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Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

These animals who attack defenseless elders need to be hunted down and shot like the dogs they are. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

I take issue with that reaction. Who the hell hunts dogs?

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
No animal should be "hunted" per say unless you hunt them for food...

If you fight back and kill the "dog" with self defence, then that's also fine.

But what that sounds like is that these "dogs" need to be hunted for sport or something lol

interesting take dare I say

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

If a dog mauls a child, you find it and put it down. Nothing different in this scenario. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
Should the dog be held responsible, tracked down and shit? Obviously, the child was unarmed! I'm just implying that vigilante-like actions don't necessarily have the best outcomes no matter the context.

That being said, the dog will have the taste of human blood, which is never a good thing. In a way I'm partly agreeing and disagreeing with the overall stance.

But I can understand your POV

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Vigilante justice is never ideal, but in cases like this, it becomes pretty much necessary to make people aware that attacking innocent people will have consequences. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
Me when I thought you were talking about animals without reading the article *facepalm*

But I still stand behind the fact that self defence that leads to the same result that vigilanteism brings is better imo than a retaliation after the fact when it comes to assault onto other people. If people don't want to carry weapons then it should be better to know how to defend themselves as an essential course in school or shit.

By teaching people how to do self defence it'll probably lessen the chances that people will start something. Not completely as there's many different factors that lead to starting an incident in the first place.

If they come back to attack you again, then you shouldn't wait to see if they attack again.

In the case of this article, a "Serial Racist-to-Asians Pusher-to-the-ground assault"... or however you wanna call it... isn't necessarily "hunt them down dead" worthy because at the end of it all, assault if assault. No matter your culture.

It's not like you're being hit over the head with the butt of a gun or something repeatedly

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

We can always have both vigilantism and retaliation. The fact is that the only language these sorts of people understand is through bullets. 

I believe it's "hunt them down" worthy because this is just one example of a boatload of crimes committed against Asians. A disproportionate reaction would put some fear into the hearts of these people, to let them know that you can't attack us with impunity. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
lets say there was a serial assaulter against black individuals, or a serial assaulter against white people. would you still uphold this belief, out of curiosity?

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Silly Devil. Let me explain how it works:

When a guy murders a bunch of innocent old Asian people, you say, "Sick fucking bastard! Sharpen yer pitchforks boys, we're goin' huntin' tonight!"

When a guy murders a bunch of innocent Black people, you say, "Yes, officer. I'm sorry officer. Have a nice day, officer." ^_^

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
LOL I'm just saying on PLANET EARTH this kind of assault isn't necessarily the worst kind of assault.

In HELL HOWEVER, any kind of assault is acceptable except onto devilites and myself as we mercilessly marinade them with bruises and blood clots as they would slowly decompose on the ground all while preparing the lava pits with seasoning and spices to cook the tasty morcils for the feast to be bestowed upon us.

And yes this is after they died on earth, so it's naturally morally correct.... I guess 0.o

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

I feel more strongly about this scenario because I'm Asian as well, but if people were to go after criminals that assault white or black elderly people, I would support them. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
that's fair. I can respect that.

If you weren't asian and you would've swapped the view point, then I would've been a bit more critical of that tbh.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

TBH, I'd say it's probably less bad to go after old Asian people than any other race, since there's a higher chance that one of them will be a wise old martial arts master and stealthily chop you in half after whispering, "You are already dead" in your ear. ^_^

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Plenty of people deserve to die. If the death penalty was economically efficient I would be 100% for it. The issue is that the death penalty in the united states costs more than life in prison. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

This is extremely disturbing to me, this kind of hate crime needs to be treated as more than just ordinary assault. There's a link to the story of that 84 year old who was killed this way just a few days before and I can't even describe how angry it makes me that someone that age who you know has overcome so much hardship in their life would be murdered just at random by some sociopathic thug.

Asians have faced some of the worst discrimination in the history and are still the targets of open mockery and stereotyping, and that's just considered completely acceptable. Hate crimes get ignored because half the time it's certain other minorities targeting us, and it would just be so racist to notice that or do anything about it.  

That 91 year old would remember a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act was just an accepted part of the law in the US, or he would have survived much worse things wherever else he came from. He never got to go crying to anyone about racism or had the whole world falling over itself to apologize to him. And it's BECAUSE Asians as a whole have done so well for themselves instead of just laying around and taking handouts that it's considered no big deal when they're targeted or when their businesses are targeted, until it turns into situations like this.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
>certain other minorities

Did you have any specific ones in mind?

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Sinophobia and antisemitism are a special kind of racism because Chinese people and Jews are generally more successful than white people which undermines white supremacist ideals. Most racism is "these people are culturally inferior to us", but the same argument cannot be made for cultures that are systematically superior (at least in a capitalist country). We will never be seen as equals, we will never have our successes seen as honest or as the result of our culture. We will always be seen as cheaters and liars. Israel will always be seen as an imperialist state despite being in the Jews' indigenous homeland and China will always be seen as a dystopian hellhole, despite their many successes and general popularity among the Chinese public. Obviously both China and Israel have many issues that can be criticized, but racists on the right and the left will always simply criticize their existence as it threatens the idea of racism only being a result of cultural inferiority. 

Sorry Mizal, you can dock me points if you want, but as a Jew living in China using US media this is what I have noticed. 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
I was pretty in agreement with what Veggies said, other his constant dancing around that "certain minorities" he obviously has an issue with.

I can't be baited into arguing about Israel, I'm not generally one slam people for being born in the country they were given so you'll have to get in a slapfight with Coins over that. The actual nation of China wasn't remotely the subject here though, that's your personal obsession.

>despite their many successes and general popularity among the Chinese public.

What happens to members of the Chinese public who publicly disagree with that?

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Why the hell does he think we're going to silence his political beliefs, we're not China.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
Idk these defenseless old people all seem like a bunch of whining bitches to me, did I ever tell you about the time I wrestled a grizzly bear in a blizzard?

Yeah I had to uproot an entire tree to finish it off, then I carried the tree with the bear's ass impaled on it for miles, just to show the lame video game playin kids these days how tough I was.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Yea, it's America after all. All people, young or old, remember: stay strapped or get clapped.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago


This happened in my city. While the man just walked in and started wrecking the store with a metal bar while threatening customers and employees, his accomplice was yelling anti-Asian slurs and telling them to go back to their country. This happens ALL THE TIME, look at the article where the owner says they face incidents like this at least once a year. The ONLY reason it's being reported on at all is because the spa shootings are still recent enough in people's minds.


This time last year these incidents weren't being reported at all, Asian businesses were being targeted for rioters and thieves for racial reasons and all the "woke, socially sensitive" people were openly cheering the violent racist criminals on as heroes who only wanted their rights respected.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

their fault for trying to turn the ghetto into black korea 

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
Not really related to anything, but I just randomly thought of the time puddlebunni explained how having I N T E R A C T E D with People of Color gave her a unique perspective on understanding the problem of racism, and broke into an IRL giggling fit at work.

Maybe anything related to puddle should've gone in the Tumblr thread. But this seems to be our current race relations spot and the war of Black on Yellow that veggies keeps teasing at hasn't really heated up enough yet to give it any content.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

I made eye contact with a black person once. Shall I share my wisdom with the rest of you ignorant swine? ^_^

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
It was just NOT interacting with the other races an actual option? Why don't all the Nazi peeps just do that then instead of whining?

Unless you have some arrangement where you never have to leave your home and can make special requests regarding your delivery drivers, I just don't see how to pull this off.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Live in a really, really white area.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
If I had the money to do that then I would never have to interact with white people, either. I mean I don't know about the rest of you but I plan to only accept pizza deliveries to my fortress from a robot made of crystal glass and gold.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

I was planning on drone delivery. Gets there quicker. ^_^

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Little story Swiftstryker dug up. It seems one of his people became annoyed at kids riding bikes and so tried to kill a six year old in End's old homeland of Detroit. As he was given a comically low bond by the judge, will this lead to more rioting and racial violence?

Consensus seems to be that no one there would notice.

It's possible that like the story EYV posted, the judge just wants this guy to go back home to his own country.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Clicky link doesn't click

EDIT: Oh this is in fucking Ypsilanti, that's some faggot suburb of Detroit.

A real Detroit kid would have shot back.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago
Fixed. My phone still likes to turn 'a href' into various different things, no matter how many links I make.

And yes I did think it was strange the six year old didn't have his own gun, especially when he goes out dressed like a girl in public.

I do just like the word Ypsilanti though, I'd name a fantasy city after that.

Coins has complex beliefs about the death penalty

3 years ago

Guns tend to fix problems before they get stuck in court.  I concur.

Swift goes on a rant because Mizal told him to.

3 years ago

TIL UCR and UCI (two second-rate schools from the well-known UC system) give admission preferences towards the children of wealthy Chinese, often at times hailing from the Communist party's members and their business partners.  Given how those two cities are having a large growth of the Asian population, one has to wonder how long it will take before Chinese politicians end up replacing the Vietnamese and Koreans.

There's also a major concern that China could weaponize ethnicity-studies classes and Critical Race Theory overall (while being large proponents of Han-Chinese chauvanism, so hypocrisy +1 to China), since the language and ideology shares a lot of characteristics with the Cultural Revolution that Mao Zedong was pushing for.  As well as the whole communist movement that led to the creation of Russian gulags.  And don't forget Pol Pot's little crusade.

Do I trust Americans at large to know any of this, from either side of the political spectrum? No.  Do I trust any legislative, judicial, or executive body to raise concerns about this?  No.

Anyway, a lot of the escalation between either Retardicans and Democraps could've been quelled if we brought back Fairness Doctrine and banned corporations from buying out broad news networks.  #StopAsianHate is about as useless as a nerd asking their bully to not get their face smashed in while getting their face bashed in, but Democraps would rather their least favorite minority get publicly ball-busted instead of directing that smoothbrained anger towards the WHO and China's government (which would have created a very nice excuse for sanctions, mind you).

Swift goes on a rant because Mizal told him to.

3 years ago

Triggered Vetnamese from San Jose's be like...

But ethnic preference in the UC system is nothing new. 

Swift goes on a rant because Mizal told him to.

3 years ago
See, isn't it better to have these outbursts on a forum, which is designed for longer posts and where people might actually read it and respond now or at some later date instead of just calling you an annoying autist and burying it?

Same for all your environmental stuff, just make a thread, jeez.