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What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
Not sure how this post should go, but what are you guys thankful for this year?

I'm thankful for this site, it's seriously amazing! It's not everyday I get to read my favorite stories and then have conversations with the authors of those stories, that's a mind trip.

I'm thankful that my family's in good health, that all of us can gather and celebrate thanksgiving together and I guess I'm thankful that college is going ok, and I'm almost done.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

This year? I'm thankful I'm not homeless, I guess. I'm thankful my grandma is going to give me a £20 note for my birthday (snide ass). Outside of that my friends are cool, I guess. I'm thankful that one of my managers at work is going to be moved to a different location soon (thank fuck). 

I'm thankful that I have been given all the capacities needed to be successful in life if I use and cultivate them wisely. I'm thankful to those who help me, and most of all I'm thankful to myself for helping myself all the time. 

In Seriousness, there's much I'm grateful for, too much to list here, since it would be everything, since everything I have or create is just borrowed anyways. 

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
nice, that's a solid list! me too, there is too much for me to list here so I just gave the highlights

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
I also am really grateful for you guys, this is a great community. I do most of my socializing with people from it and have made some really close friends here. Something I appreciate more and more as I really don't have a lot of shared interests with anyone around me IRL.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

I dread speaking to most people in real life, most people put on fake ass smiles and you're walking on egg shells in what is allowed to be said. I've noticed I'm very inhibited and brief in how I speak to most people because of this, when I'm with my actual friends it's very different. There's just way more filters with people in real life, where even if I had a lot in common with them it typically takes way longer to know, as paradoxical as that seems lol


People are less inhibited online, basically. The people at your workplace or those around you might have more in common with you than you think! It's just harder to know. 

Or maybe I'm just shy idk lol, it's probably very multi faceted. 

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

That sounds like a very autistic trait (not that it's necessarily bad) haha. 

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

I'm on schedule with my thesis, so maybe I will have a break during Christmas and the latter half of January. 

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
I'm grateful to not be banned (currently)

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
I'm thankful for having survived the Thanksgiving drive.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
Aren't you like 15, how're you drinking?

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
By not asking so many questions.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

RK is just jealous.  He's 15 also and hasnt figured out how to score a beer.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

I am thankful for the turkeys that were sacrificed for my sustenance and enjoyment.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
I am thankful for all the beatiful and pure innocents who read Inseparable and don't pick up on a key detail.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
Wait, I just read Inseparable yesterday and reviewed it! Are you talking about me, I feel like I got everything? I thought I did a really good close reading. I even analyzed the Emily Dickinson poem, I went full English professor on it(It was really good, by the way, seriously one of the best stories on the site). What did I miss?

Edit: I got it. I finally got it. How could I have missed it, holy shit! Mondy was dead the whole time. Damn the necrophilia really flew over my head, holy shit! I am an idiot.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
Your review was great, I just featured it.

The other thing is an intentionally subtle detail, a lot of people miss it. It might be a good litmus test for innocence.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
I finally got it, I edited my post right as you commented, I can't believe I didn't notice. That's a really clever detail and seriously that just makes the storytelling even better because Mondy never responds to you, he's always smiling and he was prepared by men from the capital using a method traditionally used on kings. Good job, seriously, I love finding a hidden layer in an already amazing story, this made my day. You didn't make it too obvious, but it was staring right in front of my face the whole time, I just didn't notice.

Weirdly enough, it's so beautiful, that he loves him so much even beyond death. I mean, you somehow managed to depict necrophilia tastefully and artistically, that takes some serious writing chops.

I genuinely thought he was sick and bedridden, which is what the story initially presents it as, until you understand and get to the ending, but even when I got to the ending the first time, I still didn't get it. It took you commenting, then I felt like I missed something, and I read it again and then I got it.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
Now it makes sense why he's able to seemingly have infinite sex with you in the beginning. Because reading that, I thought you made a mistake or something, an infinite loop that should have led somewhere. But that was intentional and done on purpose, that was particularly clever writing.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago

I'm thankful for all the opportunities I have for next year, and that the decision has been as tough as it's been.

I'm thankful to be out on my own, and that there are enough people who care about me that it's not even too much of a struggle.

I'm thankful for my laptop and the sound its keyboard makes, for sure.

Oh! And I'm thankful for transparent sticky notes :)

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
That's awesome! I know you had a really drastic change in your living situation recently, but I'm really glad that you're doing ok.

What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

2 months ago
Raspberries are $2 at the store right now.

Having this place as a hub for fun interactive stories and an awesome community is pretty cool, too. I'm a mega-procrastinator when it comes to actually writing, even though I love doing it, so having CYS to motivate me to actually put something out every now and then is really nice.