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How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago
Commended by Ford on 7/22/2023 11:16:20 AM
I’ve been reading through a lot of posts on the forum for general writing advice/ laughing at people, and I’m constantly bumping into unfamiliar terms/events that seem important or interesting. Is there some sort of thread or article I can read that explains the basic lore/history of the site so I can catch up with what the hell is going on. If not, would it be helpful for someone (eg: me) to make this asset by shifting through the posts and writing down the most important details in a timeline?

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

For your reading pleasure: Link!

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

Didn't someone else post this exact same question a little while ago? :p

Either way, specify what terms confuse you and we'll do our best to translate. ^_^

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago
Expecting a new season update soon.

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago
May also be of interest.

The "Why I don't write for Hosted Games" and the Price of Freedom one detail the beginnings of our righteous war of self defense against Dan and Jason, and the Pedo Mod Kiel one deals with the earlier battle for the throne of CYStia itself.

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago
What I’m basically getting is that there are other CYOA sites and they’re all a bunch of cucks, plus there was a pedo mod and a wolf at some point? In addition to that there’s someone called end master who used to have a daughter called cricket (and who seems like a omnipotent, omniscient entity/god). Also there’s different seasons which I’m assuming are years or something similar. It’s pretty fucking interesting tbh.
Honestly I’d like to see a CYSTIA RPG setting

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

Okay yes we hate the the other sites. Yes there was a pedo mod and one thing about EndMaster: Don't mess with him or he will have soul.

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago
Perhaps we do need a glossary.

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

Mizal: nice and funny, good writer but don't get on her bad side. All who do face the wraith of.....editing their forum posts? Yeah seems about right.

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago
A glossary would be great!

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

CYS = Choose Your Story

... I'm helpful! ^_^

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

I always thought it stood for Clams Yeet Salt!

How deep does the lore go?

4 years ago

Huh, I used to think it was 'Chew Your Sandwiches'! It fits the new slogan because if you decide not to chew your sandwiches, there will be consequences...

How deep does the lore go?

one year ago

How deep does the lore go?

one year ago

Not sure why this was bumped, Green's dead.

How deep does the lore go?

one year ago
He wanted to show off his commendation power.

Be proud of him. :(

How deep does the lore go?

one year ago
'Commended by Ford' is some text I wasn't expecting to see today

How deep does the lore go?

one year ago

Almost exactly one year since her last login too