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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


9 days ago
Firstly, I know most of you don't give a shit about France. However, I'm way too proud of my country for not making a thread about it. I declare myself now as the shitty French abassador for the site.

Secondly I know I'm here recently and it is already my 3rd thread. The second one seems to have offered you a great opportunity for wasting your time in a funny way though. I promise I will shut the fuck up soon enough.

That being said, here's what I advice you to do in France.

Europe is known as the "Old World" and France is a very good example for that. There are so many historic buildings that you just can't see them all. If you're fond of Middle Age like me, I advise you to go to cities like Nantes, Carcassonne or Angers which have impressive castles. If you're still a medieval guy but you prefer churches, then go to Rouen's cathedral, or Reims or Strasbourg (you must visit Strasbourg this city is just wonderfull and the German's heritage is very eye-cacthing). The Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is way too overrated (and had been rebuilt recently).

If you prefer the Renaissance age, you just have to go in the Pays de la Loire region.

If you're more interested with landscapes, in France you have basically 3 types : shores, mountains, fields
I advise you to go on hiking. Visiting in cars would avoid you a huge part of the wilderness.

Shores : Never go in Normandy, the beaches are so sad (probably because of the D-Day landing, if you are interested in this historical period, go to the Mémorial de Caen). Beaches from Brittany are ok, but the best you can go is near from the Mediterranean sea. Marseille is a shitty city, but Nice or Monaco is really beautiful and all the beach resorts next to it are less exepensive to visit. The rocky inlets are incredible.

Mountains : 2 main mountain ranges : Les Alpes et les Pyrénées
Alpes are huge (more that 7% of the French area). They are the frountier with Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, and Liechtenstein (and not Listenbourg lol) so if you go there, you can also visit others European countries. You can also find "Le Mont Blanc" which is the highest mountain in Europe. climb is not really cool because very very very touristic like Everest. Pyrénées are much more impressive in my opinion but there is no much more things to say.

Fields : France landsapes are mostly fields. For me, it is quite pointless but I know that some people can be interested. Just go in the Massif Central, you'll see fields but small valleys as well.

I advise you to rent a car because public transport won't lead you anywhere you want to be except cities. However the trains are very qualitative.
Paris is fun to visit, but what you guys think French are (except from the beret) is Paris residents. They drive soooooo bad, they swear all the fucking time, complaining all the time, never say hello or being polite. They are not welcoming, they are suspicious, they are stubborn and overstressed. They are 20% of France which lives in Paris and its region so they are a great amount. However they do not represent us at all. Those who are not from the capital are called provincials and it is a pejorative name like we're peasant. Anyway come visit The Louvre museum, The Eiffeil tower and all shits of this city, it is good enough. No one erver told me he gets bored when he comes to Paris, so much things to do, so much cultural stuffs in it. (Btw the city is very dirty)

Srasbourg is a wonderfull city.

North of France doesn't deserve your interest (Lilles for example)

Brittanny is a cute region (the one where I come from), it is a region not a city but you have many things to see there (mostly seas which look like irish ones)

Bordeaux is a kind of new Paris, with a lot of cultural stuffs too. Toulouse as well.

Les Vieilles charrues is the biggest festival (in the traditionnal way) and receive international artists
Hellfest is for metal fans
Rock en Seine or MainSquare welcomes rock listerners like me
Paris electro scene is really good (not as much as Berlin but still)
In Brittany, you'll see some folk parties called "Fest noz" where people sing and dance traditionnals music from Brittany
Les fêtes de Bayonnes are a kind a giant mess too, seems fun

There is so much to talk to. I am already not exhaustive at all, so I should write like 1 thread / region for their culinary specialities. Don't eat "sandwich jambon beurre", yes it is French, but what we call "sandwich américain" is way better. Croissant and pain au chocolat is just AMAZING. You have to try it in France. La fondue savoyarde is a divine creation and the kouign amann from my region is incredible. I just can't give you all types of food as I said so I have to end it.

Yep it is not a cliché, wine is a very drinked alcohol. Don't buy Bordeaux estates, try Bourgogne or Rhône. Champaign is way too overated in my opinion. visit some estates, French winemakers will be pleased to invite you for a tasting, as long as you buy a bottle eventually.

(Not wine but cider from Brittany is delicious)

I said that France was divided between Paris and the provincial, but it is not completely accurate. France is above all divided between north and south. The accent is way different, as the temperament.
In the south, people would seem happier, more welcoming, bons vivants. However they tend to be quite hypocrite and very racist. But The temperature is warmer, and there's more sunshine.

In the North, it rains a lot, it is colder, people seem depressed, angry and distant. However, when they say they like you, it is generally true and we respect much more the common sens more than the personnal freedom. We are less racist as well.

Of course, this doesn't represent the Universal truth but it is an outline.

This was really long to write I am sorry but I thought I could be more exhaustive. France has actually so many wealth that I should write a thousand thread. I will shut the fuck up instead and sleep because it is 4:30 am dammit. I hope that it gave you an interest for visiting my country, if not, well i suggest you to see pictures on the Internet and don't piss me off. Oh and sorry for my english, I am tired and I'm just too lazy to read my message again.


9 days ago
Hello shitty French ambassador (Mercer Gang!).

I went to France a very long time ago. I think I was in Marseille and then over in Nice (where we went skiing).

In Marseille all I remember is beer. Maybe a beach. And everything was so horribly expensive (except the beer) that we couldn't afford anything.

Many years later I passed through the Paris airport. It was a horrible place, even just changing planes (we had to go outside. Who the hell goes OUTSIDE to change planes?).

I want to come visit again one day. Maybe somewhere in the countryside where I can watch people make bread (and eat it, of course).


9 days ago
Cities are very expensive, alcohol very taxed. Go to Brittany, it is cheaper, more quiet and peaceful.


9 days ago

Where can I go to see the rich get beheaded?

No but really, I've always wanted to take my wife and the kids over to see Paris - my daughter was big into Miraculous Ladybug and its based there. I appreciate your little peak into France and will up its reputation by +1 (bringing the total to -99 since they surrendered to Germany).


9 days ago
Yep, we're kind of assholes who claim how brave we were during the WW2. In school books during the 50's til 70's you couldn't see that France willfully joined Hitler and gave a hand for the Shoah. I guess it is hard for a country to be a 100% clean in his history. US know what am I talking about.

If you want to see beheaded, you can go to Vendée were some of far-right movement call it "Vendée's genocide" (which is not appropriate but whatever). Between 100 and 200 thousands of aristocrats died by republicans in the 18th century.

Actually you can go anywhere in France to see war massacres.


9 days ago

lol france


Doc, I've never been to France, though my wife has and she enjoyed it  And I'm sure I will get there someday and have some fun. The passion with which you promote your country is admirable.  And if you typed that post out while drunk, major props.

im sure we will still joke about you for being from France because it's funny.  But we do that to everyone, so don't take it too seriously.



9 days ago
I made this thread partly to get roasted actually. Kinda disappointed


9 days ago

Sorry that we have so far disappointed. You seem like a rather pleasant newbie who is actually interested in writing, so I guess we soft-pedaled a little bit.

French people as a whole are supremely egotistical and snooty without any good reason to be.  Lazy frogs sitting around protesting because the government actually wants them to work a little bit before they get a pension. Spinelessly, they expect other countries to carry the load for them while they sit home snobbishly eating rotten smelly cheese.  And most of these cheeses suck immensely, but the frenchies convince themselves it is a cultured taste much like the emperors new clothes. They put their name on "French Fries" even though these fries did not originate in France, and they have no clue how to use Ketchup.  The most useful thing about france is that its existence keeps Spain attached to the mainland.


9 days ago
French fries are actually French. Even Belgians recognize that. I find rotten smelly cheese way better than Ketchup, that is why I have no clue how to use it.

Appart from that, you are quite right !


9 days ago

I have always wanted to travel through the Catacombs of Paris. But to be honest, rather than take the expensive tour, I'd like to sneak in there myself with a flashlight and some chalk and just search the place on my own time.

This was only reinforced after watching the film "As Above, So Below" starring Perdita Weeks. If you're a fan of suspenseful horror movies, I recommend watching it. It was the first film ever to be permitted to shoot in the Catacombs, and the French version is Así en la Tierra como en el infierno, so you could find a copy if you look around a bit.


9 days ago
Wow, you have to take it seriously because catacombs are very very dangerous. Besides, there is a kind of community, more or less peaceful, which do not like that anyone can enter in the catacombs. I suggest you to still take a guide, but it is up to you.

Are you sure that Así en la Tierra como en el infierno is the French version ? Because it is Spanish language lol


9 days ago

Maybe not them, lol. I suppose whatever is French for As Above, So Below.

If not, and you find the English version, I KNOW they have subtitles (I own a copy myself).


9 days ago
K I'll check it out thx !


9 days ago

My favorite dish to make is blanquette de veau, though I sometimes substitute the veal with pork for economical reasons, so there's that.


9 days ago
Was in Paris once. City smelled of urine and excrement, rats everywhere and entirely too many beggars and swindlers. At least the Louvre was nice. You can spend an entire day in it, which allows you to not be on the Parisian streets, which is a great thing.

Agreed that Champagne is overrated because people link it to bubbles. Other French wine is alright, but personally I like Italian more without going too off topic.

Was in the French Alps once. Maybe off-season because the Mont Blanc was almost empty. Saw maybe two other couples. Don't dive in a mountain lake, the water is cold. Beautiful sights though.

France itself is a very nice country, too bad about all the French in it.


9 days ago
That is the most accurate review from a foreigner I've ever saw.


9 days ago
France is big enough that it could only be devoured by Texas once, so that's doing really good compared to must European countries.

You guys were way more based a couple hundred years ago, my condolences for all the sucking now. But perhaps, like Ben, you can learn to enjoy it.


9 days ago
Well I cannot complain when I see the last U.S. presidential election


9 days ago

fkin hell there's always a breton wherever I go


9 days ago
We’ve planned to quietly conquer the world soon


9 days ago

That would be a distinct change of tactic


9 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/31/2025 12:36:48 PM

I actually started learning the very basic rudiments of French (unsuccessfully) when I heard of a certain location I'd really like to visit. I've probably announced my intention to some around here but there are actually a bunch of places I'd like to be. I have like a half-remembered list of locations I'd like to go to sometime that are all over france.

For the most part I've tried to deliberately avoid Paris because I feel like that's where everyone goes, but inevitably there are too many cool places there to ignore. Off the top of my head:

Graveyards everywhere. The really detailed bloodborne kind, lots of exquisite mausoleums. Just tons of really fancy dead people everywhere you look, under bridges and in alleyways. There is an entire street paved with medieval gravestones. I can't read them because they're in French. Frenchmen can't read them because the letters are all distorted from the constant stream of piss.
One of these graveyards has a ridiculously detailed bronze statue of a dead guy from the 1800s lying dead above the real dead guy-- And you can tell from where the green has been rubbed off, that people will not stop making out with this dead statue AND JACKING HIM OFF THROUGH HIS BRONZE PANTS. Apparently he was so cool during his life that this is just considered a patriotic service.

There is a neat little library-hotel with beds hidden by bookshelves during the day, that's actually free for writers to stay at for a night or two in exchange for helping out for an hour. (Cystians, don't bother coming here. You have to be productive to stay there.)

Somewhere high above the piss tides, in an alcove leading into a building somewhere, you'll find a marble plaque that displayed the meter, as a public service announcement, to everyone in the 1790s when the meter was made a real standard measurement for the first time. Whenever you play like any open-world game, now you'll finally know, everywhere you have to go is 1000 of those things away.

That one creepy art-nouveau house that feels like an 1800s version of HR Giger architecture. Like, really fluid, biological, and ribby on the inside. Despite all the leaves and bas reliefs of jubilant naked people, something about it looks like you're inside an organism, like the house itself could digest you if you stay too long.

The "secret" apartment on top of the eiffel tower, high above all the piss.

A small privately run museum of 200-year-old pornography

A clockwork sculpture where a naked brass guy with a sword fights a DRAGON at certain times of the day. And, for some reason, also a considerably more innocent-looking crab and a rooster who just seems more disturbed by his presence than actually trying to kill him. Sadly it's been brought to a stop by the ammonia vapor condensing from the air and crystallizing in its joints, but there's probably videos of it working on youtube.

The Sewer Museum, a place with a lot of fascinating history, and, ironically, the one public place in the city where people aren't unzipping and dripping.

However, outside of Paris, there are a lot of other places I'm interested in going to:

The guy who designed a mirror maze in a theme park in my home state that I went to when I was very young seems to have actually been some kind of famous internationally known maze designer, and he made a mirror maze themed around dragons instead of the lame old American commercial vision of the Bible, which I would have to go to France in order to see. I'm more of a normal physical maze guy though, which means I would most likely have to go to the UK (horrors!) to actually experience a real maze.

France has its own native version of the Pukeko bird somewhere in the south, that looks like a funny purple goose. I would like to go see one of them.

I wouldn't eat an Ortolan bunting, but I would pretend I did to make people sad.

Isn't France the place where this postman built a huge splendid palace entirely out of rocks he found? That's cool I'd like to go see wherever that is.

There was another artist from much later, who took a note from the postman and built his own palace for all his art works to go in, and it's like a castle-walled garden with an artificial lake in it. There's a lot of cool sculptures of faces and creatures, it looks kind of like a creepy cartoon temple.

There is a fully preserved medieval city surrounded by castle walls, overlooking a lemonade-pink lake where (I'm not even kidding) flocks of flamingoes live. 10/10, protect that place.

There's a late-medieval kinda fortified bridge, and the Devil lives at the top of one of its towers, skittering around like a wretched little goblin.

Do they allow people to go into Mont St. Michel? That's a cool place.

There's a natural spring that's had like a medieval structure completely built up around it, so it's like this pristine hole straight into darkness underneath like this little cloister of building.

I actually remember the name of the Astronomical Clock of Lyon because it's the most fantasy wizard shit ever and I've been meaning to work pictures of all its weird little functions into a DnD game or puzzle somehow.

I think it's either france or germany that had a library inside this gigantic head that's also part cube.

I think north of Verdun, in a field of crosses, is an ossuary for the jumbled remains of WWI soldiers. It looks almost like a Weyland-Yutani kind of building, and unlike a normal ossuary which can be kind of comforting in its weird way, you know for a fact everyone here went through something unimaginably fucked up. That has to be quite an experience to visit.

There's a house where freaky brass dragons with dead human eyes jump out of the windows on the hour, and possibly eat people, I didn't check.

Albi Cathedral, look it up.

And, finally, the reason (aside from Requiem Chevalier) that I started learning French: In a place called Rocamadour, which also has a castle (though I think it's one of those modern house ones) there is like a forest full of free-roaming monkeys, and you can just sit there while monkeys are around, doing whatever. I think there are other kinds of monkey that are also there, but they're in different parts of the place and taken care of more like zoo animals because unlike barbary macaques, they aren't part of the natural climate of France so much. But I have seen pictures of people hanging out with other kinds of monkeys there, so who can say for sure.


9 days ago
Well now I want to go to France too.


9 days ago
Kinda jealous that he convinced you and I didn't.


9 days ago
I’ve never heard of most of these things, but that’s awesome.
The video with the guys building a palace stone by stone—I heard it was bullshit and that they cut a bunch of moments where they were actually bringing in construction vehicles and stuff.
You can still visit Mont Saint-Michel, but I really don’t think it’s worth it. In summer, it’s really, really packed with people, mostly Asians—I have no idea why that monument in particular. Oh, and I bought a hot chocolate there for €6 lmao (I found out the price too late).
la tête carrée is indeed in Nice, but I find it ugly as fuck.


9 days ago

Cut moments? I don't believe the postman's palace was filmed, that shit happened in like the 1870s. Some of it clearly is sculpted concrete though, that's partially how he stuck the stones together. The other guy's palace I didn't hear as being built stone by stone but it seems like a similar vibe of just a guy possessed by a vision.


8 days ago
Oh sorry, I must have confused it with something else.


8 days ago

after furiously interrogating my memory with google I've found the names for some of these things, which should help everybody trying to find pics to see for themselves.

The bronze dead guy is Victor Noir, a based French Empire Opposer who apparently wrote for a newspaper that made Pierre Bonaparte so mad, that he challenged the owner of the newspaper to a fuckin' gun duel, because they were both nobility and could do that. Now, like, the guy who owned the newspaper was 17 at the time, and had a conservative dad, he wasn't gonna be showing up to this shit. But Victor and his friends did. Pierre then tried to back off from the duel being like "Wait, no, you guys don't even have noble titles so a duel would be beneath me!" and then the story becomes a matter of legal dispute-- If you believe Victor's friends, Victor called the nephew of napoleon a pussy retard and Pierre got so mad that he punched the journalist, and then because they were both armed, shot him. In Bonaparte's version of the story, Victor called him a pussy retard and punched Pierre, so clearly he had no choice but to murder him on the spot. Either way it really seems like Pierre was an asshole, but the latter story made him a legally defensible asshole, so that's what the courts eventually went with-- Whether he actually had a huge dick or if the artist just deduced that he must have had one for harrassing an armed aristocrat in the 1800s, the statue does have a conspicuous bulge and apparently people aren't just rubbing it for luck like a buddha but apparently women are RIDING THE FUCKING STATUE. They tried to put up a fence to stop people from doing it, but there were protests until it was taken down. I don't know if there's a man in human history who has ever lost a duel worse than Pierre Bonaparte, holy shit.

Couldn't find the creepy biological house I was thinking of, but it's gotta be somewhere in France. I remember the ribby corners and boney railings clearly, and some bits looked almost like a human spine made of leaves.

The purple bird is a western swamphen.

The first palace of rocks was made by Ferdinand Cheval. The other one took me all day, but the sculptor was named Robert Tatin.

Flamingo Town is called Aigues-Mortes, and apparently the pink water is a salt marsh! This is probably what made the town such a big deal in medieval times. Apparently flamingoes are native to the area, they come up to this marsh in the summer and go to Africa when it gets cold.

I couldn't find the bridge. Looking up "french devil bridge" has only notified me of the fact that there are actually a lot of bridges called the Devil's Bridge, as it seemed to be fairly common practice in the medieval times for foremen to outsource all the bridge-building to the Devil, in exchange for the soul of whoever first crossed the bridge. AND THEN THEY'D SEND A CAT ACROSS THE BRIDGE. Not only damning the cat to an eternity in Hell, but also duping the devil out of his rightly earned wages every time. And he couldn't form a union because he's the Devil. Not only is there only one of him, but he doesn't believe in labor rights. Everyone in this legend sucks.

The creepy-eye dragons that come out of windows are these ones:

The Paris clock where a man fights all the animals is this thing:


8 days ago
Wow, you really outdid yourself with that. Thanks so much for all the details and juicy info, I was totally captivated. Feel free to write threads about stuff like this that you come across, I’d love to read them!


8 days ago
>>but apparently women are RIDING THE FUCKING STATUE.

This sounds alarmingly unhygienic.


8 days ago

I mean, with clothes on. One would hope.



8 days ago

The pit surrounded by medieval buildings is La Fosse Dionne, and it genuinely looks like a portal to Oolacile.

The devil bridge I found through pure brute force was Pont Valentre, and apparently the devil was scammed this time because the architect promised the devil his own soul if he helped build the bridge all the way to the end, but then on the very last day of construction he was like, "Your last task is to fetch me all the water we need to mix the grout with THIS COLANDER!" and it seems the devil gave the fuck up right there.


8 days ago
Why would Malk keep falling for the same trick this way?


5 days ago
I think Mont St. Michel is worth seeing and something you would like, especially if the weather is nice. I really want to see Albi Cathedral now.


5 days ago
I liked Normandy :(