I'm going to my grandpa's house on Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, this is my dad's side of the family, and nobody on his side can cook.
Shamefull it is not, but I'll be eating sausage rolls (saucijzenbroodjes) and zongzhi. I haven't eaten them in a while.
Meeting up at my house with close family then maybe taking that "walk" with a few friends before eating.
Could be the greatest thanksgiving since 2016 assuming my Lions don't blow it again.
Well my Lions are playing like absolute shit on thanksgiving like usual.
My family has stated that I will not be required to go to the celebration or do any sort of social interaction if I cook all of the food for the party of thirty or so.
I consider this to be a comically awful deal, but I very much do not want to talk to anyone and thus I'll be spending my weekend figuring out how to debone a turkey.
She said over the weekend, so I thought maybe it was some Turkish "Thanksgiving" that took place around the same time, but on a different day.
Well anyway, good luck with that TCat, you always are the determined one to avoid social interaction.
The turkey did not cause food poisoning and vaguely bordered the realm of edible, and I wasn't forced to interact with anyone, so I would consider the task a success.
I hope everyone else had a nice Thanksgiving too.