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Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago
Seriously, you are wasting your time here, we will continue ruthlessly and relentlessly delete your shit whenever we find it.

You want to write about child sex, bestiality, vore, mind controlling women, erotic peeing? Well you're going to Hell but in the meantime, get off our site, go to, they're the ones into all the acceptance shit. Ask the community to show you how to use Twine so you can live out all your poorly written low effort rape fantasies without judgment, that's what it's there for.

Oh and be sure to tell them we sent you.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

... What the fuck did I miss? O.O

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago
Oh hi Briar, how are you?

Nothing much, I just discovered a fresh cluster of unpublished "school aged girl needs to pee but can't find a bathroom haha how embarassing" games this morning, which have been a particular bane around here going back some years.

It's always the weebs.

But there's been weirder and grosser shit popping up on and off, so just figured it was time for an announcement.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Could be worse... Could be Warrior Cats >.<

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Is it okay for me ask what Warrior Cats was? I read its section in the History, but it was purposefully vague.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

It is that which shall not be spoken of.  A dark stain on the history of CYS which has been thankfully purged by the victors.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Basically it was a LOT of 10-13 year olds suddenly flooding the site with WC fanfic and roleplaying it in the damn forums. It was bad enough that besides degenerate fetish porn, its the only thing that's actively banned on the site. (And worse, some of the that WC stuff also could have been classified as fetish porn)

As for the subject itself, Warrior Cats is apparently some children's series about cats that go around fighting and mating I guess.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Understood. Thank you for the summary, Dark One.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago
He forgot to mention the worst part, which is that there were SO many of these that Google started adding the site's name to the autocomplete for "Warrior Cats game". Even games that had been unpublished were still listed in the author's profile and showing up in searches, so it ended up requiring a more extreme, you might say final solution.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Wow! That had to be frustrating. Truly deserving of a final solution.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Saving this to the archive...for reasons...

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago
This is some real crazy stuff to see first as pinned as a new member. I mean, how did THOSE Warrior Cats freaks even find this website --- let alone thought that this place was something suitable for their sick fantasies, lol? I guess freaks truly will take any place to display their obscene role-plays.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago

Originally, it's because there was one Warrior Cats fanfiction game on the site. It wasn't anything amazing but it was certainly decent. Maybe a 5 or 6 out of 8. Unfortunately, it ended up that if you typed "Warrior Cats Game" or something similar into Google, you got a link to that particular game. Hence, a whole bunch of Warrior Cats fans would stumble across the website and just use it as their own personal Warrior Cats Fanfiction Website. It ended up with about 50% of the site users being genuine interactive fiction fans, and the other 50% being preteens obsessed with Warrior Cats, who couldn't string a coherent sentence together, but could pump out about a dozen Warrior Cats fanfiction games in a day. It only ended when the mods decided to completely ban Warrior Cats fanfiction games, deleting all of them, including the original game that initially drew all the Warrior Cats fans to the site... Which was a shame because that game didn't really deserve to be deleted, but I guess sometimes, sacrifices need to be made for the greater good. Now, when Warrior Cats fans look up, "Warrior Cats Game" they don't get a link to the site and we are left in peace. ^_^

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago
Aaah, that makes a lot of sense then. It must've been Hell to delete and ban all of those games. The main cause of this being young kids should've been what I expected. Lmfao. The more you know, I guess.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one year ago
Good riddance

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

6 months ago
O_O huh?

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
This is certainly something to read after just making an account, ill hope/assume these stories are gone now. yikes

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

One might question why you were drawn to read this particular thread immediately after making an account.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
its pinned in the newbie section wym T-T

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

I mean  that you gravitate toward a thread with "fetish" and Creeps" in the title and choose to make your very first post ever in the forum in that very thread instead of the hundreds of other threads available to you.  

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Because obviously the word "fetish" is surprising and is going to stand out, I looked at the FAQ too but didn't feel like commenting there. I didn't think it was wrong of me to comment on a surprising thread T-T. This place isn't very welcoming so far, did I do something wrong somehow?

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
You didn't do anything wrong. DBNB's just messing with you, take it lightly. You don't need to get pressed about it.

Obviously you'll click on a pinned thread, anyone would. It's all good. Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay and write some good stories. Also, if you want reading recommendations, check out the Parlor Room!

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Ah okay, sorry, I'm not good at telling when people are messing with me haha, thank you! looking around at the strory games right now they look cool!

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
"Welcoming" isn't the goal here. Either you roll with the vibe or you don't.
You'll find if you stick around that the site has a very particular brand of humor. I personally love it, and you may grow to do the same.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Yeah, that's my bad, I'm not that used to joking around like that, but I'm sure I'll end up liking the site after I get used to it a bit more ty!

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

Where did anybody say you did something wrong?  Guilty conscience perhaps???

As for welcoming, did you even say "Hi"?  No, but you post strangely in a thread and take offense immediately when someone comments about that.  Perhaps the problem is with your approach. What do you expect, we throw a party for you?

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

Hey, cut, the guy some slack. Presumably, he just wanted to check to see if would appeal to his own particular brand of fetishes. Since it's all pedophilia, bestiality and erotic peeing, he decided to stick around to see if we were more open to Hoboken Squat Cobblers. ^_^

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
But this has left me with more questions then before 😭, I don’t know if I even want to ask what the last three words are, what have yall went through on this site lmao

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Unspeakable things. Best not to go into that.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
I’ll just assume it’s a very scary and long history 😅

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
If you want a little site history, there's another pinned thread you can look at. It would be the one titled "CYS History"

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Thanks I’ll take a look at it in a bit 👀

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
You probably should not

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Read it but was pretty confused anyways lol, also had no idea this website was made so long ago that’s kind of cool.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

Yeah, this site has been around since 2001. The details are in the About Us section.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

My mistake.

And come on! Squat cobbler! You know what squat cobbler is. Hoboken Squat Cobbler. Full Moon Moon Pie. Boston Creme Splat. Seriously? Simple Simon the Ass Man. Dutch Apple Ass. Guys, am I not speaking English here?

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
We don't speak your Bri*ish English around here.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Really, this is so simple.

Hoboken, NJ is a moderate-sized town located near the state line, just across the Hudson River from the Meatpacking district of New York City. Squat is a strength exercise for the legs. Cobbler is a dessert usually made with fruit and covered with batter or biscuits.

Hoboken squat cobbler. What part of that doesn't make sense?

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

In any case, yeah this is a wholesome site, all the degenerates into weird fetishes and mental illnesses are at the intfiction forums (or CoG, but their degeneracy is well known at this point).

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
I'm sorry, but what is a bestiality?

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Google exists, kid.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Don't tell him that.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

Sex between humans and animals 

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
What the actual fuck. Who does that.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago

The degenerates at intfiction obviously hence why they're always glorifying stuff like that there.

Fetish obsessed creeps: go to

one month ago
Yeah, we all know how Twine authors are, but a lot of the parser players donate to this massive post apoc furry porn game with all kinds of even weirder shit. I don't even want to name it because some kid might look it up, just the wiki alone is stomach turning.