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Hi All!

6 months ago
Hi everybody, I'm Alexis. :^)

I've been lurking here since ~2018, and finally made an account to say hi (and contribute to the newest prompt challenge)! I've written a couple cyoa games over the past few years with Twine, and am pushing myself this year to actually publish things.

Outside of writing, I spend a lot of time hanging out with my cats, dancing, and granolamaxxing.

Hi All!

6 months ago

Welcome to the site! 

I wish you luck with the new challenge and look forward to checking out your future CYOA stories!

Hi All!

6 months ago

Welcome! I look forward to your contributions and your upcoming contest entry. 


If I might be so bold, what is 'granolamaxxing'?

Hi All!

6 months ago
Thank you - I'm looking forward to reading your contest entry too! :^)

Granolamaxxing is more or less being a hippie...without forsaking deodorant & actually washing your hair. But more importantly, I just make & eat a lot of granola.

Hi All!

6 months ago
Hello Alexis, the granola goth. Welcome to the site. Keep your cats close, we do have a chinaman or two mucking about

Hi All!

6 months ago
Hello. Do you have any granola recipes to share?

Hi All!

6 months ago
I do! I've been using the vanilla almond granola recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction as a base and just subbing in whatever mix ins I'm feeling that week. If you add cocoa powder, cherries, and cut up a lil bit of chocolate to mix in once it cools off... >>>

Hi All!

6 months ago
Chocolate cherry granola sounds pretty good. Now I want chocolate cherry oatmeal cookies.

Hi All!

6 months ago
Granola is a food suitable for rodents.

Cookies would be good though yes.

Hi All!

6 months ago

Hello, stop being an emo granola

Hi All!

6 months ago
Can we see your Twine games? Do they have actual choices, or do they do that weird Twine culture thing where they're 300 words of linear microfiction about being gay and depressed, but still get uploaded to an IF database. (Really it's okay if they do. You're in a better place now. We will fix you.)

Hi All!

6 months ago
I'd love to, but unfortunately most of them aren't actually finished. :^(

Finishing the incomplete ones are *also* on my to-do list this year, so we'll see if that actually gets done. Does the fact that the ones about being gay and depressed were more than 300 words and not always linear help my case?

(I appreciate the support, it means a lot. Those were dark times.)

Hi All!

6 months ago
Welcome to the site.

Granola sucks.

Hi All!

6 months ago
Welcome to the site. You may quit Twine and start using our superior website, you're safe now.

Hi All!

6 months ago
Hi, welcome! Hope your contest endeavors go well.

I had a granola bar this morning.

Hi All!

6 months ago


Hi All!

6 months ago

Good morning, welcome. The name Alexis sounds familiar but I'll assume you're a different one. I wish you all of the luck and none of the procrastination