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What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Now I know, they're typically shown as green. But why is that? Have you ever actually seen a green fart? Have you ever actually seen a fart? Have you ever TRIED to see a fart? Why not?

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Real princesses don't fart.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
How do you know that?

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

Personally, my farts have always been colorless. According to a quick google search, farts are green in cartoons and such because green is usually associated with something gross( I blame brussels sprouts), or because when you burn methane and sulfur dioxide the flame is green. This second fact is entirely incorrect because both methane and sulfur dioxide produce blue flames when burned. Thank you for adding yet another weird inquiry to my google search history. This will fit in nicely with the likes of "Why do men have nipples?" and "Are chickens part of the bird drone conspiracy?"

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
You mention your own farts, but then refer to Internet searches. So what I'm hearing you say is that you have no idea what color your own farts are, perhaps simply because you haven't had a look. And I didn't even get into starting the conversation about lighting farts, that was your own personal rabbit hole. At least you understand that chickens are on the rebel side of the bird drone conspiracy!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Wait... I'm confused now. I assumed we were trying to figure out the correct colour for farts in general. Are you suggesting that everybody has different coloured farts? This is a truly revolutionary new line of thinking! O.O

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
You can certainly help us test this new theory! We clearly need more farts to accurately test. Farts away!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
I'm sure there are some fetish sites out there that can assist in your research. In fact recently I heard some weird story about a woman who made loads of money selling her own bottled farts. Tragically, she had to retire, since she almost died from excess gas caused by a diet of beans and eggs. Wonder what colour those jars were.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
We're not sniffing them here, that's a whole different research category. I'm waiting on Internet smell-a-vision before I head down that road... You can die from excess gas? That seems unlikely, based on my own experiences...

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
$1000 a jar? Daaaaaamn. I need to change businesses. And I bet my farts are more... fragrant than hers!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
My God. The depravity caused by the simp pandemic has no bounds.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Black, because when I let rip a big one, that's all I see for a few moments.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Interesting, interesting.

Is it a solid black? Or more of a translucent grey-black?

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
It's more like velcro black creeping in from the sides of my vision. That has to be the gas, right?

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Clearly you need to experiment some more to make a clear scientific determination. Next time when you're getting ready to let one rip, perhaps you should set up a video camera and a mirror.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Good thinking, I'll do that during my next writing session. I'll keep you posted!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Nobody pays attention to the colors of farts unless they're brown. Anyway, I would argue fart color depends on the sound, smell, and intestinal contents at the time of occurence.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Excellent points. Do you suspect there is a great variance in the colors based on those factors? Or is it likely that the different factors simply result in different shades of brown?

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Yes, I believe that farts can accurately represent all RGB values. Even non-RGB values such as iridescent, translucent, etc. For example, a loud, chirpy fart will most likely be a bright color while a soft-toned fart (some might call it a poot) would likely be a pastel color. Brown, no matter the shade, is just a messy color and more noticeable than other colors. I will admit that I find pastel brown farts to be the most amusing to observe in the wild.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

CYS Trivia: Ogre, while a long time member of the cast has rarely gotten his own episodes for whatever reason.

Most have stated that he worked better at a background character since he didn't seem to have much depth other than the usual bodily function boomer style related humor.

However this particular episode delved fully into the character of Ogre and gave him a chance to shine like a big brown dwarf star filled with explosive gases.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
mmMMMmm... shiny brown...

Wait, eww!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

The parts of a fart we are capable of perceiving are primarily the methane (the part that makes it flammable and harder to breathe) various sulfides, ammonia, bacteria, and food residue (which creates the distinctive smell. And also some of them are flammable.)

Now, none of these have colors in their gaseous forms, but solid sulfur is commonly yellow, if you had an entire sea of methane, it would be even more colorless than water, but it might look slightly green at the depths of its white/gray appearance. Solid ammonia is pretty much just white and people only add stuff to make ammonia crystals turn colors. But I know what you're thinking. "I know farts smell bad, but if somebody's farts had that weird bitter burning smell of ammonia and/or sulfur, something must be wrong with them!" And that's true, although apparently they can smell that way if somebody is eating a protein-saturated diet. The stuff that comprises most of the smell, and, I daresay, the very character of the fart, is the dead bacteria and digested food. While other elements may comprise the gas, that's what creates the creates the shape that assaults the nostrils, tightens the throat and waters the eyes. That's the portion you think of when you think "fart". But what does that look like when it's solid?

Well, I'm pretty sure you know what that looks like when it's in visible form. Ladies and gentlemen, it's quite clear that the obvious answer was in front of us all along. Farts are brown.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

I have a protein-saturated diet, how cool!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
While that is an excellent, detailed, and thoughtful analysis... does it hold up in practice? All the time there are theories as to how things will turn out, but when actual experiments are carried out, the theory doesn't hold up. So we're looking for true, empirical evidence to support this theory...

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

I should like to submit as evidence the distinctly umber hue that develops along the edges of wallpaper in rooms that Ogre often inhabits.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Indeed, this is quality information. Of course umber is often associated with iron oxide or manganese oxide, neither of which you have noted appear in the usual content of the fart. This creates an interesting conundrum: are they actually contents of the fart? Are Ogre's fart's different from others in that they do contain additional materials and compounds? Or could the iron oxide actually be a out product of the farts and wallpaper, in effect, the wallpaper has actually RUSTED from the effects of the farts?

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
I think the true question here is what color are YOUR farts, Ogre?
You shouldn't exclude yourself from your own research. Every person's answer counts. As for me, I would say it depends on the day.

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
I like to think mine are beautiful, sparkly rainbows, but not quite sure how to confirm. ^_^

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
That sounds right.

Sadly, I'm thinking we could find a number of... "people" that would pay to confirm. Let's not do that...

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Now we do have to be careful... scientists are often required not to be part of their own experiments, as that might... color... the results!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Also, for those of you considering NOT farting, apparently that's quite dangerous as well!

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

A truly inspirational story. ^_^

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago

"A small study found that the smell of farts, or hydrogen sulfide, can have some incredible health benefits, like helping the person who farted live longer, while the smell can quell dementia. Smelling farts can also help with heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. The scientists say the stinkier the fart the better, too."

What Color is your Fart?

2 years ago
Ogre's truly the fart expert