I don't want to die just because I've written stories--- Oh wait, nevermind, wrong interpretation.
Honestly, it depends on the context. For any ordinary reader, when reading a piece of fiction, the key takeaways will often be their own and thus influenced by their background, beliefs, and life experiences. DOA often happens subconsciously when we read, because most people don’t research an author when interpreting their work. We can see this through reviews on the site. I've even gotten positive reviews mentioning things I cannot be given credit for, as I did not intend them while writing, but someone else did when reading my work. (Thanks for making me look smarter than I am!) Therefore, DOA exists in this case.
Yet, the opposite occurs when you're doing a literary analysis (I've done too many in high school lol). This takes into account the author's intention when writing and involves a lot of speculation about the meaning behind specific diction/ use of literary devices; most of the time, this requires digging into the author's background too. That probably ties in to what Tman is saying. Here, the author's interpretation is most important, namely because the focus is on finding out what they intended in the first place.
And I realize none of this actually answers the question. Anyway, yes, in the grand scheme of things I believe an author's intention should hold more weight than an ordinary person's if a disagreement arises and someone is set on determining the "right" interpretation or whatever the closest thing to that is. But sometimes, maybe there's no right interpretation. I’ve disagreed with myself on metaphors I've used based on what stage of a story I'm at. Part of what makes fiction so fun is the different interpretations one can glean from the same piece; this means someone can read WATW and think the protagonist is a self-insert and the man who gives you an opportunity to prove yourself at the inciting incident is an allusion to End giving you a chance to demonstrate your writing capabilities on CYS through his contest. Then again, I could be completely wrong, and blue curtains might not mean anything other than the curtains being blue. (Or maybe it was red, I don't remember what that rant against literary analysis I read years ago said).
I'm going to finish by saying that if none of this makes sense, it's because I'm not very awake at the moment. But please, if you're reading this, do feel free to interpret my words in a way that makes me seem highly knowledgeable to exercise the concept of DOA.