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An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Hey everyone! I've already been on this site for about a week now, but I realized I haven't really introduced myself. My name is Ryan (but you don't have to remember that) and I'm a college senior - Journalism major. I love to write, both creatively and objectively, and this website is a great place to hone my skills, I've found. I've been playing through a bunch of random storygames and leaving comments on as many as I could.

Also, I have two storygames posted, so feel free to check them out and give some feedback!

I hope to get to know you all better in the future!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago
Welcome, enjoy your continued stay :D

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Thanks, Ford!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I...I have a feeling you already said "Hi" in a post somewhere...

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Mmm...'fraid not. I've done a couple of other forum posts, but none where I've introduced myself properly (until now, that is).

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Welcome! We have Karaoke on Fridays.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

And sexy fox girls strip clubs on Saturdays. 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago
And drinking night on Thursdays. Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters are free from 8PM - 10PM on drinking night :D

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

They always come up with these ridiculously long, weird names for cocktails...

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

It's the ones with short names you gotta watch out for. Ever tried the "Sleeping Cricket"?

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I'm...I'm not sure what that is. 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

A terrible way to die is what it is!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I thought you said you were too young to drink? 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Never stopped me!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I thought you said you were too young to take advantage of young girls? 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I don't do that, though. They're unnattractive.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

What?! How dare you? They're the sexiest things created, EVER! 


An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Legal Fox Girls are better.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Mah. You and your fox girls...

I thought you were into penguin girls? o.O 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I'd never fuck penguin girls, they're disgusting! And that's Beastialty anyway!

I'd only ever fuck a Penguinite girl, since they're the same species as me, but you know what they say... Once you go red, slightly less red, white, and brownish-black, you'll have to have at least a week's worth of long, in-depth consideration before going back.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I I'm missing something, here. What I got from this post was cocktails, strip clubs, underage girls, and penguins.


I think this place is proving to be quite entertaining...

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Are you...are you really a two year old ginger male? 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Yes. I am most certainly a two year old ginger male. With a very extensive vocabulary, mind you.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago
o-o you know that doesn't work right?

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Tell me why. 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago
Commas and hyperlinks don't mix well with the tagging system :P

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Yeah. I know. That's why I left them at that. 

I would never really annoy everyone like that for no reason... ^n^

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago
mmmhmm...ssuuurrreee.... I'm sure you planned that all out and everything was intentional...

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

But of course! How can you doubt me?! I speak the truth, like always! 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

^Uhm, yeah... don't do this...

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

It doesn't work, anyway. 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

*drops down on nearby skyscraper roof*

Why is the Sent-Signal flickering? It's almost as if it's not working properly...

Who got ahold of that thing anyway!? Commissioner Cysid is only allowed to notify me about it when the citizens are in enough danger!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Well, well. I think a genius being among us is more than enough of a danger to alert you, my love. 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I don't think so, I mean, Frax really doesn't seem that evil. Unless you're doing this because he's a ginger, in which case, that's really fucking racist, Namlequin, you should be ashamed.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

"-possessed by demons. Just look at- clearly getting ready to murder everyone-stay-away"

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Yes, yes, I am a prodigy. But I forgot to mention that I am also possessed by demons. Just look at my face. I'm clearly getting ready to murder everyone within a biting distance

So yeah, I am a genius, but I highly suggest you stay at least 25 feet away from me at all times. KThanks <3

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Oh, that's definitely bad. Robina! Get me the anti-demon spray!


It's the only thing I ever ask you to do, Robina...


*Sigh*... Uhh... I'll be back!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Anti-demon spray = Anti-shit spray?

Are you calling a small, red-headed child shit? You should be ashamed of yourself. Forget about the part that I want to murder every human being on the planet, but you just insulted a small child. For shame.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Forgive Robina, she's been a raging alcoholic ever since Snarecrow roofied and violated her.

Anyway, I have the holywater now. Prepare to be VIGILANTE JUSTICED!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Hello there! May I offer you a cup of lemon tea? Strawberry is a favorite among here as well. I even have coffee if that's your taste, cream or no.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I'll take a coffee, or, as us New Englanders say, CAWfee. With cream, if you please, Miss Hatters.

Miss Hatters....that sounds incredibly British for some reason...

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Hey Frax!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago


When are you going to change your profile picture? 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I have yet to find one that suits me!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Then...then use mine. 

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

I want a picture that will be able to have my username on it.


An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Mary juanita.jpg

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

Was that your attempt at an insult....HAHAHAHAHA

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

No, it was my attempt at realism, but apparently whatever you're taking for schizophrenia isn't working.

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

You tell that to your penguin asylum owner HAHAHAHAHA

Dam I need more jokes!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

At least I'm in a Penguinite asylum and not in a bong!

An Overdue Hello

10 years ago



An Overdue Hello

10 years ago

It's a good pic but I am not a Wiccan :D