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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
It has come to my attention that after the massive failings of sloth that were my showing in the Fairytale contest and the thunderdome duel verses Dark, that I've started to garner a bit of a slothful reputation ontop of my reputation of being a general fucktard.

Now I can accept being known as a fucktard, but I don't want to be known as a fucktard AND unproductive on the site. That's like... the only thing I've ever had even slightly going for me. So, due to my writing failures, I'm going to do the one thing even rarer than writing on this site.


Anyone can reply to this post with a storygame they want me to review and I will read and write a well thought out review on it. Maximum of 10 storygames total, and only one storygame per person.

I'm not setting any timeline on this, I'm currently getting my ass handed to me by my classes, but hopefully once the semester is over I can finish these all by the end of winter break. But if not, I promise they'll get done one day before Alex goes broke and the servers go offline. Feel free to cast bets when I finish or something.

I'm sure this'll end up getting some massive games recommeneded, so hopefully I'll get to play some that I've been wanting to play for a while but was too intimidated of. Feel free to recommend your own games, I perfer giving feedback on authors that aren't dead.

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
What a good idea! Here you go:'s-Father's-Day-Adventure~3a-50th-Birthday-Edition All published within the past year.

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
Commended by Ford on 10/17/2023 10:54:53 PM
>started to

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
Commended by Ford on 10/17/2023 10:55:07 PM

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
I'd like to second "Wrath of the Edomite." It's my only decent game to date

Ace's Atonement

8 months ago
Finished. Sorry for the long wait, but I didn't intend this to be something I did particularly timely. Haven't really had much time lately. 1/10

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago

I feel like a more proper punishment would be to have to read a number of the worst-rated stories on the site in their entirety and give complete reviews of them. That could be an appropriate price for getting out of the Shame Pit and the like as well.

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
It'd be a better punishment, but those games are usually short, so it'd probably be easier and the point is to add value to the site. Rewarding the shit games for being shit is kind of lame when there are so many good stories that no one reads (myself included) because they're long.

Take Duke of Winslow for example. Super cool game thats been out for 3 months and is 142k words. It has 17 reviews, but I'd wager 5-10 actually read to an ending and 1-3 read a significant amount of it. Though it does seem like the kind of game where you can reach an ending pretty easily, so not sure about the numbers.

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
It has 17 ratings, and six comments but only one that can be considered a review.

That list I posted is all the games published since last October that have less than 20 ratings still.

It's kinda been a problem for awhile now that an 800 word quiz will get people crawling from the woodwork to say how much it sucks, but actual significant efforts will sit barely touched.

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago

To add further insight:

To reach an ending you sadly still have to read a bit. The post-mortem page will also give you enough instructions how to achieve each of them. 

Ending 1 (easiest ending to achieve): score in your comment is 0

Ending 2 (you've completed bout half of the content): score is 1 

Ending 3 (100% completion, reaching it is quite a chore): score is 3 

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
Do this one, but no commenting until you actually finish the game...

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago

Ace's Atonement

9 months ago
That was my reaction to it too.