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I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Seriously, i just read a bit of a book and told some admins my friend got hacked on here. someone i know from discord got hacked and they got their account banned by posting alot of negative stuff

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Oh noes! You posted negative stuff? That's horrible. Why would you do that?

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

No. the hacker on my friends account did. i don't post negative stuff

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Also. Why the heck doesn't anyone believe me? Two people in two different states can share the same birthday. We found each other on discord in a server about chilling and relaxing. I'm female, he's male. Also, If you must know more about him, Just contact him on discord, He's isumahataka. I'm Alexis Sweets. o,o

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
You're still posting with the same device as the last few times, dipshit.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Oh my god lmao

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

By any chance do you and your friend and the hacker just all happen to use the same computor? :p

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

we don't? I'm on a phone, not a pc hun

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Are you the furry friend that wanted to mate dogs or you are the one that wanted bang in the ass with shit nibbas that you have jailed in the closet? Degenerates obsessed with weird shit that fake being stolen the account. When They have the exactly same IP

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

i don't know much about ip's, but i am on a cellphone. and yes. I'm a furry. 

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Shocking. ^_^

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Listen and learn, little newb. An IP adress is something that every device that connects to the internet has. Your computor, your tablet, or in your case, your phone. The admins of the site can check every member's IP adress to see if you're a troll. This means they can see that you and your "friend who lives in another state" and the "hacker" are all making accounts on the same phone... So, the next time you make an account saying, "Who is this AlexisSweets person? I'm not AlexisSweets. My name is FurryFurryYiffYiff3000. I've never even heard of AlexisSweets!" And then the mods ban you all the same, you'll know why. ^_^

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

... Oh shit, it's a hun-bot!!! O.O

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Shut up

You're in the library

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Banned for not practicing social distancing. You and hellbane are standing so close to each other right now you might as well be the same person! Gross! (Literally all you have to do is stop making these accounts and then immediately drawing attention to them. Just shut the fuck up. If you'll just stop being an obsessive idiot it really is that easy!)

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

no wonder he said this site ain't worth it to log into. God you people are rude.. all i was trying to say was that we wanted to read books.. Me and him live states away from each other. just stop banning me atleast. i haven't even read a book yet. if you keep banning me I'll just keep making new accounts. Your account creation thing is to lax. doesn't even check if the email exists.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Damn, is this the 114th Alexis you've made? Got to give you point for persistance. ^_^

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

and god forbid something bad ever happens to your account. because obviously everyone else will give you any benefit of the doubt. you titless wonder.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

And yes. i called you Titless. because you don't deserve breasts.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

FUCK that is such a good burn! How will they ever recover? 

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
I literally just gave you a pass to make an account no one would bother, and easy, easy instructions on how to pull it off. But you want to go this route.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

if only your brain were that easy to comprehend. You know nothing, and you moderate like a jerk. You should have been nice about all this in the first place. You think just because someone uses a vpn, that they automatically are the same person. No, i use his nord vpn to watch His netflix. thats all. ò,ó. if i turned that off, I'm all the way in fucking florida, not one of the carolinas.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

VPN and IP adress are not the same thing, "hun"

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Who needs tits with hips like those?

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

... The most interesting thing here is that you replied this to yourself. o.O

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Uses 'hellbain' in email address. It's a yahoo address every time. hellbane used '113' in their yahoo address. Same date of birth. Both logging in from the same device in Wake Forest, NC. Both claim to be 23 while acting like they're 13. Both are retarded and generally unlikeable. But nah it's totally different people.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
So this furry is half penis half tit... And a Nibba?

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I'm not black?

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

... Okay, that made me laugh. >.<

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

thats illegal doxing btw.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Damn mizal! I sure hope this 12 year old hasn't saved up enough pocket money to hire a lawyer. O.O

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

i don't need money to sue you when i have insurance to cover legal matters

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Yes, please have your lawyer contact me once his face is drawn on and your hand is firmly inserted up his soft woolly bottom. Trust me that I'll give this all the seriousness such a threat deserves.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

You think we're joking mizal? Bask in fear of the greatest prosecutor you will ever see!

Go ahead, just try to plead... Knot-guilty!

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
You might be enjoying this just a little too much.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

If I was a mod this one would be banned forever for hating boobs

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I love how quickly this kid went from "I don't post negative stuff" to "You don't deserve to have tits." :p

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

When connecting to the VPN, you will be assigned a unique private IP address, no other device on this VPN will have that IP address. However, you may be sharing the same Public IP with multiple VPN users, just like you


learn your facts 

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

we share the same vpn with a public ip based in north Carolina

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
You literally just said you didn't know anything about IPs. Now you're pretending you do. Which one was the lie? Can you yourself even tell the difference anymore? But shhhh, it's okay hun, it doesn't even matter now. You've gotten yourself permabanned purely on your own merits. The 'boohoo I'm just here to read' excuse would've been more convincing if you'd made an account and used it to read. But I can see you're hooked on the attention here and just can't stop coming back to beg for more, just like all those times your Uncle Bill gave you candy to sit on his lap.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

It's a shame. No amount of treats can coax my kitten to sit on my lap anymore... I really don't get why.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

Fuck you tiny whore. I'm helbane. leave sweets alone. your site ain't worst shit. btw. don't dox people. it makes you look like a shit person. my email can stay out your bitchy mouth. besides. i got 10 of em. Not that i need them to even get into this site. and North Carolina isn't even where i live. i live in the west coast.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

ban me all you like. i got nord VPN and tor.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

not that I'm ever coming back.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

What a shame. You will be truely missed. :(

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I agree mizal. Leave sweets alone... With the size of them hips, I'd say you don't need them... On the other hand, they may assist in the titties department. :p

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Why... are you using a vpn to begin with?

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I say we rise up against the evil mods and turn CYS into a furry utopia! Join with me, AlexisSweets! With my superior hacking skills, we shall take over the site!!!

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I remember the first time I saw the fucktard on this site. He started a thread, and after a bunch of complaining he got the fuck banned for being an asshole, and promptly left.

After that I was like, 'Omg this is the most pathetic thread I've ever seen. Fuck off you fucking twat.'

Then another one popped up, and he just disappeared. I'd never heard of him, so I just assumed he was some random threadfag.

I guess that makes him a lost cause, considering he already been kicked the fuck out of the entire site.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

you're the reason the riots are going on about race and sex. dick head. go donate to it instead.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
Lol, fag

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

I don't actually have a problem with race or sex, but the fact that some random twat is still here makes me uncomfortable. I don't want him around to fucking befaggot me.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago
You disgrace the name of Hellboy, and for that you will burn.

I'm still a whining faggot.

4 years ago

lol fag