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I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
I realized that I made an account here a while ago, but forgot to introduce myself. I personally joined here for various reasons (one of them being the rustic format of this website, which I find delightful), but I believe that we share the common goal to express stories and entertain.

But asides all the monologue-like conversation, my name is Kelisot. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I hope that I can make something in this community.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
My NaMe Is KeLiSoT meh meh meh meh

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
lmao (how do i speak)

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
You push breath through your larynx while modulating your vocal cords.

Note: An added benefit of using this method is that I will not be able to hear you.

Anyway, welcome to the site, I guess

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
damn, but ok :)
nice to meet you too

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Hello and welcome, and happy Thanksgiving!

If you're browsing on a Windows PC and ever want an update from the rustic appearance btw, or just access to dark mode, you can get the extension from Brad's profile:

Otherwise, enjoy the site. I figure you know the ropes by now if you've been lurking awhile. I'll just give the usual advice of taking some time to browse some of the higher rated storygames and not to jump on in on anything TOO overly ambitious for your first project though. The branching format can add up to a lot more work than expected fast and newbies often end up overwhelmed trying to create an epic.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Welcome, and may I just say that your profile pic may just be the most puntable thing I have ever seen. I do not think I have ever wanted to kick anything so much or so hard as I want to kick that chicken. ^_^

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

I believe this is a cucco (an equivalent to a modern domesticated chicken) from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I found it funny that through out the series, assaulting these birds had tremendous consequences, but in this game, such ramifications do not exist. Also, you can sometimes speak with the birds. (I enjoyed playing Twilight Princess btw, amazing game...)

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

So you can punt the chicken without getting pecked to death? Awesome! ^_^

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Start calling Avery "Chicken Kicker"

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Yeah the second one "There's something about the name Chicken Chaser that makes you sound like a cock." is some comedy gold right there.

A shame how the series turned out.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

I remember quite liking the second game, though the first one was definitely better. Just can't get over how stupid it was that the player character would age while all of the other characters stayed the same... So at the beginning of the game you meet a character who's around 30 when you're 10. Then at the end of the game you meet him again. He's still 30 and you're like 100.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

I had the Lost Chapters version of the first Fable which had the extended ending and some more quests. I had paid absolutely no attention to the hype around the game so I enjoyed it probably more than most since I wasn't let down by all the expectations Peter kept going on about that the game would include in it.

Only thing I really didn't like about the second one was the inability to die in it. Granted the combat is super easy anyway and you could just reload a save, but I at least like there to be the potential of failure.

The third one had an alright concept for the storyline but it completely fucked up the execution of it.

Played the evil path in all three naturally. (Though didn't put on the Jack of Blades mask since I figured that just destroys your soul and you get possessed like a meat puppet)

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Man, I remember playing this game when I was way younger. The first nickname I picked was Arseface because I thought it sounded cool like Scar-face. Then my friend told me what arse meant.

Anyway, great game. I must've played through it a hundred times.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Welcome to the site.  Hope you enjoy your time here.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Welcome to the site!

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Welcome to the site!

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Welcome! Have you read some of the top stories? I highly recommend you do, you'll have a great time reading them! You should try Eternal, it's really good

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Hey, recommending Eternal is my thing.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Recommending Eternal is literally everybody's thing. :p

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
I really don't know why more people don't recommend Boobs!!! to the new people.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Or IGNACIA DE LOYOLA that's a great way to be introduced to the site

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
You can still recommend Love Sick

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

That's DB's thing.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Just because you look like a hot dog, does not mean you can steal other people's jobs.

Love Sick is a timeless CYS classic and definitely worth a read.

Also, as Ogre has mentioned Boobs!!! is highly educational and should get much more attention than it does.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Fine, I'll recommend Geek then, that'll be my thing. Or Alpha Wolf.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

The important thing is you're doing your part.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago
Definitely, we got to get at least one person recommending every one of your stories, as well as the stories of other great site users so that the newbies are inspired to write great interactive fiction. Right from the get go, they'll see what's an example of really good writing so they'll try and emulate that level of quality, as I am trying to do.

Reading your stories showed me so much about what this medium(interactive fiction) could do, it's honestly crazy how much I had my mind blown.

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Welcome to the site! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving or just a wonderful day, depending on your nationality. Can't wait to see your future contributions to the site!

I Forgot To Introduce Myself

3 months ago

Well, since my job was ever so rudely snatched away, may I suggest to you Secrets of the Crag? Or perhaps Rogues?