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My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago

ive fell under certain tough circumstances the last few months in terms of my personal life my job status & most importantly my home status. Let’s just say I took on too much at one time, between moving to a new $1,800 a month apartment with a family member & I started to desperately look for ways to make more money. So I started gambling in the hopes I could make more then I played in blackjack. I got myself so badly screwed with losing more money then I won that I really upset my family in spending thousands, I still live in the same place & im still working good hours with my new job. But does anyone have some serious information to add to this 

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago

I think you're the first self-proclaimed gambling addict we've had on here, so there's that.

Not much else I can add since, never been much into gambling, but I guess stay away from the casinos and if you feel the urge to gamble, just come to CYS and gamble your points on a sure thing like people utterly failing to turn in a story for the contests on here.

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago
Well...that really sucks but I don't know what to tell you, except maybe next time just consider that any sort of gambling place is a successful business and those don't MAKE money by being in the habit of giving it away.

A part time job or even just screwing around on the internet all day doing absolutely nothing productive would have left you in a better situation. Hopefully just this one monumental fuck up on your part was enough to break the habit, sorry it had to be the hard way but gambling is something meant to be done for fun by people using excess income, it's not and never has been a way to pull yourself out of any kind of hole and if used that way will just dig it deeper.

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago

Well that really sucks man. In any case good luck, and push through until you’ve made it. Hard work is almost always a solution to these kinds of problems,

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago
Before this thread either gets ignored or descends into the usual retardery I just want to point out to the OP that it's a little beyond the skillset of anyone here to provide actual useful advice if that's what you're looking for. Gambling addiction is a serious problem on par with drug addiction and can fuck up people's lives and their family's lives just as badly (which you at least seem to recognize at this point) so I hope you're also looking for support in places that aren't random internet forums full of idiots and children. might be a place worth looking at, although I'm sure there are plenty of other resources and hotlines etc out there.

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago

I appreciate the support that everyone has shown in a situation that really nobody can control on here. I’m looking into support groups for gambling so I can go there on my free time when nothings planned after work. But just thanks for caring honestly 

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago
Okay, so throwing money away on games of chance isn't something that I'd do, but I do understand the thrill of gambling. Like selling everything you own, moving to a place where there's no one to fall back on if things get tough, spending every penny you have on a bunch of equipment that you know absolutely nothing about and teaching yourself how to operate it correctly so you don't end up living in a cardboard box ... that kinda thing. I've done this a few times and recommend it to every young person I know. Well, except for the really slow witted and backward ones. They should just take what they can get and hope life doesn't throw 'em a curve.

Anyway, it's good when you recognize your weaknesses and attempt to get help before things get too far out of hand. So ... good job!

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago
Selling everything and moving might but be a bad idea for someone paying $1800 for rent, damn. Never understood why people live in those kinds of cities unless they have a very specific job that requires them to be there. 2 bedroom is like $800 here.

My battle against recent gambling addiction

6 years ago

... How much would you say a 1 bedroom is?

Asking for a friend.