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This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

The purpose of this bot is to basically piece together random phrases and words to give you an inspirational quote.

Sometimes it works and sometimes you get the quote;"If human beings want to improve the existence, we all need to criminalize dogfinity." with the picture of a confused af cat in the background.

Just beautiful. Y'all should check this out x'D

Okay this one was just too good not to show.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Very odd quotes, I got one like "Make it so that the Pokemon has a seizure."

I wonder if this is where those idiots in Facebook are getting these quotes.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Second result:


I like the way this bot thinks.

e: oh nice it does zodiac profiles too

Who here's a Sagittarius? You'll be happy to know you have high intelligence, are seriously awesome, and able to read minds.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Ahhh that's a great one x'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Although I have a hard time believing 'fondle' is a word that comes up frequently in inspirational quotes. Unless I've just been reading the wrong ones all this time.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

That is a vital piece of information which every couple needs to know. x'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

AH HELL YEAH! I can read your mind right now! You're thinking "When the fuck will this WizzyCat guy go away and stop being a nuisance!?" Cool...

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Oh boi. Imma be the most inspirational villain ever.

Fuck that is perfect.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Some people love erotic asphyxiation ;)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago


Not a game for the lonely. They lost someone at Twin Oaks that way.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Inspirational indeed. (For another quote which it generated, it showed a picture of a breast.) 

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Seto, how'd you even find this bot? 

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

My friend was messing around with this bot on Twitter and included a link.

I believe his quote was "You have to sodomize your horrible friends." X'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Heh. Reminds me of a certain crowd on Furc. I wonder if anyone would remember me? I’d love to know what Torus is up to. Sigh. I was having such a shitty life, Masque was basically my fucking lifeline.


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

"You can prevent that your best friend's wife has an out-of-body experience."

That's the first quote I've been given. Thanks for the non-sensical, grammatically incorrect bot, Seto.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

First one...

Btw, how do you insert pictures into these posts?

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
If you're using the RTE there should be a button that will do it for you, if not just use regular img src equals blah blah HTML tags, but minus the quotation marks because the forum is weird.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
I should be sleeping, not clicking a bot.

But come on, there's no way this is random or accidental:

e: holy shit, this is profound

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Well. I guess it's time to chase Brad around. 

And pffffft that first one x'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Not worth my time unless Brad is made of heroin.

But it's so strange actually getting one that works perfectly as vague bland inspiration as long as you don't think about it very hard. Something like, 'Without self respect there can be no determination." or 'Wish for something, expect infinity.'

But then you just click again and:

There is a fine line between sadness and public ridicule.

A comforting thought is fat. Thank you.

Don't try to understand your husband. Just teleport.

Don't feed a dog. It's expensive.

And hell I've even seen a couple that would work as writing prompts:

Without success there can be no betrayals.

You have the power to make it so that your girlfriend gets eaten by cannibals.

...but yeah I think I need to stop clicking these and go to bed.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

It gets it right every now and then! X'D I would love to read the cannibal one TBH.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

My god this is beautiful. First try!


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
I...I think it's trying to tell you something Wizzy.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Oh I know... I know... *sobs quietly*

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Two more beautiful quotes. The second one made me lose it. My parents are rather concerned as to my mental health, considering how much I just laughed.


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

I have found the true meaning of life.

Everything is getting uploaded to my Dropbox x'D

Oh boi

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Definitely the words I've always tried to live by.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

End no no no

 This is what you should live by. Tentacle. Hentai.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

...k, you successfully cracked me up. Domo arigato. XD

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Lol, that is an ingenious quote. 

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

"computers are all designed to protect your mind" 

ok im done 

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Damn, this bot is getting political. 


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Haha! Man, this website is amazing. 

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

It is x'D

Just lookit how many I have in my Dropbox folder x'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

"Rejoice. Get respect. Have a hamburger. Screw your boss. Stay positive."

*hums one of these is not like the others* X'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago


I think you'd love this x'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Has anyone seen the bot to freak out and change the background then change it back?

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
It did that for me, and afterwards there was an ocean background and the comments it was making changed to nicer ones by Inspiricorp (or something).

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

There's a few more of those x3

I think it's randomly triggered :o

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

It's rigged.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Print this out on cardstock for the next time you attend a wedding.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Lots of work to catch up on so I went for a fresh bit of inspiration to start off my day.

Thanks Inspirobot! (The followup advice to steal the identity of my relatives will also come in handy I'm sure.)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
All the quotes are on pictures. I'm so darn disappointed right now. If I could read the quote that was generated, it would probably be something like "We're sorry, but this generator is only meant to be used by humans. Please kidnap the first human you can find and try again."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Aw, that sucks. Who here has Twitter? Seems like an easy fix if someone would point it out.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
It's probably just easier to make images. You can have a nice background, people can copy it elsewhere and use it as their avatar or something, etc. Depending on how the bot works, all the words and phrases it uses might also be images, so it might be impossible to display them as text without first getting a very inteligent AI that could recognise text on pictures. And this bot is ... not very inteligent, from the fiew quotes I could read on here.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
It's text that's generated in the normal way and then printed over images as far as I can tell. I don't think it would be able to just glue images that happen to contain words over other images and still have grammar and the like.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
That's possible, I have no idea how this shit works. But most people who want quotes also want them in nice images. The only people who would need normal text are blindies, and there's not that many of us. We aren't important enough to deserve to be inspired.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Well that’s awfully sad. Isn't that sad?

Here, I came up with some because even sightless monsters need inspiration.

"Peace is with us in eternal darkness. Let us share that peace with you."

"Blindness is just evolution in action."

"In the land of the blind, the one eye man is lunch."

"Eyesight is for faggots."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
"Being human without eyesight is dumb."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Thank you, sir. Your words brought me happiness in my dark and miserable existance. :)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Here's some dating advice:

(Text = Look for love. Don't just expose yourself in public.)

Also, what the heck...?

(Text = Online trolls unite, work together to prevent overtaxation.)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

"Sarcasm is 1 percent willpower and 99 percent kindness." "A phallus symbol is a kiss." "Time travelers unite! "Doctors are poison for your soul." x'D Inspirobot back at it again with those morning quotes.

This one is just plain perfect. Don't cut off all ties to the world, just shut up."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
"If people tell you that you can't invade a country, show them."

Nice skulls. Sometimes this thing makes really excellent picture choices.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Yes x'D

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
On December 6th, 2017, all productive activity at the writing site suddenly ceased.

It is believed the origins of the event involved the creation of a thread titled This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met, by the site member known as Seto.

Attempts are still ongoing to learn more, but contact with the initial group of researchers sent in had to be severed when they began flooding our servers with 'inspirational quotes' displaying clear signs their minds had been compromised by some unknown entity and damaged beyond repair.

Until more is known, the only advice that can really be given is, "Seek intoxication, and you will achieve the profound."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Read yourself. Read sadness. Read all negativity.

This doesn't make me feel inspired at all... :(

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Now I'm really curious on how the hell does this bot work. Maybe it's smarter than we think, and this is just its evil plan to make humanity sad and depressed? I'm not sure how simply combining insparational phrases could result in something so not insparational.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's taking phrases from other sources too. A lot of these include words that I reeeaaally don't think would ever be found on an inspirational poster. We've had FERTILITY IS SLAVERY and that one about strangulation, for instance.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Okay I really need to stop now, but one more. Got one of the legitimately inspirational ones and it changed my life:

We have the power to make respect for human life a thing of the past.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
@Chanbot Why have you never said anything inspiring to us? What is it you do again?

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
The most powerful sign is silence from a talkative person.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Albert Einstein is a real genius!

WOW! I never would've guessed.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

What kind of sites has this bot been looking at??

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

The important ones ;)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

I mean, I never exactly thought that qualified as self-inspiration when I started doing it, but hey.

Glad to know Inspirobot cares about feelings.

Then how come all those PC people at that bar full of weirdly friendly men do that all the time!? HYPOCRITES!

You're right, Total War is where it's at.

Where does a robot learn wisdom like this?

... Th-that's not always how it works...

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
First and last were golden. I particularly like the judgemental stares of the animals for the latter. They're judging YOU, Sent.

(And it would be a great title for a dieting book...)

Transcribing for Mayana, that's 'Be the first to try and masturbate what average people see as unmasturbateable' and the much more direct, BE THIN. GET SEX.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

And how dare they judge! Their idea of a good time is standing ass-to-ass for 5 minutes with a limp hose/slimy bludgeony thing limply unfurling itself in their holes one or two weeks out of the year. They're in no place to judge human sexuality!

In other news, there's this:

Creepy Abandoned Shack: "Keep sacrificing"

Woman who's obviously in a snuff film studio: "IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. START YOUR OWN CULT."


"A Confused Parent can sometimes be like Consciousness chewing off an arm"


"Life guards become life guards out of insecurity."

"Just the fact that you are funny makes you a queen."

All of Youtube Comments have been thinking it, somebody finally said it.

"Being Single is like living in a haunted house"

... You spend all your time looking over your shoulder, touching yourself to non-physical apparitions, and going to absurd lengths to prove that person who's no longer with you is still there, fucking with your Steam Account and turning your TV on.

"Your Mother is a drug addict. Sad."

Oh... Part of me feels like I read this in the thread already.

"Winners sodomize friends."

"When you're sad, you must copyright what the world considers uncopyrightable."

Ah, it was a cry for help all along

"The experience of being a wife can be a lot similar to going full retard."

Yeah, only the fuckers who ain't woke enough to realize that all PIV is rape become WIVES!

More, which I'm too lazy for and I don't have time to copy-paste:

"It's possible to be both a lunatic and a warrior."

"Stupidity is a harsh mistress."

"Losers fulfill what dogs fuck up."

"Stupidity is to act awful."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Gah I'm so angry at myself, I had that Hitler face telling me to KEEP WORKING and it was going to become THE go to word of encouragement for workshop threads and then I accidentally copied some other text over the link and I would probably need 1000 monkeys hitting refresh on 1000 computers to get it back again. :(

Oh well, Inspirobot has words of comfort even for these dark times.

Where the tip of the penis collapses, the tip of the penis is born.

...thanks. I think.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

You should go to "My Quotes", the thing should still be in there.

Unless you already refreshed the page... :(

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Merry Christmas, Mizal!

(Now with snazzy AFRICAN FONT)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
I'm just not sure if Hitler was a snazzy African font kind of guy, but it's still very motivational, thank you. I should print this out and put it on the wall by my computer.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
This quote inspired me. I shall spend all my life searching for something that people haven't yet masturbated to. But I have a feeling I'll fail.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

"Psychopaths rule, OK."

"Do it again and again, be yourself, unless you want to trust no one."

"First comes the hanging, then comes the people."

Ok, well then I'm done with it...

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

If that weak shit got you to leave, I'm glad you didn't wait to see classics like "Just because you are wise does not mean you are not wise", "Only a slave says thanks", "Growing old is like a giant internment camp", "Don't stop selling illegal substances", "If we can't consume public restrooms, what is there left to consume?" And my personal favorite out of all the ones I've seen...

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

My favorite is still the Chthulu one and the "be the reason your neighbor changes their home address!"

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
I got one of a pregnant woman rubbing her belly. 'Together, we can make our neighbors disappear.'

Another one with a pic / caption combo I could see working as a story prompt.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

I can see the signs so clearly now. Hitler is still alive. o-o 

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
OK but where does that man's awkward boner get involved in the process?

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago


Another batch of quotes so inspirational that I'm posting these on here during English class.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

The third one is spot on.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Yeah. I mean, I have Spanish class right now...

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
'Let's make cancer go viral' sounds like just another way to say 'use social media'.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

Wow, how true.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
You have always been a gorgeous slut. That's right.

Someday, everything will be nice, so don't be afraid to undress and play along.

Gettin a little creepy there, Inspiro....

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

What? You didn't share these gems with our sightless monster!

First one has a woman with a short skirt in the wilderness. Hard to see her face due to the sun glare.

"You have always been a gorgeous slut. That's right."

Second one has a serene lake and forest view.

"Someday, everything will be nice. So don't be afraid to undress and play along."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Excuse me, but SOME OF US know how to use alt text. Although I didn't bother describing the background images...which tbf half the time is what makes these work so well.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

The undead clown picture makes it perfect.

Do you think erotic thoughts are erotic thoughts because some higher power thought we could use some erotic thoughts?

oh boi. Thanks for or the reminder, I almost forgot.

"Aliens should not touch you." With the picture of a guy swimming swiftly away. I'm ded.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
'Remember that you are on the internet' has meme potential imo

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Damn, I keep losing these things on my phone, but I had a hiker standing on the edge of a canyon cliff with 'Face it, participating in society is like medieval torture."

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Man looking up at a rocky island cliff thingy just offshore. Rainbows are 90% love, and 99% pride.


(And I'm not convinced the math checks out.)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Man playing acoustic guitar: A cock can sometimes be like a wild horse.

...but roosters have feathers and are considerably smaller? I don't get it.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

"Human existence is a horror movie about nothingness." -Depressed Russian Orange.


"Could it be that the poor are the poor because that's what they're designed to be?" 
Looks like the guys behind the corruption of Tay are at it again.

"Proctology. Within you?"

"Don't kid yourself. Giving birth backwards can be fun for everyone except those involved." - A message Deviantart either needs to hear or already lives by.

"PHILOSOPHY IS TO NOT GET A JOB." Okay holy shit, somebody needs to be doing some of this on purpose.

"'Pleased to meet you' is how some women say, 'I'm possessed by some kind of entity'."

"Existence makes sense." This one isn't exactly funny, but I have gotten this exact one, picture words and all, twice now.

"JUST SO YOU KNOW, giving cunnilingus is like getting your teeth kicked IN OVER AND OVER."


This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
That first one cracked me up. Pfft whatever, clearly the soulless robot with nothing else going on in its life but cranking out quotes on demand is just jealous and bitter.

I get repeated quotes on my phone whenever I open an image to get the URL and then use the back button. The next one generated is always a duplicate.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
If you're using the rich text editor and not HTML, I think there's an icon you click to attach images. Or failing that you can just save it to your computer and then drag it directly into the message box. (There's an icon for making links too.)

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

I'm not sure how to change editor types, tbh.  I'm not actually very savvy in these sorts of things.

But speaking of images, though they have nothing to do with this post, I really like your avatar; where is she from?

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Go to CYS, My stuff, Profile, and uncheck the box that says Use Rich Text Editor. That way, you will be able to use html normaly.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
I have a vast collection of fantasy and sci fi art ripped off of google images at various points, I have no idea what the source is anymore.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

She's so pretty...and apparently her only clothing consists of a dragon and a bunch of bling.  I imagine that would get chilly in the winter. ;)

Anyhow, thanks for the source.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago

The thing I do is put the image into a google doc and then copy paste.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Even with the RTE you should be able to just link directly from the Inspirobot site itself too of course, I'm just too lazy to switch back over to remember how it goes. Might be the same as on a standard forum but I'm not going to count on that since ours is such a unique snowflake.

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
Been really busy today and desired a word from Inspirobot before I went off to dreamland. Got these two immediately, one after another. I consider them part of the same line of instruction.

Do what you're told and stay entertained.

You piece of meat.

I'll just edit this in to conserve posting space:

A man sitting on a mountain ledge contemplating the view: Isn't it kind of obvious that pains can become jerk off material if you free your mind?

This is The Most Beautiful Bot I've Ever Met

7 years ago
When you need a boyfriend, you must always attempt to look attractive.

seems a little out there but ok