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Good Evening

10 months ago
My name is Lilith. I'm not new to this site but this is the first time I'll be creating an account under this name. So hello

Good Evening

10 months ago

Hello. Is Lilith your real name or just a username? I'm currently writing a screenplay with the working title Lilith.

Good Evening

10 months ago

Good Evening

10 months ago

Well, if Lilith really is your real name, then it would have been interesting to grow up with a name usually associated with an evil demon.

Good Evening

10 months ago

This wouldn't be the first time evil demons took over CYS

Good Evening

10 months ago
explain further, sounds interesting

Good Evening

10 months ago

No thanks

Good Evening

10 months ago

Good Evening

10 months ago
I hear that if you offer a word to the dread entity elgooG. arcane forces will reveal to you its mystical secrets.

Good Evening

10 months ago

Welcome to the site! I hope your stay here is long.

Also, was Lilith with one L taken? 

Good Evening

10 months ago
No it's just how my names actually spelt

Good Evening

10 months ago

So it's actually the proper thing to never capitalize your name?

Good Evening

10 months ago
no, i just usually don't capitalize my username, just a habit

Good Evening

10 months ago

Hey, welcome to the site! Enjoy your stay : )