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Site Updates 2024

one month ago
General thread for 2024 updates to the codebase.

Stuff is changing in the background. Most users will notice nothing different. If you're not on the discord server you will have no idea what is going on, but that's ok. I forgive you. Just know that you are safe here in my arms :^)

The next update will happen on 9/11 - so if nobody is able to login on that day and the site dies we'll have our own 9/11 to never forgetti.

Maybe I'll push some changes that end-users will actually notice, you never know. Also the development of a new engine has been started in earnest. Best get your dreams and wishes for the editor in front of me before I make irreversible design decisions that make your "turing complete CYS cookie clicker factory roguelike" impossible.

Site Updates 2024

one month ago

Fixed it

Site Updates 2024

one month ago
Thanks a lot dire, you fucking ruined 9/11.

Site Updates 2024

one month ago

Site Updates 2024

one month ago
Maybe I'm in the minority but I feel like the editor pretty much perfectly does what it was intended to do (emulating printed gamebooks, so, dice rolls and state tracking, inventory) while still leaving room for people who want to get fancy with the code (Berka and JohnX) to break it in entertaining ways.

(If you guys have not tried the new story by JohnX btw, you really really should.)

If I had a pipedream wishlist it would be that 1) pages could be reorganized within the editor and pages in other chapters directly linked to, 2) Zikara's variable items system could be officially supported, 3) text variables could be officially a thing? 4) fix the known issues with dice rolls and AND/OR. And 5) it could be friendlier to mobile users?

Site Updates 2024

one month ago

I agree with the first point on the wishlist. 

Site Updates 2024

one month ago

Im currently reading Malks end of creation, but ill give JohnXs story a read next. Seems like hes put a lot of effort into it. 

Site Updates 2024

one month ago

I highly recommend playing JohnX's new game. I'll be putting a review out on it soonish.

Altair-III: Search and Rescue

He definitely put his heart and soul into it. The man has a passion for space and it comes through in what might be the most game-like concept into a story here on this site.

Site Updates 2024

one month ago

I've scanned through it a bit and it's definitely a good addition to the site.