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The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
Commended by JJJ-thebanisher on 2/22/2017 1:25:13 AM
Once the land of Cystia was divided and there was no unity amongst its inhabitants until one day the great God AlexP gave his servant 3J, known to all as “The Banisher”, the power to divide the population of Cystia into groups. Thus the Orders were born.

The Architects were a quiet, scholary bunch, dedicated to writing, reading the works of others and offering their opinions, chief among their numbers were Will11, Ogre11, Crescentstar, Bannerlord, Killa Robot, Betaband and Ebonvasilis.

The Marauders were a varied group, roaming principally through the Forums where they have been known to create posts of great originality and interest, chief among their numbers were Wouldntitbenice, Endmaster, TheNewIAP, FeanorOnForge, Orange, Evilsmile, Malkalack, Seib6466 and Swiftstryker.

The Sages wisely ruled Cystia creating great stories, offering great reviews and posts – they are the numerous and talented protectors of the world of Cystia. Notable members include Steve24833, TharaApples, StrykerL, JJJthebanisher, Mizal, ISentinelPenguinI, LNFyle, Minnieking, Jep49, Seto, BerkaZerka, LeoScales7, Mayana, FazzTheMan and Zaghero.

The Wardens, experienced and clever, keep the peace on the site and provide a number of posts and interactions in the Forums. Notable members include IronPanther, Romulus, Plelb, Bucky, GavinEzraGoh, Chris113022, Tim36D, bbshark and LickReborn.

One day the Architect Will11 had the idea to create a Roll of Honour, a weekly posting every Monday to record the ten most Commended, notable and hard-working members of Cystia. The Roll would record their names, titles, orders, commendations and rankings, previously noted members and the next five most commended members would also be recorded as Honourable Mentions. This Roll of Honour was designed to encourage members to earn the most Commendations by contributing to the site and vying for the most respected positions of all: Number One Place.

Thus is was created…


1 King/Queen - Ordained Exemplar Steve24833 of the Sages (84 Commendations)
2 Prince/Princess - Sovereign IronPanther of the Wardens (67 Commendations)
3 Duke/Duchess - Lauded TharaApples of the Sages (48 Commendations)
4 Marquis/Marquess - Lauded StrykerL of the Sages (41 Commendations)
5 Earl/Madam - Pre-Eminent Exemplar Will11 of the Architects (38 Commendations)
6 Viscount/Viscountess - Lauded Exemplar JJJthebanisher of the Sages (34 Commendations)
7 Baron/Baroness - Lauded Mizal of the Sages (29 Commendations)
8 Count/Countess - Esteemed Ogre11 of the Architects (23 Commendations)
9 Chamberlain - ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (28 Commendations)
10 Captain - Immortal Wouldntitbenice of the Marauders (15 Commendations)

11 Sir/Lady - Esteemed Crescentstar of the Architects (15 Commendations)
12 Sir/Lady - Infrangible Exemplar Romulus of the Wardens (11 Commendations)
13 Sir/Lady - LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)
14 Sir/Lady - MinnieKing of the Sages (9 Commendations)
15 Sir/Lady - Esteemed Bannerlord of the Architects / Jep49 of the Sages (8 Commendations)

None Lost.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
This is just a bit of fun I am trying to see if it catches on: I think it is good to have a record of all the most Commended site members as a recognition and an encouragement to obtain Commendations (there are records of Site Members by Commendations numbers in the Help and Info Section but they are divided into orders making it hard to see who the most commended site members are overall and besides having a second complete version in the Forums seems like it could be useful). There may be enough titles on the site already but this is just my little thing and certainly wouldn’t be much trouble for me to update every Monday…

I'm interested to see what people think, also if the little 1-15 titles should be changed to reflect the characters in a medieval court (Bishop, Jester, Bard etc).

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Hey Will, this looks fun. Not too sure about the current titles based off aristocracy - where titles are mostly inherited through lineage, unlike Commendations which have to be earned through effort. Court roles could be a more suited option, through literary/librarian based names could also work.

Also, how about refreshing every two weeks? The titles may not mean as much if they're changing weekly, imaginary though they are.

Furthermore, if you want to make the job of creating these even faster, I could cook up a quick excel sheet for you.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
I am thinking of maybe updating it every 10 days? I don't expect there to be too much jumping around and I'm keen for suggestions for the title ideas :) Haha thank you for the offer of the Excel sheet, if it's not too much trouble it could be useful but it only takes 5 minutes anyway to see where everyone is at with the Commendations and move them about :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Is this format acceptable (you have to manually confirm the gender)

1 King Steve24833, Ordained Exemplar of the Sages (84 Commendations)
2 Prince IronPanther, Sovereign of the Wardens (67 Commendations)
3 Duchess TharaApples, Lauded of the Sages (48 Commendations)
4 Marquis StrykerL, Lauded of the Sages (41 Commendations)
5 Earl Will11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar of the Architects (38 Commendations)
6 Viscount JJJ-thebanisher, Lauded Exemplar of the Sages (34 Commendations)
7 Baroness mizal, Lauded of the Sages (29 Commendations)
8 Count Ogre11, Esteemed of the Architects (23 Commendations)
9 Chamberlain ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (18 Commendations)
10 Captain WouldntItBeNice, Immortal of the Marauders (15 Commendations)
11 Lady Crescentstar, Esteemed of the Architects (12 Commendations)
12 Sir Romulus, Infrangible Exemplar of Avon of the Wardens (11 Commendations)
13 Sir/Lady LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)
14 Sir MinnieKing of the Sages (9 Commendations)
15 Sir jep49 of the Sages (8 Commendations)
15 Sir/Lady Bannerlord, Esteemed of the Architects (8 Commendations)


The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
Hi StrykerL, that looks great :D Haha with the genders of some of the members I might have to guess...

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

If you don't enter a gender, it defaults to the Male/Female title (Seen here in #13 LNFyle)

For Title holders, should it be "Steve, Exemplar amongst the Sages" and for non title holders "Steve of the Sages" ? (amongst vs of), because for Marauders - Notorious of the Marauders doesn't sound right

1 King Steve24833, Ordained Exemplar amongst the Sages (84 Commendations)
2 Prince IronPanther, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (67 Commendations)
3 Duchess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (48 Commendations)
4 Marquis StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (41 Commendations)
5 Earl Will11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (38 Commendations)
6 Viscount JJJ-thebanisher, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (34 Commendations)
7 Baroness mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (29 Commendations)
8 Count Ogre11, Esteemed amongst the Architects (23 Commendations)
9 Chamberlain ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (18 Commendations)
10 Captain WouldntItBeNice, Immortal amongst the Marauders (15 Commendations)
11 Lady Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (12 Commendations)
12 Sir Romulus, Infrangible Exemplar of Avon amongst the Wardens (11 Commendations)
13 Sir/Lady LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)
14 Sir MinnieKing of the Sages (9 Commendations)
15 Sir jep49 of the Sages (8 Commendations)
15 Sir/Lady Bannerlord, Esteemed amongst the Architects (8 Commendations)


The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
I think you are right that "amongst" sounds better than "of" for people with Exemplar or other titles, Notorious is a title but it does sound strange in the context I was using it :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

The aristocratic thing works because those of us that are good are good naturally rather than through any hard work.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

I love this

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

What the fuck is a Chamberlain!? It's some kind of Butler! Why the hell does Wibbins get to be a fucking Captain, but I have to be some asshole's house manager!? I don't even know what they're the captain of, but it's sure as shit more useful than being someone's full-time interior designer. Fuck's sake, man!

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

It's a very fitting title for you, Chamberpot SentinelPenguin. 

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

I suppose you really are a gentleman. You've got noble inbred dyslexia and everything!

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

I was merely mocking the ridiculousness of your title. I pray to the Queen that I never get placed 9th on this list. 

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

There is no Queen, unless Steve got somethin' he ain't tellin' us.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
I think he's referring to the Queen of England.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

*mew* I see. :3

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
It could also mean that you're a treasurer.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Oh look, how much better I am is being recorded. Terrific. The fact that I'm tied to a quarter of the site, most of which are idiots, is disappointing, though.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

All hail the Irish prick.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
I don't know how I'm supposed to feel, being "led" by an Irish drunkard. But okay.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

I see someone's been hard at work.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

This would be an ironical way to get commendations tho.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Do we seriously think Will is secretly that sly and cunning? 


The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

1 King Steve24833, Ordained Exemplar amongst the Sages (84 Commendations)
2 Prince IronPanther, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (70 Commendations)
3 Duchess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (60 Commendations)
4 Marquis Nyctophilia, Immortal amongst the Marauders (54 Commendations)
5 Earl StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (46 Commendations)
6 Viscount Will11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (40 Commendations)
7 Baron JJJ-thebanisher, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (35 Commendations)
8 Countess mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (33 Commendations)
9 Chamberlain Ogre11, Esteemed amongst the Architects (24 Commendations)
10 Captain ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (18 Commendations)

11 Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (15 Commendations)
11 Sir MinnieKing of the Sages (15 Commendations)
12 Lady Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (13 Commendations)
13 Sir Romulus, Infrangible Exemplar amongst the Wardens (12 Commendations)
14 Sir LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)
14 Sir Bucky, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (10 Commendations)
15 Sir Bannerlord, Esteemed amongst the Architects (9 Commendations)
15 Sir jep49 of the Sages (9 Commendations)

None Lost.

Especially big congratulations to Nyctophilia who rose from nowhere to 4th place due to his multitude of featured comments and also a massive thank you to StrykerL whose specially designed Excel Table makes creating these Honour Rolls much easier than they would be otherwise :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Who's this Nyctophilia guy? He's taking my job! >-> Congrats though.

Between this and the Weekly Review, you must have your hands full!

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Sorry, but I had to get in this! :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Naomi 2.0

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Naomi's dead.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago


Well that killed the mood.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

What? Profile issues killed him off.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
WIBN is a girl just fyi.

I missed this thread when it was first posted, this is useful, thanks.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago
Bugger, sorry WIBN. :) Updated that for future Rolls of Honour :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Actually, she pretty consistently refuses to say.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Technically, the proper word would be "always" instead of "pretty consistently". Y'all have just decided that I'm female. Do whichever one you want, Will.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Always, whatever. Still not sure why you refuse to say because it's not really important information that you can't give out but it would make so many things, like pronouns and this thing, much easier.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Barely managed to sneak in once again. Nice. 

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

Wow, Nycto rose like a rocket! This is good, it means we may see a rise in dedicated comment reviewers in the future, and that's good for the site.

Makes me think we could have additional title pre-fixes based on what's the member's largest source of commendations.

Steve would be 'the Writer'

Nycto would be 'the Reviewer'

and the like.

Also, happy to hear (and see) the table worked :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

8 years ago

That's a cool idea, I like it.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

1 King Steve24833, Ordained Exemplar amongst the Sages (84 Commendations)
2 Princess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (79 Commendations)
3 Duke Will11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (75 Commendations)
4 Marquis IronPanther, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (71 Commendations)
5 Earl Nyctophilia, Immortal amongst the Marauders (58 Commendations)
6 Viscount StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (47 Commendations)
7 Baroness mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (42 Commendations)
8 Count JJJ-thebanisher, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (35 Commendations)
9 Chamberlain MinnieKing of the Sages (30 Commendations)
10 Captain Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (28 Commendations)

11 Sir Ogre11, Esteemed amongst the Architects (25 Commendations)
12 Sir ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (18 Commendations)
13 Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (15 Commendations)
14 Sir Romulus, Infrangible Exemplar amongst the Wardens (13 Commendations)
15 Sir Plelb, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (11 Commendations)

Sir LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)
Sir Bucky, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (10 Commendations)
Sir Bannerlord, Esteemed amongst the Architects (9 Commendations)
Sir jep49 of the Sages (9 Commendations)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago


I'm a chamberlain!


The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Thank you for this, Will. It gives me the motivation I need to get going on my storygame and commenting on other storygames for commendations. The gap between 4th and 5th irks me, so I might as well start chipping away at it.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

@TharaApples is in striking distance of Steve. Down with the King! Apples for everyone! One more week, one more position slipped in my case >_<

Also, this is the first week people have left the list. Looks like things are finally heating up.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Sorry about that. I kind of knocked you down a spot after my climb into the top.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Haha yes, some members have jumped up so some members have gone down, in time the Previously Featured list will be longer than the Roll of Honour :D I think doing it every ten days gives people time to go for commendations if they're keen to get them :D

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

I plan on making another attempt at stealing the crown by the next Roll of Honour, so be prepared, my friend.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Haha that's ok :D 3rd place is probably about as high as I'll ever get :D It's only going to go down for me from here :P

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

I think that members should be mentioned once in the previously featured list before being removed in the next edition for a new set of  members that might fall off of the actually Roll of Honour.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
It sounds like a good idea... I was thinking keeping them there will get them motivated to get back on the roll though rather than if they get dropped they might just think "screw commendations" and lose interest in earning them :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Hm...that's a good point. It's yours anyway, so it's up to you.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
I expect that in time it will get very competitive but hopefully not just within the same group of 10-15 people but amongst members of the site in general :) Maybe I'll make a new category: In Training or something for the next ten below the Honourable Mentions...

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Well, I guess it's about time I went on a comment spree...

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago


1 Queen TharaApples, Ordained amongst the Sages (112 Commendations)

2 Princess Steve24833, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (84 Commendations)

3 Duke Will11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (75 Commendations)

4 Marquis IronPanther, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (71 Commendations)

5 Earl MinnieKing, Lauded amongst the Sages (63 Commendations)

6 Viscount Nyctophilia, Immortal amongst the Marauders (61 Commendations)

7 Baroness mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (48 Commendations)

8 Count StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (47 Commendations)

9 Chamberlain JJJ-thebanisher, Exemplar amongst the Sages (35 Commendations)

10 Captain Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (29 Commendations)


11 Sir Ogre11, Esteemed amongst the Architects (25 Commendations)

12 Sir ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (18 Commendations)

13 Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (15 Commendations)

14 Sir Plelb, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (14 Commendations)

15 Sir Romulus, Infrangible Exemplar amongst the Wardens (13 Commendations)


Sir LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)

Sir Bucky, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (10 Commendations)

Sir Bannerlord, Esteemed amongst the Architects (9 Commendations)

Sir jep49 of the Sages (9 Commendations)

A special congratulations to TharaApples who rises to the Number One position and becomes the first person on this site to individually earn over 100 Commendations, also congratulations to MinnieKing for earning a lot of Commendations in the last week. Incidentally the Previously Noted list will extend up to ten names, after that people at the tail end will begin to "vanish"... :)

Well done to everyone for their hard work and I wonder if anyone can drive Thara off her pedestal?

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Watch yer back Thara, i'm stealing that crown. Thank you for the congratulations will :D

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Captain Crescentstar sounds so corny, but I like it. xD And it's funny how 11 to the end of Previously Noted all have "Sir" at the front. Wait... are only three females on the list? xD Why am I noticing gender. I'm being weird right now. AHhh

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Actually I have a theory that Steve is female

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Does that mean I'm lez? Jk xD

GOOD JOB THARA for kicking her him off that throne though!!! ^_^

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

And soon Thara will be the one being kicked off the throne >:)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Huh? I don't really see this as a rivalry tbh. I already achieved my goals of being the first person to ever get most commended and the first to reach triple digits in commendations.

You could probably publish a commendable story and surpass me in the half of the time. Lel. Anyway, cheers.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Until I steal the crown, I consider you a heartless and cruel queen and enemy, killing the CYStians one by one.

It's time for me to achieve my goals now >:D

Have a wonderful day.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Congrats Thara and Minnie!
The slide continues >_<
Also, how about you create a monthly thread for these, Will?

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Thank you, and that's a good idea Count Stryker.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

I just now noticed it says Princess Steve xD

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
That's unintentionally hillarious. Also, I have 20 Commends hidden in my two articles, so I'm a bit higher on the list than the system's tracking.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

From now on i'm gonna call him Princess Steve. So you have about 67?

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Indeed, don't get too comfortable in that chair ;)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Don't make threats until I have the crown, pal.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
You do realize that I've been working solely on one storygame for the last three weeks, right? ;)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

You do realize that i'm awesome, right? ;)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Princess is now a new achievement unique to Steve :) It's like Prince but even better... haha gotta love typos :D

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago


1 King MinnieKing, Ordained amongst the Sages (201 Commendations)

2 Princess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (190 Commendations)

3 Duchess Steve24833, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (87 Commendations)

4 Marquis Will11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (75 Commendations)

5 Earl IronPanther, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (71 Commendations)

6 Viscount Nyctophilia, Immortal amongst the Marauders (61 Commendations)

7 Baroness mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (49 Commendations)

8 Count StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (47 Commendations)

9 Chamberlain JJJ-thebanisher, Exemplar amongst the Sages (35 Commendations)

10 Captain Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (29 Commendations)


11 Sir Ogre11, Esteemed amongst the Architects (25 Commendations)

12 Sir ISentinelPenguinI of the Sages (21 Commendations)

13 Sir Plelb, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (20 Commendations)

14 Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (15 Commendations)

15 Sir Romulus, Infrangible Exemplar amongst the Wardens (13 Commendations)


Sir LNFyle of the Sages (10 Commendations)

Sir Bucky, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (10 Commendations)

Sir Bannerlord, Esteemed amongst the Architects (9 Commendations)

Sir jep49 of the Sages (9 Commendations)

A massive congratulations to MinnieKing and TharaApples who have each earned around 100 Commendations in their private Commendations War (everyone else has hardly earned any). Their hard work with the Comments is helping improve the Site continually.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Incidentally, like the Weekly Review, this Roll of Honour might not be published so frequently due to real life distractions...

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Thank you for your efforts, Marquis Will! ^-^


The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Agreed, and whoa this chart looks so different from when it started!

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

You're right. A lot has changed in the past month or so.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

*Cries tears of joy*

Duchess Steve.

King MinnieKing.

I'm so fucking happy

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Good on ya, mate. Though, in your case Will could just have shortened it to Minnie-King.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Very true. King MinnieKing sounds better though, since I get to be praised as King twice.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
The Department of Redundancy Department came knocking, twice after reading that line twice.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Tell those bastards I don't want any of those damned girlscout cookies

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Image result for twice the pride double the fall

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Lol, nice one- aaaand shit. We're being spammed again.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

What? Really?

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Look at the lounge >~<

Rainbow has no life.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Or perhaps Ryder has a new lackey.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

That's likely.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Nice, but next time in the <img src= > add width=100% after the img src, to keep everything inside the text box. If you're using RTE, click on source and make the change.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

I literally just copy/pasted the image into the text box. I've been told how to adjust the size before, but I thought it would fit. I was wrong.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Yeah, but adding width=100% makes it scale to the browser (mobile or PC), which is kinder for the combined audience

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago

Or style="max-width: 100%;" so it only stretches the image if it overflows the box.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

7 years ago
Cool, duly noted

The Cystia Roll of Honour

6 years ago
Sorry for the slight delay between rolls :D

King Ogre11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (427 Commendations)
Prince MinnieKing, Ordained amongst the Sages (306 Commendations)
Duchess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (262 Commendations)
Marquess Mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (252 Commendations)
Earl Steve24833, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (238 Commendations)
Viscount Will11, Esteemed Exemplar amongst the Architects (140 Commendations)
Baron EndMaster, Immortal Exemplar amongst the Marauders (125 Commendations)
Count Nyctophilia, Notorious amongst the Marauders (118 Commendations)
Chamberlain Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (117 Commendations)
Captain AzBaz, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (115 Commendations)

Sir EbonVasilis, Esteemed Exemplar amongst the Architects (89 Commendations)
Sir WriterInTheDark, Notorious among the Marauders (76 Commendations)
Sir IronPanther, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (71 Commendations)
Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (71 Commendations)
Sir StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (63 Commendations)
Sir BerkaZerka, Exemplar amongst the Sages (58 Commendations)
Sir simplesabley, Notorious Exemplar amonst the Marauders (46 Commendations)
Sir Saika, Infangible amongst the Wardens (43 Commendations)
Sir DavidG, amongst the Sages (43 Commendations)
Sir Chris1130222, Infangible amongst the Wardens (41 Commendations)

Please also correct me if I gave anyone the wrong gender title in the Honourable Mentions. Incidentally, for those that are interested the current situation of the Orders can be broken down like this:

Most Commended Members: Ogre11, Will11, Crescentstar, EbonVasilis, Zake and Killa_Robot.
Other Members: Fluxion, ultraoverlord, henshaw_13, Tyrannosaurusrex, llImperatorll, AgentX, Bannerlord, BunnyCatMouse99100, ProminentPenguin, Martin_Silenus, Ikiriakos, Digit, RoyalGhost_007 and TaraGil.

Most Commended Members: EndMaster, Nyctophilia, TheWriterInTheDark, WouldntItBeNice, simplesabley and FeanorOnForge.
Other Members: ugilick, TheNewIAP, Malkalack, corgi123, Mistery, Orange, ninjapitka, ShoujoAddict, Rattler, At_Your_Throat, Jacoder23, Almaz, EvilSmile and seib6466.

Most Commended Memebers: MinnieKing, TharaApples, mizal, Steve24833, StrykerL, BerkaZerka and JJJ-thebanisher.
Other Members: DavidG, ISentinelPenguinI, Seto, DiniTheWizard, RedWinter, Comic, Domitus, Matana, OriginalClamurai, LNFyle, Mynoris, jep49 and SummerSparrow.

Most Commended Members: AzBaz, IronPanther, Saika, Chris113022, undr and Romulus.
Other Members: Bucky, Plelb, Leora, Shyshaeia, ScarletSwanHunter, Claw2k11, Dottie_Snark, Victim, GavinEzraGoh, dueconsideration, Glandros, Calicovall, Agstand and Tim3D.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

6 years ago
I should point out that Ogre only has the most commendations because of his cheap exploitation of the unbalances of the featured review farming system. I do not acknowlege Ogre's ranking. Same for Minnie and Thara. Therefore, I have the most legitimate commendations of anyone on the site. Great job, me.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

6 years ago
I exist in the post, therefore I approve.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago
...because no one will ever notice...

The Cystia Roll of Honour

6 years ago

I’m pretty happy to be able to make it onto this list! Thanks :)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

6 years ago

Cool, I’m on the list. Glad I could make some sort of contribution, thanks. 

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago


The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago

Ah, come on Will. You should've honoured Steve with the title "earlene" instead, according to the previous chats.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago
HA! That was genuinely a mistake I kept meaning to fix and kept forgetting to :D

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago

Glad to know my week of whoring for commendations giving detailed analysis solely for the benefit of the authors has paid off. 

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago

King Ogre11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (427 Commendations)
Prince MinnieKing, Ordained amongst the Sages (306 Commendations)
Duchess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (262 Commendations)
Marquess Mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (252 Commendations)
Earl Steve24833, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (238 Commendations)
Viscount Will11, Esteemed Exemplar amongst the Architects (140 Commendations)
Baron EndMaster, Immortal Exemplar amongst the Marauders (126 Commendations)
Count Nyctophilia, Notorious amongst the Marauders (118 Commendations)
Chamberlain Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (117 Commendations)
Captain AzBaz, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (115 Commendations)

Sir EbonVasilis, Esteemed Exemplar amongst the Architects (89 Commendations)
Sir WriterInTheDark, Notorious among the Marauders (76 Commendations)
Sir IronPanther, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (71 Commendations)
Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (71 Commendations)
Sir StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (63 Commendations)
Sir BerkaZerka, Exemplar amongst the Sages (58 Commendations)
Sir simplesabley, Notorious Exemplar amonst the Marauders (46 Commendations)
Sir Saika, Infangible amongst the Wardens (43 Commendations)
Sir DavidG, amongst the Sages (43 Commendations)
Sir Chris1130222, Infangible amongst the Wardens (41 Commendations)

Well done EndMaster for earning 1 single Commendation this week and being the only member to have his score changed. Given how few Commendations are awarded these days the Roll of Honour will be updated once a month rather than once a week.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago
Damn I thought I was pretty high up with comms but looks like I'm barely scraping it as captain

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago
Yeah you just can't compete with the likes of Minnie and Thara and their incredible contributions to the site, very few can.

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago
Commended by JJJ-thebanisher on 8/1/2019 1:31:13 AM
King Ogre11, Pre-Eminent Exemplar amongst the Architects (427 Commendations)
Prince MinnieKing, Ordained amongst the Sages (306 Commendations)
Duchess TharaApples, Lauded amongst the Sages (262 Commendations)
Marquess Mizal, Lauded amongst the Sages (255 Commendations)
Earl Steve24833, Lauded Exemplar amongst the Sages (238 Commendations)
Viscount Will11, Esteemed Exemplar amongst the Architects (140 Commendations)
Baron EndMaster, Immortal Exemplar amongst the Marauders (126 Commendations)
Count Nyctophilia, Notorious amongst the Marauders (118 Commendations)
Chamberlain Crescentstar, Esteemed amongst the Architects (117 Commendations)
Captain AzBaz, Sovereign amongst the Wardens (115 Commendations)
Sir EbonVasilis, Esteemed Exemplar amongst the Architects (89 Commendations)
Sir WriterInTheDark, Notorious among the Marauders (76 Commendations)
Sir WouldntItBeNice, Notorious amongst the Marauders (74 Commendations)
Sir IronPanther, Infrangible amongst the Wardens (71 Commendations)
Sir StrykerL, Lauded amongst the Sages (63 Commendations)
Lady Avery_Moore, Notorious amongst the Marauders (60 Commendations)
Sir BerkaZerka, Exemplar amongst the Sages (58 Commendations)
Sir simplesabley, Notorious Exemplar amonst the Marauders (46 Commendations)
Sir Saika, Infangible amongst the Wardens (43 Commendations)
Sir DavidG, amongst the Sages (43 Commendations)

0: The Gods Alexp, Chocobot, Cysid, EndMaster, Madglee and March5th00 (Infinite Points)
1: The Million Word Malkavian BerkaZerka (10,298 Points)
2: The Reader JJJ-thebanisher (5,666 Points)
3: The Grandmaster of the Written Word TheNewIAP (5,195 Points)
4: The Grandmaster of the Written Word Ogre11 (4,964 Points)
5: The Grandmaster of the Written Word Will11 (4,241 Points)
6: The Master Scrivener Fleshnblood_78 (3,780 Points)
7: The Master Scrivener Reverencia (3,631 Points)
8: The Master Scrivener TharaApples (3,457 Points)
9: The Master Scrivener Sethaniel (3,424 Points)
10: The Master Scrivener ThePirateCaptain (3,378 Points)
11: The Master Scrivener Seto (3,331 Points)
12: The Master Scrivener Admin Mizal (3,292 Points)
13: The Master Scrivener Kumquat (3,061 Points)
14: The Expert Scrivener Solostrike (2,927 Points)
15: The Expert Scrivener BradinDvorak (2,872 Points)
16: The Expert Scrivener Steve24833 (2,702 Points)
17: The Expert Scrivener Romulus (2,608 Points)
18: The Expert Scrivener October (2,587 Points)
19: The Journeyman Scrivener WouldntItBeNice (2,391 Points)
20: The Journeyman Scrivener Avery_Moore (2,263 Points)
21: The Journeyman Scrivener MinnieKing (2,149 Points)
22: The Journeyman Scrivener Tanstaafl (2,120 Points)
23: The Journeyman Scrivener galobtter (2,069 Points)
24: The Journeyman Scrivener MadHattersDaughter (2,024 Points)
25: The Apprentice Scrivener Bucky (1,909 Points)
26: The Apprentice Scrivener Mayana (1,896 Points)
27: The Apprentice Scrivener Tsmpaul (1,807 Points)
28: The Apprentice Scrivener Rommel (1,785 Points)
29: The Apprentice Scrivener Havacoman (1,753 Points)
30: The Apprentice Scrivener SindriV (1,638 Points)
31: The Apprentice Scrivener RobustSporadic (1,619 Points)
32: The Apprentice Scrivener JMgskills (1,571 Points)
33: The Apprentice Scrivener urnam0 (1,551 Points)
34: The Apprentice Scrivener Anubis (1,531 Points)
35: The Novelist Orange (1,477 Points)
36: The Novelist simplesabley (1,430 Points)
37: The Novelist ISentingelPenguinI (1,414 Points)
38: The Novelist fergie14233 (1,320 Points)
39: The Novelist Miccy2000 (1,296 Points)
40: The Novelist Admin Killa_Robot (1,217 Points)
41: The Novelist Leora (1,188 Points)
42: The Novelist Morgan_R (1,030 Points)

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago

Yey! I'm a lady! ^_^

The Cystia Roll of Honour

5 years ago
As the number of commendations and points do not change that frequently (possibly because around three quarters of the members listed here are inactive or basically so) I will update this every three or four months in the year just to help keep people posted on their positions :)