Banned? Ouch.
Anyway, the story's gone, so here's my comment that I had put on it, in case you didn't get to see it:
This was about the holocaust? Says who? It is simply because there were bullets and there were also bullets during the holocaust? My experience with this game went like this:
I’m starting out with no context at all. I don’t know where I am. I don’t know why I’m there. But I’m helping some guy named Vlad, and his general tells him to shoot at Germans. I have a choice to “dig deeper” or “shoot or not shoot.” This really doesn’t make any sense at all. Am I in a trench? Do I have a shovel or a gun in my hand? And if I do have a gun, why would I choose to not shoot when a general is standing over me telling me to shoot? I don’t think I have a shovel, so I select the second option.
The second option takes me to a second page with no text at all on it. Why is this here? There is no reason for this page at all. Instead, if I was supposed to choose to shoot or not shoot, I could have had those options on the previous page. This is already very confusing and annoying. Since I have absolutely no reason in the world NOT to shoot and I have a general yelling at me to shoot, it seems likely I’m in a battle and if I don’t shoot my general will kill me. Therefore I choose to shoot.
This takes me to a page that appears to indicate that I did indeed shoot because I can hear bullets. I’m not sure how I can hear bullets over the sound of my gun shooting, but whatever. But now it’s back to the shovel, asking me if I dug a hole. I have no option here, so again, this page is utterly useless. I select the option so that I can hopefully reach the end of this soon.
This takes me to a page with a sentence fragment. And I am “ded.” Did I shoot myself? Did the shovel hit me in the head? What the hell happened? I did what my general asked me to do. I have absolutely no clue what’s going on at all in this story, and you’re claiming this is about the holocaust? No. No it is not. It is a few words slapped together, almost appearing to be randomly slapped together. It doesn’t make any sense, it follows no logic, and it’s just bad. In fact, this review I’m writing actually has more words in it than your entire story and probably has more logic and thought in it as well.
If you would like to write stories, great. If you want help writing stories, even better. But don’t write a story and then run around claiming that you’re the best in the world because you put a few words on a web site. If you do want to get better at writing, first read. If you want to get better at CYS stories, read this site – a lot. Read what others have written. Read the forums. Read what people like and do not like. And read the comments to what you write. I’m not saying believe every word of every comment, but when you find a lot of people writing the same thing about your writing, there just might be a bit of truth in what you’re reading.