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Umm, hello?

3 years ago
Hello! Name's Gabriel but you can call me Gabby or Gab for short and no; I'm not female. And I'm also a 15 year old.
I've been very interested in CYoAs back when a few months ago, a friend of mine in a Discord server shown me their wonders.
So yeah, I pretty much love CYoAs, fanficions (That are *Actually* well written), novels, animes, manga, you name it!
See ya around folks!

Umm, hello?

3 years ago

Yep, branching games are pretty fun. A lot more engaging to read than say if someone dumped a 100k word linear story on you, and yet they don't require any coding skills (on this site at least) so authors can focus on pure writing quality.

What was the story your friend showed you?

And do you have a particular genre you like? The featured stories here are all pretty good (especially those by Endmaster), but someone could probably recommend a few other gems or specific authors too if you had a preference.

Umm, hello?

3 years ago

Welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy your stay!

Umm, hello?

3 years ago

Umm, hello?

3 years ago
Hello, welcome to the site! I do hope you enjoy your time here.

Umm, hello?

3 years ago


Umm, hello?

3 years ago

Umm, hello?

3 years ago
Nice to meet you Gabby!

...oh wait, it says you're not female, never mind.