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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

Can anyone who passed the story help me with it? The author told me that you get the strange symbols from you specific choices, but so far, I could only get symbols 1 & 3. Can anyone tell me how to get 2 & 4?

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

The first few pages I played that game I died. 

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

1. Write a message for your girlfriend, by entering your bedroom and using the pen found in the computer room.

2. Get arrested, escape in the police department, find a mop, find a razor knife, go to the evidence room, find the vise, use the mop on the vise to remove the head, use the knife on the mop.

3.Give the beggar a condom.

4. Should be given to you by the dwarf.

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

How do I get to the edvidence room? (and collect all the items)? I always get caught...

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

Trial and error, that's how I did it. :P

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago
It's tough, but you have to seduce the hobo, who will then show you the backdoor entrance he often uses to "liberate" the drug evidence stored inside.

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

Was the double-entendre there on purpose? I mean, either way i'm loving it.

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

But yes, it was intentional lol.

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

You guys found way more stuff than I ever did. I think I got one symbol completely by accident once. Got caught by the police, but at the time it was before Madglee fixed the bugs, because the police chase just kept looping and I never got the option to get all the items to make the stabby weapon.

I didn’t even know about using the pen to write a message to the girlfriend. I think I used the pen to stab someone in a bar.

Best ending I remember getting was shooting a bunch of people and getting away with it. I considered that a win.

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

where's the hobo? xD

edit: never mind

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

The cops have been chasing my ass in circles for nearly half an hour, I've been in every room in the damn station, and I can't find the mop-beheading device. Where do I go? Do I have to use an item? Is there a certain order I have to do things?

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

Sent, in one of the Evidence shelves should be a wrench. Use the mop on that page. It should unscrew it, and you should be able to use the knife on THAT page to sharpen it into a spear.

Mommy Can I Kill Tonight

8 years ago

The spear's name is Mr. Pointy, thank you very much. Did I introduce new bugs and make the cop chase infinite? Ugh, thought I fixed that. They should tackle you at some point which is not game over necessarily. There are lots of spider-webby paths and it's cool to hear about some of you guys finding them. Like writing a note or stabbing a guy with a pen. Or that the beer/condom is a bizarre choice. Try drinking the beer and taking Ativan and eating the pizza.