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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

lol wow

8 years ago

Humor me, mods. For a minute

But someone quoted the giant rant at cancer-ment from the first thread that we all know and love lol, like scroll down you'll see it

idek what is going on with this 30 yodude but i think his wife took his dck when they got married


lol wow

8 years ago

Wait up. 

Just the Mods?

Okay.  ,_,

lol wow

8 years ago

oh, no man. the mods kept deleting my sht. ur good lol

lol wow

8 years ago

Haha, I hoped so.

Even though I probably would have read it regardless. <_<

lol wow

8 years ago

So all I gathered from his bitching is that this guy is white knighting all the shitty folks like marleen over there and saying the people calling them out on it are being "mean."

And he hypocritically called Sentinel a puke stain and wanker for one of his hilariously spot on rants, while posting a pointless long ass shitty rant himself.


lol wow

8 years ago

*starts to read it, loses the will to care during the first paragraph* ... Record time for someone's rant to bore me. Endmaster's tl;dr will suffice, then.


lol wow

8 years ago

This topic title was very unhelpful. The purpose of them is supposed to be to give some kind of idea of the content of the thread.

If I had known this was a figment thread I wouldn't have clicked, because no one cares about figment but figment.

lol wow

8 years ago

^ Doubles as a possible explanation for your threads getting deleted. I can't remember if I was responsible for any of them (leaning toward 'no,') but threads need a purpose. If that purpose isn't clear, it'll probably get binned.

lol wow

8 years ago
my fording threads had a purpose...but now I know they'll be deleted so I don't make them anymore

lol wow

8 years ago

That one is not on me. :P

lol wow

8 years ago

If he thinks I'm not actually playing a character when I call myself an important person in the internet, despite having used the damned thing at some point before and knowing damn well the president doesn't even get free favors, then I'm not sure he's really worth responding to. For all his inability to detect Sarcasm wherever it matters, though, it's disturbing how well he knows what I jack off to... Granted, breasts aren't the only big thing, and I think he thinks I'm one of those gross hyper-idealizing folk that people of certain self-righteous persuasions often love to hate, but such is not my affliction, un/fortunately.

It is odd, though, how he trusts us to figure out that the rant is bad just by reading it... cuz, y'know, it's self-evident, but we can't, because there's an ugly blue TL;DR painted all over it! I'm sure you can read the pixel-bloated image if you really hated your eyes, but, from what parts I can read without being distracted by an abrupt royal blue, it doesn't look like it's the average Wattpad/Warrior Cats Bulsch that demands no explanation for the fact that it's bad. There's analysis that could be happening! There's fun that could be had on all sides! This is the internet, and "He's unimportant, and also an offensive twat" just isn't that valid anymore, because we're all unimportant, offensive twats. That's what made this a discussion in the first place.

I am feeling bizarrely heartbroken for those less fortunate this morning, so if you really want me to apologize, update your amazon wishlist, and I'll pray to my false gods that somebody with more money than I buy you the anal soothing cream you seem to want.

lol wow

8 years ago

I did responed, but figgy mod deleted it. Of course.

lol wow

8 years ago

So basically that guy wrote a 3 hour white knight rant, only to annoy the shitty fig mods enough that even they nuked the entire thread. Lol.

lol wow

8 years ago

I'm honestly glad lol

lol wow

8 years ago

Why do you even stay there? It's clearly a terrible site, just a bunch of degenerates. I mean, what have you done since you came here? Is this just a site for you to whine about it? Just leave Figment. It's simple.

lol wow

8 years ago

Yeah really. AYT and 3K both left and moved on. I'd say you probably should as well.

Figment isn't even worth trolling, their forums are nearly as dead as IS's and those still manage to be 10 times more entertaining than figment.

lol wow

8 years ago

KKK, not 3K. Don't ruin a great nickname.

lol wow

8 years ago

I'd love to, but I have almost 50 people who traffic through my page on Mondays for book updates from facebook and tumblr.

Until I finish my novel, I can't.