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My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Note; I did use a reference to draw it.

Can anyone find something I can do better on it though? I think I may be a bit off in my shading, but I'm not sure. I'm going to put it in my story, but I want to make sure it's perfect first.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Very nice! You could try adjusting the levels/contrast a bit, so the white is whiter and the pencil is darker. Pencil drawings are tricky to digitize well, but you can probably get it a little clearer that way.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Yeah, I was planning on putting it through photoshop again to do the outlines, shading, color, etc. Fix it up a bit. I already had put it through, and got the outline finished, but when I pressed save, 'Photoshop quit unexpectedly' and I lost four hours of work.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Augh, that sucks! Photoshop is usually pretty reliable, too, as graphics programs go. >_<

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I think it might be my computer. We've had it for about 10 years now, and it was unused for four of those years until my dad fixed it. It is rather behind on updates.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

At a guess, your image might be too large? You could try resizing it before saving, if that's the problem.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Well, I did blow it up to be about 3,000 pixels high. Though I've done it to 4,000 before, and it saved just fine then.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

This is why I save my stuff like every 10 minutes when I'm working with any program. 

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I usually save 1st) when the outline is done. 2nd) when the texture/little details are done. 3rd) when the coloring is done. 4th) when the shading is done.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Nice giraffe.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*facepalm* It's not....nevermind.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

dude its not a giraffe.angry god your dumb lol jk but sirisley its ?notcool

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

He was just making a joke because he's Coins/Spartacus; The local troll.

Also clear up your grammar, spelling, and capitalization. I'm the local grammar Nazi, and if you don't abide by my grammar laws, you get your guts blown to Kingdom Come.

Hiel, Chris!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

lol i was just kidding and who r u


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(Laugh out Loud I was just joking and who are you?)

Do please learn your grammar...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Sigh* One of those God damned noobs, fresh outta the oven. I'm Chris, the local Grammar Nazi Troll, and a massive fan of Fallout. I have sadistic thoughts of rape, murder, torture, and cannibalism, I have a shit internet connection, and I have three other accounts, two of which were banned.

That answer your question?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Back down, Chris, this is my target! *Dramatic western music starts playing*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

First come, first served, mate. *Western music stops*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*turns music back on*

How about we duel to decide this? *an actual duel...*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

You mean as in rock paper scissors or Toggle?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Iqqih solves the problem by beheading the new person ISIS style.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Thank God, we don't have to read the little shit's terrible grammar anymore.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

So I won that duel for nothing?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I won again! MWHAHAHA.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Thou art won in Toggle, I applaud you good sir!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Thank you, my good man. I apologize for telling you to suck my dick via PM.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

You still lost 5 points sucka!

No problem, considering the amount of profanity I've seen and have been called on the internet... this be nothing, my good man!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

With all the things I've been called on the internet, I concur.

We ride at dawn.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

How about we joint strike people with bad grammar, you're the bad cop(grammar nazi) and I'm the good cop(grammar paragon)

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Once again, I concur. We shall burn alive those who sin clean CYS of horrible grammar.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Could you link me to a few stories with bad grammar, so that I may burn them in a holy fire purge them?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

The first one is done. I will commence on to the next!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

oh cool


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Eh, go fuck yourself kid.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Only three? You sure about that?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


How the tables have turned...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

That's not the Nazi symbol.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

That's the Grammar Nazi symbol...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Damn WC fans need to learn the internet.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I have burned the horrible games in holy fire purged the games... that felt good!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Good... Good. Let the grammar flow within you.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I am, and now I can smell see the words perfectly!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

The WC flame in me is slowly dying... I finished the series and now I have nothing to read...

What a cruel world...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I thought you changed to a Grammar Paragon... Oh well, but its not likely I would know the Grammar Nazi symbol because I'm not one myself...

I'm a Grammar Rebel.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I am a Grammar Paragon, that's Chris' symbol not mine.

I see... a rebel. *pulls out flamethrower*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Burn in Hell you dirty Jew rebel!

*Purges Wolfmist with holy flamethrower*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Reflects it because I am part Water-Type*

Well, I'm not a Jew, so I don't think you're talking to me. :3

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*It burns you to a crisp because this isn't Pokemon*

I crossed out Jew. When you cross out Jew, it ain't shit in that post.


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

You might cross out Jew in the THREAD, but your profile shows your posts, and it doesn't cross out.

You can look at it like that if your smart enough.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


Filthy rat.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*hits with Grammar Paragon hammer*

Die, you foul rebel!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*hits back with a waffle*


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Burns waffle alive*

You shall never go to college, filthy rat!

Heil, Grammar Hitler!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

You're Hitler? Okay, go commit suicide! Isn't that what he did? I can't remember.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I said 'Heil, Grammar Hitler,' not 'I am Hitler.'

Filthy rat.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I'm not a rat, you fool, I am a dragon. Also, I believe that is 10 times more powerful than Grammar Hitler...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Is it more powerful than this?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Frick yeah.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

There's place only for one Grammar Nazi and one Grammar Paragon, no more!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

There's room for a harmeless litttle troll.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Well, France and Russia weren't strong enough to resist those guys...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Well, I am more powerful than France and Rus-



My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

It's more powerful than a fuck ton of these that are invincible?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(Is it more powerful than a fuck ton of these, that are invincible?)

Punctuation is also grammar, my friend.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Ah, go to Hell; we all make typos.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Calm down, I didn't say it was wrong. I only said IT WAS Wrong!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


Capitalization is grammar, my good friend.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

This isn't part of the actual conversation my good friend.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


*evil smile*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

In a matter of time, the dragon would eventually wear out, and considering these are robots that are invincible, one would easily slit the dragon's throat while it is resting


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*turns into a dragon the size of Jupiter*

How about now?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Summons Nazi Death Star*

This is it!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Summons another Nazi Death Star full of 100,000 of the invincible robots*

We shall kill them all!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Get ready to smash that planet sized Grammar Rebel!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I will squish you all and throw you into the Sun!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

We are Sun-Proof and Fire-Proof and... *5 weeks later*... and finally, Time Distortion-Proof!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Well, you never said Dragon-Proof! *eats them all*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I said that on the third day!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Smashes it with tail and burns it*

Wait, we're in space aren't we? Forget the part about the fire.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

One does not simply smash the Death Star *shoots it*. Then there's also that thing called gravity, your tail wouldn't move that fast without some sort of propulsion.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

It is propulsed by my factor of awesomeness.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

One does not have that level of awesomeness to propulse it. Also, you were disintegrated by the sun.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

The Death Star is only immune to spaceships, mate. And since you're a dragon, you can't fly a spaceship, and you cannot hire anyone due to their fear of you.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Sits on the Sun*

Whatever, I'm getting bored. More epic, please!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Sun disitngrates you because that's actual logic*

Don't sit on the sun unless you're larger than it. I think that God learned that lesson. Oh wait, he doesn't exist!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(*Sun disintegrates...*)

Are you feeling ok, my friend?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Fuck, I forgot to fix that typo. Besides, a typo every now and again is alright.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Not for a grammar nazi!

Watch this my good friend, all of it!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Shit, I have failed Grammar Hitler.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

am bigger than the Sun. I've grown since that post where I grew to the size of Jupiter, and then I ate Jupiter.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Jupiter is much smaller than the sun... plus it's mostly formed of gasses and little actual solid matter.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Ah, but I grew.

Look, mommy! I grew bigger in the last five minutes!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

That's what he said.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(Ah, but I grew!)

(Look, mommy! I have grown bigger in the last five minutes!)

And you even call yourself a Grammar Rebel!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Yeah, I rebel against Grammar Nazis!

What? You didn't know that from the beginning?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Even so, you need to have some sort of good grammar to be even able to fight us!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I'm getting hungrier. Anyone know where a Galactic Burger King is?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Yeah, right up your arse! *Shoots Wolfmist's head off*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Gunshot does nothing*

My head is too big for you to shoot it off. Science, my friend, science!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(My head is too big for you to shoot off)

*Grows to gigantic size* Burn in Hell! *Shoots Wolfmist in the head with an enlarged shotgun*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Gigantic is only a hundredth of my size. *Grows bigger* Now it is a thousandth!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Grows 2X Infinity larger*

Now I am better!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Grows 10x®€¥°{?^?^ (Yes, that's a number) bigger than Claw*

Wanna bet?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Grows a thousand times larger* Haha, go to Hell! *Shoots Wolfmist in the head with a shotgun of the same size*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Shoots fireball the size of the galaxy, and everything explodes. It all compacts into one atom*

*Picks up atom* I think we went to far...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Damn right we went to far, we exploded the universe!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(...we went too far...)


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Damn, Chris! Why didn't you pay attention!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Fuck you, bitch!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Calm down, we are on the same team here!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(... Does anyone know where a Galactic Burger King is?)

The slightest mistakes can kill you friend!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(And you call yourself a Grammar Rebel!)

You made a grammar mistake, my friend. *Hands Claw a pistol* We both know what you must do.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

You have made several mistakes... yet, we must learn from our mistakes so that we can purge the rest of this site from bad grammar.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Correct, my good friend. Let us feast on the souls of those who oppose us.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

You can't eat Jupiter, it's a massive mixture of gas with some pieces of rock. and even if you did, you wouldn't grow in size at all.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Oh well, I ate it. *Wipes mouth with napkin* It was delicious. I wonder what Saturn will taste like...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Same deal, but it'll take more robots and a lot longer to tire you out. Alternatively, since this is Earth, you'd knock Earth, Venus and Mercury into the sun with your size, disintegrating us all.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Just summon the Nazi Death Star mate, it will kill it!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

(I have proven my gifted English teacher wrong!)

You are no match for me!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

That's strange, I did that, and it auto corrected...

My tablet doesn't know grammar...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Your tablet must be burned in the holy fire of holy grammar of holiness. Hand it over!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Glady. *hands over fake tablet filled with gunpowder*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*Shoots Wolfmist with shotgun*

Die, you filthy rat.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


?Hand over the real tablet!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

German, right?

Okay fine... *hands over a real tablet*


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

No, it's old world English.

*Repeatedly shoots tablet*

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*takes out my tablet and writes on CYS*


My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

iqqih beheads IPad Isis style

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Indeed, filthy rat.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Nice! I wish I could draw like that. Would you...upload some more?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Here. There are several many other pictures that I've done there. None of them are this good though. Sorry it took me so long to find it though.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Thanks, I just had a look at them all. I particularly liked your Wolf drawing (the darker one). Do you do any painting?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Thank you. ^-^

No. X_x I'm horrible at painting, unless it's with glaze on a clay figure.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

That's really, really good.  Is it supposed to be stepping on it's face or scratching?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

It's standing on a rock and the head is swung out closer to the viewer, which is why the head is almost as big as the body.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I like it.  I just wish it were darker...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Yeah, the original was much darker, but photo booth doesn't really get contrast that much, and it blurs everything.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago


If only I could draw like that...

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Nice drawing man! I can't draw worth crap despite my best efforts to change the fact. So I appreciate good drawings.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Hugo! why you no say hi to me D:

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago
Nice goat!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

*facepalm* It's not....nevermind.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Don't worry, Taco. think it's a lovely Japanese rape-creature. 

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Not as good as some of my own drawings, but it's still rather well-done. A nice level of shading all around as well as a clear distinction between depth and distance of the viewer to the drawing. I won't bother nitpicking all the little details because I'm pretty sure you know what those are (or they may have been put in intentionally), so all in all, great work!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

No no, the little nitpicks are most welcome! That was the reason for me asking for any critiques.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I... Can't see it...

*Adjusts screen*

Oh, now I see it! Well, great drawing, you get a gold star!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

>_> Yeah, working on that. I'll post the much better version with contrast&color later when I finish. Much easier to see it then.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Well, when you do that, you'll get another gold star!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Magnificent dragon. xD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Hurray! Someone actually thinks it's a dragon instead of a giraffe or a goat. XD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I have the basic colors. Still got to do all the tiny details though, and shading.



My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago
Oddly colored goat. I suppose it could pass for modern art though

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Slightly disturbing in color, but another gold star for you!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Everyone always fucks up the head.  XD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

What'd I mess up?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

The head XD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

I mean, what did I mess up on the head? 

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

A little flat, but hey!  I cant do this well either.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Yeah, I was going to fix that in the shading&detail section. The spikes on the head are supposed to be looking to be curving inwards, and much more rounded.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Nice Octogator you got there.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Nice Drawing!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

This is going to take much longer than I thought. X_x

It has taken me 2 hours just to get the scales on the face and sliver of the neck. 

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

After five hours of work on this picture, I found a simple tool that allowed me to do a better job in five minutes. X_x  -_-

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Lol, how perfect.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

Regardless, you still have to do detailing on the wings lolol.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

10 years ago

That'll take a fraction of the time that I was used for the scales before I found the new tool.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago


Sorry, didn't think a new thread would be appropriate since there's already a thread on it.


So, do you think I put too much fog in? 




My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

A giraffe in a sauna. Brilliant.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I can't even see the fucking details.

So yeah, too much fog.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

The 'fucking' details? I didn't know you were interested in dragons that are about six times your size.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Goddammit, now innocence lost is making fun of me!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I didn't know that Briars_Rose's story could make fun of people either. XD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

What does 'T_T' mean?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I am not amused.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Also, I didn't put on most of the details from the original post anyway. The only details you're missing out on is the scales, and those were a bit hard to see even without the fog.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

It looks pretty cool. Thumbs up from me!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

What you could do is fog up the limbs and stuff in the back, and then make the eye and teeth glow.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

How do I do that?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Make the fog heavier on the more drawn-back parts of the body.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I mean, how do I make it glow?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Make a top layer, and then on the eye make a patch of a really bright color.  You could from there look up how to use glow effects, or as how I did it, use the airbrush tool with higher sensitivity and progressively smaller sizes as I reached the center.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Okay. Thank you. :)

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago
Pardon me for asking, but where are the eyes?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

The red/gray thing outlined in black on the face in the latest colored version.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Is this better? (why does that red line keep popping up at the bottom?)




My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

A winged giraffe in mist. 

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Okay, okay, I get that the neck is really long. Deal with it.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

That giraffe is licking himself. 

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

At least I can see it now. But that's an amazing giraffe dragon.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I added in some extra shading as well. I'm trying to have the light source looking like it's coming from the mouth, but I'm not sure how to do that properly.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I have no clue. This is the best thing I've ever drawn:


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Did you do that with the opposite hand?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

It was intentionally bad.

Plus it was made in MS Paint.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago


I hate those computer paint programs. I prefer to draw with pencil, where I can make it lighter and darker with a flick of a wrist.

Plus, I'm not allowed on the computer as of now.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

gtfo and study.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Study what exactly?

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Pretty much every drawing of mine was made in MS Paint. I can only really draw stick figures IRL, but I've been told my art is good. I can really convey emotions with facial expressions, I can tell a story without even saying a word, and all this through stick figures.

My MS Paint stuff is shite though.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Everything I draw on computer paint programs winds up to look like a chicken nugget.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I've drawn chicken nuggets before.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Of course you have...

Everyone draws chicken nuggets.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Not me.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

You have no sense of art.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

So this  is better than this?th.jpeg or this


prev208.jpgor this?Outline.jpg


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

You're a chicken nugget.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

You know, I didn't even look up chicken nuggets for that first pic. I looked up drawings of poo and it looked close enough to chicken nuggets that I thought I could pass it off as one. Turns out I was right. XD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

As I said, Malk is a chicken nugget.

Give it up for TacocaT for a lovely demonstration!

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Ugh, the last one...

But you're wrong.


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I saw that edit. 

And the last one was the only one that I drew out of the pictures in that post. XD

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

*Puts on sunglasses* No you didn't. *Men In Black flashy thing*


My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

That drawing was decent, but the arms and shoulders were off in size and placement.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Really? I thought it was the hair that was off. The arms are being cut off by 1) boobs 2) unnatural hair.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Heh, boobs.

And that hair is weird.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Nah, the hair's fine, but it could use a bit more detail.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Well, I don't anymore. I'm too busy drawing dragons, Pokemon, griffons, Ornithodon, more dragons, more Pokemon, and strange monsters.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Take a flashlight and put it near a bumpy surface. Then look closely at the shadows.

Make it lighter around the mouth, taking knowledge of the 3D look of this drawing. Try to get the shading right, or it would be a mess.

And remember, always keep in mind what you want it to look like, so you have a basic idea of what to do.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

Can you describe the drawing, I will tell you based on your description what needs to be fixed. Thanks.

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I'm curious about what you could do traditionally though.  The shading and textures seem largely unfinished in the rough draft.  o3o

My best drawing yet. ^-^

9 years ago

I did shade and texture in the rough draft though. XD