Day 4:
TLDW: I wrote 1856 words total, which brings my total so far up to 11,071 words!
Today I was working on a particularly fun chapter that introduces The Harvesters as the antagonists of the novel. "What are The Harvesters?" I presumptuously imagine everybody asking. Well, my novel is set in the middle of an industrial revolution. There have been massive breakthroughs in technology and science and medicine. One of these breakthroughs being the first successful organ transplants and so, of course, this is a huge deal! Every promising young scientist wants to learn as much as they possibly can about this incredible new procedure. But, of course, that requires a lot of fresh, healthy, well preserved organs to transplant and to experiment on. But where is a budding young doctor going to find a steady supply of fresh, preserved organs?
Well, that is where the Harvesters Guild comes in. They are a guild that… Has a strange talent for finding recently deceased bodies of young people with absolutely no damage to their organs. Isn’t that convenient? What a nice, helpful group of people! ^_^