overly sensitive passive aggressive “scolding mom.” (Actually I always thought he had an annoying personality at times, but we were usually cordial to each other, so why get into an argument?) 

Axiom actually stopped posting anything mainly because she felt like Kiel was always attacking her. She tried to reason with him in PMs, but it didn’t go well and he just claimed she was making everything up in her head. 

In any case, it was an ongoing thing with Kiel, Ivy, Bucky and Mizal for a couple months. Barbs were exchanged, posts deleted, threads deleted, etc. 

Kiel was also seemingly docking points from people for no real good reason. 

Things got uglier over at BHB when Kiel’s friend Stormy started jumping in to white knight him and started insulting everyone and the site in general. It escalated over there until Aman and Drak deleted all the posts from both sides. (Actually the entire CYS Discussion thread there is gone now) 

Mizal had an endless exchange of PMs with Stormy who is one of those people that tries to claim she’s “nice and polite” when she’s a real asshole that tries to mask it behind this veil of “politeness.” 

The next big thing was Ivy ended up getting REALLY into it with Kiel and ultimately got himself banned. Another BHB argument occurred around that time as well since Ivy took the fight over there. 

Meanwhile, there’s a chat site some of us hang out at. Well Mizal stupidly invited a guy called Mason over there and during one of the chat sessions, a few of the people there said something about Kiel being “a fag” (Along with a couple of other things about his personality in general) Mason ended up screen shotting it and telling Kiel. 

On a certain level I thought it was sort of funny, but I’m a bit chaotic that way and really this “war” wasn’t really my concern anyway, I’m just amused by the lulz. Mason’s rep however isn’t too good around certain people though and Bucky went back into his story for example and deleted ALL of Mason’s contributions and took him off as co-author. 

So naturally Stormy started claiming that the chatroom, (Which is really about writing and general bullshit in general) was a “Hate group site” solely created to hate on Kiel! Lol. (It’s even funnier because another CYSer you might remember, James used to claim that BHB was created to mock him and everyone had a good laugh about that too) 

Oh and to top it all off, Kiel’s was upset with me, because I didn’t defend his honor when everyone else was calling him a fag and other names. What the fuck? Really? 

It’s like dude, you’re not “m’lady” and I’m not fucking you, why the hell would I HAVE to defend you from “mean words” on the goddamn internet? Lol. 

And if he REALLY thought we were such good internet buddies, I sure as hell didn’t know about it. 

Not to mention even the people I do like on this site get mocked. If he thought he was some sort of exception, he hasn’t been paying attention. I wrote an entire story mocking Ivy getting banned for example and I didn’t defend him (Of course Kiel thought THAT was funny) and I’m still cool with Ivy. 

Around this time, JJJ had returned and he’s not exactly thrilled with Kiel’s modding style. Mizal, Bucky and several others were pushing for me to be mod, but of course NONE of the other mods wanted me to be a mod. 

JJJ was fine with the idea of me being a mod (Actually he wanted someone to be a dissenting opinion in that circle), but he didn’t want Kiel (due to his contributions) to leave the site which apparently Kiel threatened to do. 

Which I gotta say out of all this drama; THAT was the complete fucking bitch move as far as I’m concerned of where I just lost ALL respect since Kiel basically threw a tantrum and said he was going to take his ball and go home if he didn’t get his way. 

Still, JJJ didn’t want Kiel to just dock people points for petty reasons and he didn’t want Ivy banned (Ivy finally has another alt which isn’t banned now) so things just sort of quietly settled for a moment. 

I think JJJ was worried that I might leave, but I told him I wasn’t leaving. None of this is THAT important to make that much of a fuss over. 

Besides, why should I leave? Kiel’s the one that sucks. Lol. 

Okay, so that’s ALL the first bit of this shit that happened, now on to the second chapter! 

Well things were quiet for awhile and Kiel was actually keeping a lower profile. Meanwhile Mizal and the rest of the gang were doing like wise. 

Things came to a head when ANOTHER one of the Ex-members of that group TharaApples, started arguing with Mizal for some reason (I swear, Mizal can’t get along with other women at all, lol). It was sort of a strange shitstorm, and it lead to two other members Steve and ShadowHills calling for the other to be banned but it all just sort of jumped off the chaos that ultimately led to Kiel getting demodded. 

Kiel started joking around with another member Seto, and talking about him sitting on his lap and generally being creepy. It was like some weird soft core cyber sex routine on the forums. Got to the point where Mizal, Bucky (and it was his thread where this was occurring) Axiom and a few others pointed out how fucking creepy Kiel was being. 

Kiel protested and said he didn’t understand what the big deal was since “EndMaster talked about fucking someone’s mom.” and Tacocat, tried to defend his point. But even without me even having to say shit, more than a few people pointed out, all I did was make a “Your mom” joke as opposed to what he was doing which was cybering with a teenager (and this guy is in his mid 20s) 

Really I wasn’t surprised, because Kiel had done this sort of “joking around” in past threads before. This time though Malk and several other screenshotted everything and showed it to JJJ. 

JJJ wasn’t pleased about it and thought it was really inappropriate. Also Kiel owed Bucky an apology for modding his posts unlawfully. 

Kiel disappeared again, and didn’t pop up again until recently. He didn’t apologize and that was the last straw. JJJ demodded him and promoted me and Killa Robot since Seth who is sort of buddies with Kiel (And is currently too worried about his real life health) doesn’t want to be involved anymore. 

Instead of accepting all this, Kiel blocked his PMs so JJJ couldn’t at least talk to him about the situation (And he didn’t just do it at CYS, he did it at the other BHB website too) AND he apparently had made a backdoor handle so he could still lurk about in the moderation thread and have admin functions. But JJJ caught on to it and Kiel pretty much fucked himself by doing that. 

So basically JJJ had to drag EVERYTHING out in the open forums because he couldn’t talk to Kiel via PMs and it was a complete shitstorm between the warring factions and everyone else who had an opinion on the matter. The thread stayed up a day and a half (And I stayed completely out of it) and then got deleted. 

As it all stands now, Kiel and his group have pretty much disappeared from the site. They lurk, but don’t say much anymore. (Taco is about the only one who posts and only in the game forums) 

Anyway, that’s about all the highlights. 

Or as Mizal put it “Kiel is a faggot. How it started, how it ended.” 

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
I wrote an article about how unclassy it is to post PMs and everything, gosh don't be a Taco.

The short version was just the making of the shared account being such a huge security no no, and the mind-blowing overreaction to having JJJ (privately) call him out on it and saying he was temporarily removing admin powers. That alone proved he should never have had them. Turning off PMs was some toddler level shit and crossed more of line for me than even the secret account thing.

The rest was just icing. I mean, in theory it sucks for the site, but no one forced him to leave or turn into a weird creep and most of us got along with him pretty well before he went off the deep end.

And the way it happened was just such quality drama. Kiel was one of the better forum members and definitely one of the better writers and had been for years, then after like four months of being granted internet power spiralled away into crazy town and then had a complete meltdown at having it taken away.

I don't recall anyone else on the site ever self destructing is such spectacular fashion (though admittedly Taco and Soundy contributed to the shitstorm aftermath even more than he did) which is why the legend of Bad Mod Kiel will always endure. It's a cautionary tale about the corrupting influence of power and too much anime.

Does anyone still have that super dramatic call to arms Taco sent out to like half the site BTW? That was probably my favorite part.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

>I wrote an article about how unclassy it is to post PMs and everything, gosh don't be a Taco. 

yeah I guess but it's not like its super confidential info, also it's a great write up, so I'm gonna make an educated guess and say end probablyyyyy wouldn't have a problem here.

though looking it over I maybe couldve redacted some of the parts where he expresses his personal opinions.

>Does anyone still have that super dramatic call to arms Taco sent out to like half the site BTW? That was probably my favorite part.

Oh man I would love to see that.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
after some extensive searching I have concluded that both: it was never posted on the forums (though I swear I remember it) and it was never saved or archived in any way. Not even as an image.

Edit:: The bad mod kiel thing goes back further than I anticipated. Will be searching further.

Edit2:: Further searching has yielded nothing. The original statement is true AFAIK.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
@betaband posted a copy once IIRC

Sentinel may have one too.

I might have a screenshot....somewhere, it really really seems like something I would have saved. I'll need to dig around more, but later. Actually I'm fairly certain I have a copy in my inbox at BHB bit can't remember or retrieve my password :(

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Yeah I have it, although I never posted it. That mysterious and devilishly attractive fellow KillerKielstar posted it.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Meh, I don't care if it was posted. I made my feelings about the situation pretty clear a long time ago.

I probably would have been more vocal at the time when that shitstorm of a thread happened, but since JJJ was really trying to resolve things in a more civil manner, I stayed out of it so as not to add more fuel to the fire.

Which apparently didn't matter anyway since everyone else was doing a good job on both sides without me saying anything.

EDIT: All I remember about Taco's call to arms was she called JJJ a "Goddamn fucking sonofabitch" and that he flushed all of CYS' talent down the toilet by getting rid of Kiel and promoting me and Killa as his personal "guard dogs" (Yes because Killa is just known for his cruel attacks on forum members. Lol) And that JJJ did all this because he was afraid that Kiel would one day replace him.

Yeah, interesting imagination. Pity it wasn't used for actually making a story.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Make a story about it, End. :P

Perhaps it would be interesting to see something like that unfold in that dark storyteller mind of yours.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
At least Taco had the excuse of being a 14-15 year old girl infatuated with the older man chatting her up on Skype, to the point she was filling up galleries with furry Kiel fanart and he was I guess, encouraging it. And at least she was attempting to write.

Soundstorm, I just have no idea. Basically her entire reason for existence here and on BHB was to complain about how much she hated the community, white knight Kiel, and randomly attack people on his behalf. And I'm not even exaggerating, those were the only posts she ever made, and she had zero involvement in the community otherwise.

Also I've never been able to confirm it but allegedly while sending me her 'nice' PMs she was working hard behind the scenes to get 'Mizal and friends' banned. Because faggot is a hurtful word, especially when spoken off site in a private chat.

(I mean, let someone get away with THAT, and the next thing you know you have people writing CYS erotica in Discord...)

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
Well this is annoying, I know it was posted somewhere and it seems very out of character for me not to have saved it. :/

The closest I could find was one of the PMs she sent to 3J, which she sent first to Sentinel so a witness would exist if 3J had her eliminated. End was misremembering the source of the 'motherfucking bitch' line apparently. Also I went ahead and tacked the best summation of the entire thread from Sent on the end there.

It's kind of sad we don't get any really good drama anymore. End is just too good at his job. :(

Anyway I guess I'm going to go reread the Breezy thread now while I'm on this trip down memory lane. Good times, good times.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Well, that explains everything about this thingy I guess. Thnx Fazz.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Yeah I was wondering what the whole bad mod Kiel thing was about too.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Great write up. On the same boat as Leo at the moment. The whole situation about Kiel is just unfortunate; really respected him when I was still around what-with all the reviews and writing prompts he hosted. Nice to see some old faces still around, however.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Dang, man. Lemme hop into that boat with the two of you. I've been back after a few years as well. Kiel was like this big momma to everyone. Seems like he went batshit crazy. Weird what time does to people, eh?

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Well it’s like they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

You don’t need to worry about that with me though, I was always the villain.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Well, that brought a lot more drama to the fore that I didn't expect. But hey, it happens just like you say. Honestly, End, you always seemed like Chaotic Neutral to me XD. Growing up through high school and even now I have always respected that about you!

Either way, I'm glad to see some of the old faces and plenty of new ones! You guys make the site for lurkers and semi-lurkers like us!


What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

I thought Kiel was great up until this. I was on one of my classic hiatuses at the time, and when I came back, the forums were spazzing out along the lines of, "WTF KIEL IS BANNED!" or "Finally the fag is GONE!" And I was as confused as possible.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
Also, let it never be forgotten that a Warrior Cat publishing a troll story about Kiel masturbating was what set off the whole chain of events.

We must never let our guards down, the cats are still among us and seek only to destroy.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

This is actually amazing.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Oh shit that's what happened...? Glad I was being a typical inactive noob at the time.


What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Ford, is that really you?

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
We still hate Warrior Cats.

and children.

Forum games is dead and replaced with the Creative Corner.

We have regular contests now.

More people need to write reviews. have commendations already and were writing poems about Orders so I guess you at least don't need that part explained.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

The most important thing was my arrival, surely.

Probably not

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
I enjoy that our broke ass commendation system makes you the most important person on the site, and specifically about three times more important than Steve.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Some of us come to a writer's site to write. Some come to serve. I'm the former, Minnie's the latter. I'm not entirely sure why you're here, but eventually I hope you take up the latter because you sure as shit aren't getting around to the former.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

This was a very insightful thread.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Welcome back!

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

I expect to be around much more, though never again as much as I was in high school. I'm just about finished with college and just got promoted into management with a retail chain I've been working with for a couple years.

Thanks for welcoming me! It's always quite nice to come back here, see old chums and new usernames. How have you been in these more recent days? The question goes for all those wanting to give it answer. 


What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Have had ups and downs, I'm in high school now. More ups than downs lately.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Damn, so many old usernames popping up in the forums these days haha. Glad to see you're back, congrats on the promotion.

Your dark lord of antkind link won't work anymore since that forum got purged :/ Still, good memories of a good game.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Man, what a shame. there was much fun had on that game. I'm not surprised Forum Games sputtered out and died.

That is what happened right? Or is it that a mod grew tired of there existence?

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
the latter

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago


What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
Of course.

Though for good reason. "free form" games became common place and essentially spam fests of 1 - 2 word posts. Initially the change was forum game posts didn't count towards post count so trophies were still obtainable by people who didn't play forum games. It ended up being judged that forum games don't contribute to the site's goal/theme of literature and quality writing so it was chucked.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Sounds about right. "Free Form" always appeared to me as heaping piles of trash anyway, without reason or the semblance of progress.

Good games require structure and goals. Are all forms of forum game now disallowed?

Originally, long ago, the handful of forum games we had were in the lounge. Assassin in the Castle, Werewolf, Continent, and a few others.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Thanks. Kind of a shame. A few were quite fun, 3J himself hosted several, as did BZ, October, and Seth.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Actually, from the look of it, what I just read at least, system games are still allowed, which is what I have always favored.

"We're looking to be a place where mature writers can come to write excellent stories, play sophisticated or fascinating forum games, and engage in interesting conversation with likeminded individuals.?"

The posts went on to explain that systems were fine, then in answer to a question of what is meant by a system game,

"1. System games are games with thorough rule systems in place to prevent power-gaming. Freeform games are systemless or contain systems that don't sufficiently limit power-gaming.

2. If the quality of writing is good, you'll likely be fine. However, if the core concept of the story is that it's extremely 'random', and plotless, and without good characterization or branching, then it better be exceedingly funny."

All quoted content posted originally by 3J.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

About the closest thing to a forum game that's allowed now is something like this:

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

That is a cool idea.

I was thinking about the high quality games that were run around here...ohh...5 or 6 years ago.

Thanks for clearing that up End.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
There are two entire forums semi-related to this one that are all about role-playing. One for the detailed and interesting kind and one for illiterate furry retards. Or people can hang out here and write stories. CYS as always is all about the choices.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
I'm sure there are other games possible, just the kind of posters who could only pretend to fight zombies, shittily, weren't creative enough to come up with them and no one else has cared to.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Further, do we have Harry Potter houses now or something? What's the story and function of Orders and Commendations.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Literally nothing so far.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago
Commendations are supposed to be given for excellent examples of writing/advice.

Orders don't have a major function yet, aside from the winning order (whichever has the most commendations among its members in a day) being red. Not sure if JJJ has future plans for them.

Both are things JJJ introduced when he was coding parts of the site.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

Thanks, I'll check out the article. I failed to consider that there might be one.

What have I missed on CYS?

7 years ago

What Killa said. Also the sages are the best. There is also an article on this.