I figure these people will be brutally stamped out with overwhelming force in short order, but hey, we all thought the same about Ukraine and that's still going.
Police are just straight up opening fire into crowds so they've already surpassed the death toll of the election protests in 2009, the
last time everyone got in an uproar over a girl bring murdered (
Still a long way to match 2019's numbers of a thousand plus (, but they're off to a strong start.
I'm going to take the controversial moral stance that young girls shouldn't be beaten to death over covering their hair just slightly incorrectly. I'm also impressed that Biden took an actual stance on it too; Obama in 2009 was too much of a mealy mouthed pussy, and Trump in 2019 couldn't decide between "yes, no, and no comment".
Anyway, the situation they were living in has been shit enough that these women have nothing to lose at this point. It's been almost fifty damn years since 1979 so however unlikely, it really would be nice if the current generation managed to one way or another take back the level of rights they had prior to that.
Also I just want to take a moment to appreciate how halal it is to be rioting for a good and pure reason like protesting the brutal murder of a young girl over medieval dress code laws, in America we just get everyone running around setting random unrelated businesses on fire and robbing and killing their neighbors because a crackhead rolled a 1 on like his tenth arrest.