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mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Folks, we really want to continue to have contests, and the only way that can happen is if we raise some money for mizal to get a new computer. There's simply no other way. It cannot be done without that new computer. Also, because she wants to be able to effectively write comments about the contest, she needs a $4,000 computer. And she shouldn't have to work for it, so we should just all quickly donate her $4,000 so she can get a new computer. Come on, join in and support contests!

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Normally I'd hesitate to make such demands, but inflation being what it is, if we waited until 2024 you would all owe me $6000. Better to act now so that we can finally find out who won the contest and the Thunderdome.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Thank you.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
I only have $2 to my name. Could I please donate them to the cause?

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Thank you.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
You're welcome

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Try writing "I only have $2 to my name" and standing outside with a cardboard sign, you bum.

(Although you won't actually have $2, I'll be taking those.)

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Sorry they aren't crisp and freshly laundered from the bank. :(

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago

While I can appreciate the sentiment that this thread was started in, I must admit that I am completely disgusted by it.  Surely one cannot expect Mizal (capital M of course) to be forced to make do with a $4000 (or even $6000) computer.  For Her work and efforts I believe the community should at least provide an $8000 computers as less expensive ones are not suitable for typing.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
What is this "capital M" of which you speak?

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
The $6000 computer is actually fine, but you're right, I'm gonna need $2000 for a keyboard.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago

I have a whole cent saved up from years of labor. I'd like to donate it because I'm a truly selfless person. 

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
You disgust me. Go mow lawns and don't come back until you have at least $500.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Come on people, more donations, don't you realize her birthday is tomorrow?! (And today, also.)

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago

I believe this should cover the cost. 

V1 Bored Apes Claim They Got There Before The Bored Ape Yacht Club


mizal needs a computers

8 months ago
Coins and I have been working tirelessly to give Mizal $300. I hope she doesn't mind that it's a bit sweaty from his jockstrap.

mizal needs a computers

8 months ago

I don't have much money to spare, but I entered my roommate's bank account and sent some money from his "Rent" account. I don't know what that is but it can't be important.