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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

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3 months ago


(Actually reading is optional)

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3 months ago

How about this one too. Will has been actually reading a lot of other people's stuff and nobody can click a button for him, very sad.

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3 months ago

This sounds awesome, I actually planned to write a RDR fanfiction last year, but I never got around to it, so I will certainly give this one a read. And Will has given me plenty of reviews so it seems rather boorish not to give one in return.

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3 months ago

I'm going to read Will's story when I get back from campus.

His stories tend to be great.

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3 months ago

I dunno who you people are, but consider yourselves recruited.

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3 months ago

To hear is to obey.

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3 months ago
I tried reading it, I just can’t do romance.

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3 months ago
Well, reading’s optional anyhow.

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3 months ago
It would be dishonest to not read it though. I’m gonna read it and rate it, just not gonna like it.

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3 months ago

Oh, might as well tag her to rate Thara's story as well seeing as she's not doing anything important.


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3 months ago

Yes sir. Sorry sir.

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3 months ago
Commended by EndMaster on 5/22/2024 2:28:56 PM

Oh wow, this now has 50 ratings. Now I have to finish that third story-game now. No more excuses can work now.

I'll start working on it again.

Thank you, End. And to a lesser extent, thank you people that rated my game.

But the biggest thanks goes to End, since it was at his behest and all. 

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3 months ago

You're welcome.

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3 months ago

Wait, what? You want me to... Read something? Me? What do you take me for? An actual contributing member of the site?

... Yeah, sure, fuck it. ^_^