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Think about others before you comment

6 years ago

We need to think about others before we comment it could really hurt someone’s feelings. I recently posted a fun little school project but then people started rating it with 1s; however I’m not put down so easily I will keep going check the nasty comments on my Maus school project. Remember that there is someone behind the screen


Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
I feel like you're missing the point.

It's literally right under your nose.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
Hmm. Why do I get the feeling that all this whining is going to accomplish exactly the opposit of what you want? I left another comment on your story, not all that mean, where I basically said again what people've already been telling you so that you'd maybe understand better this time. Now I regret not making it more mean, just because of all this complaining. The comments you're crying so much about weren't even that mean. Usually, such a short and half assed story would get much worse!

Welcome to the internet, pal. If you publish something online, other people will see it. And if they think it's terrible, they'll let you know. There are communities that try to be super nice and supportive. However, if you'd have browsed CYS for even a few minutes before you chose it, you'd have realized that it's not that sort of place.

Were your feelings hurt? Unfortunate. Press alt+f4 and go read a book or take a walk outside to relax. But even if you still think you are the right one here after that, that's no reason to react like this. This no doubt isn't the first time your feelings were hurt, and it won't be the last one. You'll need to learn to control yourself so you don't post plenty of comments complaining that you're offended. That'll only make people hate you more.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
Your story was graded with exactly the same standards and amount of criticism as any other story on the site. People don't give good ratings to stories that are less than 500 words with little story to speak of and some random song lyrics thrown in. As for comments, "trial by fire" is kinda how things work around here. Usually it's constructive criticism masked in a slew of insults because it makes people laugh. This is a place for writers to hone their skills and readers to find good and engaging stories (which are the ones that survive.) If you're using it for a school project, I would suggest you take the advice I gave you in my "nasty" comment.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
You averaged like 15 words a page. You produced low quality work and it was rated appropriately.

If you dont want the criticism you dont have to publish your work.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
Your very first comment, from Leora: I would recommend leaving school projects unpublished in sneak preview for your teacher to see. Published works will be held to the same standards as everything else on this site. Whoa that sure is mean and nasty! But it's also telling you exactly what should've been done so that you could show the "story" to your teacher and classmates (and be given the failing grade you deserve) and telling you exactly what would happen if you left it public. My comment was simply the truth: you ARE lazy and your teacher SHOULD fail you, also only 100 words of the "story" were yours in the first place. The rest was a plagiarized Disney song you worthless, disgusting child.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
Banned? Ouch. Anyway, the story's gone, so here's my comment that I had put on it, in case you didn't get to see it: This was about the holocaust? Says who? It is simply because there were bullets and there were also bullets during the holocaust? My experience with this game went like this: I’m starting out with no context at all. I don’t know where I am. I don’t know why I’m there. But I’m helping some guy named Vlad, and his general tells him to shoot at Germans. I have a choice to “dig deeper” or “shoot or not shoot.” This really doesn’t make any sense at all. Am I in a trench? Do I have a shovel or a gun in my hand? And if I do have a gun, why would I choose to not shoot when a general is standing over me telling me to shoot? I don’t think I have a shovel, so I select the second option. The second option takes me to a second page with no text at all on it. Why is this here? There is no reason for this page at all. Instead, if I was supposed to choose to shoot or not shoot, I could have had those options on the previous page. This is already very confusing and annoying. Since I have absolutely no reason in the world NOT to shoot and I have a general yelling at me to shoot, it seems likely I’m in a battle and if I don’t shoot my general will kill me. Therefore I choose to shoot. This takes me to a page that appears to indicate that I did indeed shoot because I can hear bullets. I’m not sure how I can hear bullets over the sound of my gun shooting, but whatever. But now it’s back to the shovel, asking me if I dug a hole. I have no option here, so again, this page is utterly useless. I select the option so that I can hopefully reach the end of this soon. This takes me to a page with a sentence fragment. And I am “ded.” Did I shoot myself? Did the shovel hit me in the head? What the hell happened? I did what my general asked me to do. I have absolutely no clue what’s going on at all in this story, and you’re claiming this is about the holocaust? No. No it is not. It is a few words slapped together, almost appearing to be randomly slapped together. It doesn’t make any sense, it follows no logic, and it’s just bad. In fact, this review I’m writing actually has more words in it than your entire story and probably has more logic and thought in it as well. If you would like to write stories, great. If you want help writing stories, even better. But don’t write a story and then run around claiming that you’re the best in the world because you put a few words on a web site. If you do want to get better at writing, first read. If you want to get better at CYS stories, read this site – a lot. Read what others have written. Read the forums. Read what people like and do not like. And read the comments to what you write. I’m not saying believe every word of every comment, but when you find a lot of people writing the same thing about your writing, there just might be a bit of truth in what you’re reading.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
Banned for plagiarism and probably trolling. And for spending 4X as long whining as writing. Although I imagine his response to your comment would be the same to the others who tried to help: I only did this for school I don’t care about your comments of hate. Just because all of you want real fun storylines and things to just have fun. That doesn’t mean other people can use CYS for other things besides story games. Like come on. You are the reason people say don’t read the comment section. I've saved the entire transcript of the story (didn't exactly take long) and will probably put it up in Interesting Comments along with the comments themselves once I have a chance to format it. All of us wrote way more in response to the story than the author wrote in the story itself.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago

I’m actually looking forward to seeing this, as I wasn’t lucky enough to see it in its natural habitat.

Think about others before you comment

6 years ago
fuck you

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago
It's been a matter of some minor discussion so I'm just wondering what the opinions of the users who matter is on situations like these.* When a kid like this pops up, would you prefer they be allowed to tard around while you all throw rotten vegetables, or simply be removed? I know threads like this used to be a major source of entertainment in the Lounge in the past, but the environment has changed somewhat and we're more about writing and less screwing around (outside the Discord) now. It also seems to me, if this matters at all (probably not) that it's much kinder to the short bus child in question to just immediately kick them off a site they're clearly unsuited for than to let them wander among the wolves with a steak tied around their necks. Then again, maybe that's just solid entertainment, a learning experience and a team-building exercise all at once and I should just let nature take its course. *Your opinions will be, as always, disregarded completely if that suits the admins. Democracy is a failed system.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

I currently have no way to access discord, so I’d appreciate it if you would allow me more fun time. Although it definitely depends on who they are. If they are just trolling or they are so retarded that people start to pity them, you can just slit their throat. If they are little kids complaining about the use of “bad words,” or if their mental capacity has peaked at the age of 10, then it might be more fun just to poke them with spears while directing them off of a cliff.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago
If you can use the internet you can access Discord. Although figuring out how I leave as a very low bar that you must raise your feet slightly to step over.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

Actually, my school has a shit ton of sites blocked, and discord is one of them. We also do not have the App Store. My IPad has something called FileWave MDM Configuration, and it currently has 29 restrictions on it. I usually just use a proxy to bypass it, but most of the good proxies are blocked and all the ones that do don’t work for discord.


Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago
How sad. Sounds like you're in one of those rare schools where teachers actually notice and care about these things. I think like half the server is just on their phone in class most of the time they're on.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

I was on the discord for like one day, but my mom is very anti technology and she has something called “Kaspersky kids” downloaded, so I can’t do anything on there either. Some kid fucked everything up for us, by watching porn in class, so now we can’t do anything. It didn’t solve anything, kids just either watch YouTube, or they just get on their phones.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago
Sounds like a great reason to learn hacking. Overthrow the oppressive system!

Tho I guess learning it might be difficult given the circumstances.

(Oh, guessing this site isn't blocked, hurrah!)

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

All of the good sites that teach hacking are blocked.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

I think that the benefits of letting them flail for a little while would outweigh the costs, as long as it stays in the Lounge.  

Public stoning.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

While I know I probably have not been a member of the forums long enough to be considered a user who matters, I hope you don't mind me giving my opinion on this.

I think the "public stoning" option is better. I'll admit that I almost always try to be nice and polite, but to be fair, this is the internet. If you put out sub par work you need to be prepared have it be torn apart. And almost everybody I saw in the comments gave advice along with criticism. That's more than most places will give you. If they are serious about improving then they will use the criticism to harden their resolve and produce better work in the future. If they aren't serious they shouldn't be putting their work on this site. And if they can't take criticism, well, maybe Choice of Games is a better fit for them. Or getting off the internet and reading a book.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago
Been a while since I threw a good stone. Not been a while since the last beheading so clearly a public stoning is in order.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

Public stonings have always been our way. Old traditions should be respected.

Though given that he wasn’t just being a regular retard and actually plagiarized, I can see the need for a swift execution in this instance.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago
I vote for public stoning. It might not be the nicest or most moral choice, but who cares? It's good fun for almost everyone involved.

Poll: Swift Execution or Public Stoning?

6 years ago

Public stoning. If you gonna be a bitch, you gonna die like a bitch.