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I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Got it yesterday. Moderna. But I've been really busy learning to control all these nabobots I've been injected with and enjoying the sweet high speed internet from these 5G towers I'm hooked up to.

Anyone else managed to get one yet? I mean apparently all you have to do is sign up on a waiting list and then fucking lie about a condition they're not allowed to question you on, thus depriving someone who needs it to not die. But in my case it was a free perk for adding 15 hours or so to my work week. I'm sure that possibly won't kill me.

Just in time too since the mask mandate has ended in Texas and we'll just in general be pretending even harder now that germs aren't real because Trump won the election. Nothing owns the libs quite like dying.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

I haven't, but the old woman I'm a caregiver for got her second vaccine shot today. Don't know if my mom's gotten any shots yet. Greg Abbott is case the Great Freeze didn't clue you in on that one.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
I'm pretty convinced this was just a quick and easy way to distract all those people angry about their several thousand dollar electric bills for the week they didn't have power.

Hospitals and nursing homes here went days without water, but these retards sure are all ecstatic about having a minor inconvenience removed.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
As a caregiver shouldn't you be eligible? People who worked with the elderly officially were in the 1a priority group anyway.

Not sure how they're doing it in other places, but here after weeks of the online forms and phone lines for registration being crashed in the first thirty seconds of becoming available, they just set up waiting lists for the 1b group where they randomly select however many people a week. If you can get on anything like that in your case I think you should. There's people who have gotten it with much less of an excuse, they literally ask zero questions at any point in process and just have you check a box saying you have some vague unconfirmed condition when you register.

"Obesity" is a qualifying medical risk, that's everyone in Texas.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

Moderna is, in my opinion, the better one. If I recall the statistics correctly, the vaccine becomes 80% effective within a week of the first dose, but unfortunately you can't stop wearing a mask until the pandemic is over, because idiots will see people without masks and decide that they can stop wearing theirs. Although I'm not sure how many people even wore masks in the first place in your part of Texas.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
>Although I'm not sure how many people even wore masks in the first place in your part of Texas.

People forced to by an employer, people forced to in order to shop somewhere, some women, and some people over 70.

The men between 45-60 are the ones who turned it all into a matter of MUH RIGHTS.

But at least we're not Mississippi. Even if it winds up the last bastion of free humans standing against the government controlled hunter seeker nano-zombies, it's still Mississippi.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

I haven't been vaccinated yet (being 16 I'm at the very end of the list), but both my mom and my grandparents have gotten vaccinated. I'm not sure which one they got, but I think my mom got either Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson. 

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

I have barely left the house for almost 3 years now and still somehow came close to catching it on multiple occasions.

The vaccines aren't here but the tests are everywhere. Masks are still a thing that most people do, except if they're like on the sidewalk or something. Places are still closed but somehow our local gamestop wasn't one of the many that were shut down. And thanks to hedge fund rebellion, they're actually hiring.

Congratulations on being an objectively superior human being compared to the 80% of weaker population.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

The place I work at has been placing me on a list to go and get the vaccine, but I have yet to be contacted about actuall getting the shot. Not sure which shot they will be giving me, but i could really use the extra wifi connection that I've been earing about XD

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
I'm young and healthy so I'm going to wait as long as possible since there are still people trying to get it who need it more but can't. I'm not waiting too long though because there are also all THOSE people who should be ahead of me because of their health but just won't do it. Last thing I want is for them all to change their minds because of something they saw on Facebook, and then suddenly I'm the one who can't get it because a boomer who spent a year hollering about them liberal pussies wearing masks suddenly gets to fucking cut in line just because he smokes and lives on pork rinds.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Maybe you should just get it asap? I understand you want to be considerate, but what about being considerate to the people around you? It may actually prevent others from getting sick if you get it sooner rather than later. Just my two cents.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Well my mom is kind of against it which is the other problem, and either she or my uncle would have to drive me.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Did your face fall off or are the conspiracy theories wrong again?

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

My mom recently got her second dose and her face turned to slush and sloughed off. Although, she did get Pfizer, so that was probably the mistake.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
You don't seem to concerned, was sloughed off face an improvement on her looks?

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

You're saying this like people's faces don't slough off at regular intervals.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Got my second shot yesterday. No side effects besides a slightly sore arm. I've been hearing so much fear mongering about the second dose, but this one was even easier than the first one.

Still a lot of people around me being retarded about it and spreading misinformation though.

Just had this cool old black guy come in at my work, spent like 15 minutes talking to the cashiers about Jesus, they're hitting it off great, everything is fine....then the subject switches to the vaccine and he starts going on about how important it is everyone gets it. Actually seemed very well informed with statistics and everything about the different vaccines available and the variant strains and all. Well five minutes of that and now that he left I can hear them over there shit talking the poor guy. Basic medical science is actually more divisive than both politics and religion now.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

Which vaccine did you get? I am about to get the second shot of Moderna and my bud got really sick for a few days after getting his second shot. I'm not really worried about it because if I get sick, I get sick, and if I don't then great. I do think it is important for people to get the vaccine, but I also think that everyone should talk to their doctor on the risks that each vaccine could have. Because anything medical could effect each person differently enough to cause some kind of concerns, and if they don't feel 100% about the vaccine then that is their decision that they can make with their doctor.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Moderna is the one I got. It seems to just effect people randomly just like covid itself. I don't know anyone personally that had a bad response to it but I know it can happen.

But to me it just seems like if someone's health is so fragile they're worried about what a vaccine they can schedule and plan around could do to them, the possibility of covid at any random unknown time or level of severity would be far scarier. At work I arranged things in advance so I could deal with being out of commission a couple days if needed without getting behind, but thankfully (?) it turned out not to be necessary.

Most of the people I hear against it don't have any real argument though, I think it's just a MUH RIGHTS thing combined with vague but persistent fears of being turned into a zombie by government nanobots that they don't want to share out loud. Almost everyone I know IRL not wanting to get it (aka almost everyone I know IRL) is saying it just doesn't "sit right" with them or makes them nervous without elaborating as to why.

Really I was forced to jump on this maybe earlier than I would've under normal circumstances just by the realization almost no one else around me was ever going to get vaccinated, while they were already giving up on any kind of other precautions at the same time.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Glad to hear that you already got vaccinated. Here we're not only behind on vaccinations, we're also reaching record high cases after a year of being in lockdown.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
How does that work? People just ignoring lockdown?

I'm honestly really amazed things have gone so smoothly in the US...or at least in some areas. Where I am we're at the phase where anyone over 18 can sign up and get it in a couple of weeks at the most. North and south neighbors not doing too hot though... Mexico is one thing but when Canadians are threatening to move here you know somebody done fucked up.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago

So in Arizona, anyone 16 and over can sign up now, and most of my friends have already gotten the first dose. My mom is now fully vaccinated and my dad is getting his second shot in a week. My parents decided that I shouldn't get the vaccine, but at least I'll have herd immunity soon.

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Something like that.

We were placed on a slightly lighter lockdown a few months ago where people will be allowed to cross borders if they have a health permit where it says that they're COVID 19 free. Problem is there are lots of people that started to sell fake permits to people (mostly tourists) which might have helped spread the virus.

Then there are people who had to ignore the lockdown in order to make a living because the last time we got any kind of financial assistance from the government was a year ago and even then not everyone was given help.

Since the middle of March until now we're recording cases 10 times of what we have last January. The surge in number of cases was so massive we're literally running out of hospital space to accommodate people

Now we're back to the strictest level of lockdown. The first time they did it it ruined the economy and we reached 45% unemployment rate and all they did that time was take down a TV station that's critical of the administration. No strengthening of healthcare system and no mass testing. Now that we're in lockdown again they got no plans again, and still, no mass testing

I'm honestly wish the vaccine situation here is like there because it's going really slow here

I got a vaccine!

3 years ago
Damn, I do remember reading that the situation was bad there but hadn't looked into it in detail. This whole situation really puts the strain on people in places with incompetent/uncaring governments above all, and that unemployment situation is brutal, there's no way them just ignoring it leads to anything good.

Stay safe out there.