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Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Who knows of these awesome series we all watch when we are children? Gimme an OH YEAH!

Yup, everyone. Since I see 0 of the story of these teen-superheroes storygames in this awesome website might as well make one.

But I don't really wanna re-use the characters from the original series. Might as well start out with a new 5(or more) characters with different personalities and superpowers. As well as new villians.

So people help me out! I need teen superheroes and teen supervillains! To be used in my story. Lets make it simple.






Give me a short story/lore how you'd like him to appear as a hero? as a villain? as a what?:

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago
Name: @TacocaT

Age: Teenager

Appearance: Generic Teenage Girl

Superpowers: Everything she draws comes to life, and she has the ability to spontaneously set taco's and cat's on fire.

She got bit by a radioactive capybara named @Malkalack deep in the Amazon rainforest while on a study abroad trip for her art school. She tries to be a hero, but spends most of her time fighting the reincarnated ghost of the capybara, which now has the ability to be unbelievably sassy and can thicken his pelt to prevent skinning. Oh, and he shoots acid now. Out of any orifice. Go wild.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago


Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Damn, that's some seriously kinky shit. 

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name: Layla

Age: 16

Appearance: Battle character.jpg

Superpowers: Manipulation of Fire.

Short story (villain. I gotta give the heroes a challenge, don't I?):

Her parents named her Layla when they saw her pitch black hair because it means 'Dark Beauty'. She had always been a sweet, helpful, and curious little girl.

When she was young, she was obsessed with fire. One night, she was in her room playing with a lighter, and accidently dropped it. It lit her bed on fire, and she ran out of the house in panic. The fire had spread rapidly, and she could hear her family screaming as they burned inside. In her rage at herself and grief, the fires of the house flared up and seemed to touch the sky, and a crack appeared on her face. One that now makes her look like  one of those creepy cracked china dolls in horror movies. Her eyes changed from an innocent blue to a fiery golden, her hair gained two thick blazing white streaks, and on her forehead was a burned in design. The neighboring houses where completely untouched by the inferno.

Since that night, she changed. There is now an emptiness to her burning eyes where curiosity had once shown. She laughs at her own pain, and makes others suffer. Now, she wears a light and silent armor that some would say defies all logic, she carries a blood red whip with a black handle, and she wears a collar with no place to connect a leash. Her favorite place to be is in a forest, one where it is not too close to civilization, but also where other people do come in small groups or alone.

She has been rather troublesome in those places, but the police have never found her - just the bodies she leaves behind. Perhaps it would be time to call in the titans.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Awesome guys/girls. Thank you for your inputs. But I need more characters!

Keep them heroes/villians coming please!

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Sorry, I would but I have my own super hero story at the moment.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name : "Mr. Blight"; originally Sergei Trotsky

Age : 18

Appearance : An impossibly clean, classy young man dressed in the most generic business suit one could buy (save for the fact it's impossibly clean, including the lack of lint, scuffs, and other normal markings.  The only thing that could arouse suspicion is the fact that all his buttons (Ducat-grade Aurum) are fashioned to appear as biohazard signs and the guitar case he insists to carry around with his person, regardless of circumstances.  He stands at 6'2, and weighs a fit 150 lb.  He has dark brown hair, pale blue eyes, and a fair skin tone.  If not a little handsome, one would say he's incredibly normal.

Superpowers : His signature mark in crimes make many think of him as a sort of a whiz with toxins and biochemical weapons, hence the title Mr. Blight, but in fact, his capabilities expand much more than just the ones described above.  In his faux-identity, Sergei is in fact an antiques trader, buying damaged relics and returning them in pristine shape and forms, so long as they were made of a pure substance.  So long as he has a small amount of a certain substance, he could transform parts, if not the whole, of a given object into that substance.

While, in theory, this would lead to a dilemma akin to the Mitas Touch, his limit is by the volume and purity of the substance, in addition to the expenditure of stamina.  These limits, combined with the clandestine nature of his hobbies and occupations, renders him unable to maximize the extent of his powers without betraying suspicion in one way or another.

Story :

Sergei is the illegitimate grandson of Leon Trotsky, one of the Bolsheviks who actually wanted to help the people via communism.  Under the name of Smirnoff, Sergei was spared from a series of secret purges that would eliminate the last of Stalin's enemies, long after the dictator's death.

Well, almost.

Sergei and his foster family were swept in a series of tests that rendered the less-than-a-dozen membered clan dead, all except for him,  He was freed after the KGB did a raid, but after he was done being hospitalized, he had no place to go to; he had not exhibited his powers by then, and he was such a broken young boy by then.

It was when he was picked up at the age of 6 by man of little-remembered description, and was sent to live nearby the Titans under the guise of being a normal boy.

But you see, crime grows much faster than it can be stopped.  It was inevitable by then that under this man's care and the violent nature of the city that Sergei grew up as a sort of underdog in the crime world, if not only for the fact that Sergei became the perfect assassin by learning how to replicate poisons that conventionally should've ended even him.

When the guardian left him at the age of 16, Sergei had free rein over his life from there.  His lack of income leashes him to "the business", as he usually calls it, though he plans to build a reputation in the antique business as soon as he could.

This proves difficult between keeping an identity of repute and his ever-more enticing assignments promising him big cash, including targets like the Teen Titans...

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Thanks for your input, I need alot more characters tho!

And more superheroes teens titans too! (hint, doesn't have to be of 100% human descendant, could be of alien-humanlike too)

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name: Hex

Age: 16

Appearance: No one knows his(her?) real appearance, but these are the ones he/she most often takes.Anime Bad GirlAnime Bad BoyAnime Nerd

Superpowers: Shape shifter

Short Story: Villain 

Hex comes from an alien race of highly evolved shape-shifters. They can take on the appearance and abilities of any creature they shift into. Hex has been trained to use different powers while in other forms. Over the years he has used his powers to cause trouble always playing tricks on people and causing mischief and panic. The only way you can tell if the person your talking to is Hex or not is if the person has a tattoo on their chest shaped like a pentagram.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I've created a ridiculously long list of characters in the past, but ... how many do you still need and what types?

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Well, we have three villians here. One that is cruel and does large crime, with the power to manipulate fire. One that is in it for the money, with the power to transform objects into a certain pure element in the right conditions. Another can shapeshift, and likes to create mischief and play tricks on people. 

In the teen titans (original, slightly worsened, and completely ruined versions) there are lots of enemies and five teenagers who are the heros.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Honestly I think we need more HEROES now. Theres way too many villains lol.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I tend to make heroes more than villains, though many of them lean towards the "Raven" side of the heroic spectrum as opposed to the more bubbly "Starfire" ... I'll need a little time, though, I'm exhausted atm.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Lol I LOVE the Raven side Hero. Shes awesome.

Nobody loves the Starfire side anyways lol.

You're doing ALOT of stories. Honestly at this point I'm willing to take in any co-authors lol. I want to make Teen Titans story a reality since no one else is doing it but I don't think I can do so a lot by myself.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

...I like the Starfire side...

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I like them both, BK.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Yeah, Raven was probably my favorite character. :P I also liked Starfire a lot. One of my favorite episodes was when they switched bodies and had to understand each other's powers and personalities well enough to fight as each other. I like the contrasts between them.

:P No kidding. I'm ... not a good candidate for a co-author right now. My job is wearing me out, my home life is stressing me out, and I'm flaking out more on social obligations than usual. I'm happy to offer any advice and scripting assistance that I can, but a full commitment is a bad idea.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago
I never really liked the Titans, but Raven made the show bearable if I was waiting for something else to come on afterwards. Robin annoyed the crap out of me because he came off as such a pretentious jerk.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Robin as a pretentious jerk is something they lamp shade the hell out of in "Team Titans Go" (which is an officially licensed parody of Team Titans, go figure.) He was their team leader and he was trying to live up to batman, you know. It's not too surprising that he came off that way.

I guess I liked him ok, though. It was more fun seeing him crack or go crazy when the show got really dark. To be honest, I think all of the guys had their moments when I liked them and when I disliked them, but I always appreciated Raven's character and I generally found Starfire's 'naive space girl' stereotype charming, if cliche.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

This one is kind of a mix-and-match from old characters I have, but never really used.

Name: Yoji Tatsujin (Hero name: Shade )

Age: 18

Appearance:  Black hair with a single large lock of pure white, long and pulled back in a short ponytail, blood red eyes. Usually wears all "ink" black clothes for his outfits, but they occasionally have splashes of purple, red, and white in them. Always wearing a hoodie when in casual clothes, fond of leather, wears a cape and hood as part of his costume, vaguely like this:


Superpowers: Magic. For the time being, he only really specializes in bringing artwork to life, but he has a lot of artistic talent (mostly drawing and painting) which makes it easy for him to arm himself or create allies. He's also capable of teleportation of himself and items, as well as levitation, but the latter requires a great deal of concentration. He's capable of learning new spells, though, and is always eager to study, particularly dark magic--he wants to find positive uses for it.

Short story: Yoji was once in love. A girl named Melody (super hero name: Myst) was both his dearest friend and his true love. He was on a team of heroes with her when he was younger, but after her tragic death at the hands of their now defeated enemy, he couldn't take the pain of the memories, and he abandoned his team, causing them to disband completely.

Afterwards, he fell into a deep bout of depression and pessimism about the world, questioning himself and whether any of the things he and his friends had been through were worth it. He became a loner and a drifter, moving from town to town, selling his non-magical art pieces until he came across a family trapped inside an apartment building that was set on fire. He used his powers again for the first time in months and saved them. It felt good. It reminded him that Melody wanted them to make a positive change in the world, and that, if he wanted to at least honor her memory, giving up on her dream wasn't an option.

Though he couldn't bring his old group back together, he's ready to join a new one and get back in the fight. He's been doing a lot of physical and mental training so he's prepared to take down the next super-villain, and this time, he's determined not to lose another friend. 

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name: Violetta Sugoroku (Hero name: Panacea. >_> If you think of something better, please, use it. It was seriously the best I could come up with. It's the name of a Greek goddess of healing and I wanted something not cliche sounding.)

Age: 16

Appearance: Blonde, purple eyes, pale-skin, and... here's a picture of what I imagine she looks like:

Superpowers: She possesses a form of white magic, most of which is supportive or defensive. She can heal wounds, illnesses, cure poisons, create protective barriers and adjust their size, and drastically increase her own speed and strength temporarily to avoid attacks or block blows ... but that isn't to say her powers can only be used for defense. For example, with sufficient creativity, she can shrink barriers until they crush enemies or create one inside someone's body and expand it until it explodes. Her achilles heel, at the moment, is her stamina--or, rather, lack thereof.

Short story: Violetta is, quite simply, in love with Shade. She's had a crush on him ever since he grabbed her and teleported her to safety three years ago during his previous adventures with his old hero team. He doesn't seem to remember her, though. Still, ever since then, she's been a bit of a fan girl of heroes, but she's only recently realized that she also possesses her own magical abilities.

Idolizing a hero, she's decided to become a hero herself, believing very deeply in the qualities they stand for and the future of peace they fight for. It's also possible that she secretly hopes, by joining his group, that he'll notice her in return.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name: No one actually knows, but they go by the name 'Mimic'

Age: 17


Superpowers: While she's really only one person, two heads are supposed to be better than one. Having a collective consciousness, the "twins" see everything each other sees, allowing Mimic to effectively be in two places at once. Their main power, however, is the ability to copy a super hero's powers by touching them, a bit like X-men's rogue, but unlike rogue, the copying does not weaken the original power user--and Mimic does not need to wear protective gloves because she can will herself to copy others, it's not automatic.

The power copying wears off after a three day period and she can copy up to five powers at a time. (Any powers she copies after that will replace a previous one.) These powers can either be divided among her two bodies, given completely to both bodies, or given only to one. The catch, however, is that sharing a power between them both will weaken it, so it's better to divide them or give them all to a single 'twin.'

Short story: A science experiment gone horribly wrong, or... perhaps horribly right? Though she appears to be twin girls, Mimic is actually a single entity that exists in two bodies which also share a collective mind. Mimic spent most of her life in the home of the scientist who created her, sheltered from the world, learning everything she knew about normal life by reading. It was a very lonely existence, leading her to develop a habit of 'talking to herself.'

Mimic's creator died during one of his more dangerous lab experiments, but he explained to Mimic that her purpose was to be the perfect being. However, everything she had learned in books told her that perfection was something we strive towards, not something that can ever truly be obtained. Abandoning that goal for her life, she wanted to seek out a better purpose for her existence. She has yet to find an answer that suits her, but in the meantime, fighting villains seemed like fun. She's just starting to open up to others and wants to experience more of the world rather than just reading about it in books.

While she attempts to act as a single entity around others, after being informed that talking to herself is a strange habit, she cannot help indulging now and then, and if she is ever unsure or conflicted about something, she has a tendency to 'argue with herself.'

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name: Lupin Stormwind

Age: 19


Superpowers: Super human speed, strength, agility, able to shape-shift into a very large, white wolf, able to morph into any animal he has come into direct contact with at least once before. His default form is a bit of a wolf-human hybrid and he must always revert back to this form before shape-shifting into a new one.

Short story: Lupin comes from a long line of shape-shifters who have been, thoroughout the years, mistaken for monsters such as werewolves, naga, vampires, exc. His tribe is a secretive race of very ancient people and they usually do not concern themselves with modern human society.

Lupin, like the rest of his family, has a 'default form' which is partially human and partially beast-like based on the first animal he 'bonded' with / 'absorbed' the identity of. Unlike his family, though, he is interested in humans and wants to both understand their culture and be a part of it. He desires to repair the rift between humanity and nature, wanting all beings to co-exist in peace ... to obtain that peace, he's willing to fight anyone that would threaten it. 

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

xD Ok! That's it. I gave you four of the best ideas my exhausted brain could produce. I'm going to go pass out now.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago
I have to say, that was a pretty good burst you put on there.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Thank you. Tbh, I actually love character creation, especially when back-stories have the kind of freedom that a magical or "super" world gives you, because then your character can literally be anything--within some reason. 

I feel like I probably could've done a bit better, granted, but I've been up since 4pm yesterday and I have to save some ideas for my own stories, haha. (Ok, now bed.)

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

The Fruede is real in this one...

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I think you meant Freud, and now for a trope!

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I have to spell it as Fruede in order to convince myself that it's pronounced as "Froid" and not "Frood".

But yeah, Kiel, I very much enjoyed it when you burst your White children all over the big pink wall. I'm sure it brought AcePrince much pleasure.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

... That would make more sense of there was anything here even resembling a pink wall.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I have my computer on power-saving mode, excuse me if the spaces between posts and the text boxes don't look pink to you too.

(Although, if you really wanna get Freudian, you could pretend that the navigation bar to the left and the blank space to the right are both thighs or something.)

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

You're excused, this time.

(I could, but let's not. Also, I didn't know penguinites were voyeurs. Or is that just you?)

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

But the middle strip of the forum is most definitely slightly reddened peach in color! That totally counts as pink!

(Wait, what? What the hell, man!? Do you just walk past a black guy with a glass of bubble tea and assume all black guys like bubble tea!? Regardless, no, I'm pretty sure we're not. I'm pretty sure I'm not, too. I've probably just spent too long with the Penguinite Diplomats.)

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Maybe you're just lonely. *pat*

(But Penguinites aren't black--or white, they're both. What the hell is bubble tea, anyway? ... So, that would imply that your Penguinite Diplomats are voyeurs ... or capable of corrupting people in odd ways.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

It has nothing to do with loneliness, it has to do with the color of the pink behind our posts, which is most certainly pink! The same color of Pink I had in a crayon as a child.

(No, we're a different race, though. That was the point I was trying to make.* Bubble tea is freaking delicious, though, at least without the bubbles... And the Penguinite diplomats aren't voyeurs, it just goes back a loong way. A thousand years ago, when the entirety of modern-day Great Britain broke out into a war that was (proportionately) bigger than WWII, nearly everyone died, and the north and south halves of the island were incredibly sour about it for years. When the diplomats finally felt that it was safe to cross into each other's borders to repair relationships, a Penguinite made an observation on a situation with a dick-related pun that only made sense in Orcish, and the chief of the Orc tribe was so impressed that the two became instant BFFs. Ever since then, there's always been a counterculture in Penguinite/Historian-frequented Diplomat colleges who believe that the only way to fix shit is by making people laugh, so they dirty their minds up A LOT and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike, and, hanging out with them, you'd have to think as dirtily as they do in order to keep the ball rolling and not look lame when they do.)

*Just pretend that's all crossed out. I'm not sure strikethrough'd hyperlinks work, and trying to read that all hurts my eyes anyway.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago


(Hm. Melon flavored actually sounds really good. If you made this up on the spot, I commend your creativity--which, I would anyway. If you made it up before ... I'd add that you have waaay too much time on your hands.)

Nice avatar.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

(Just made it up, like I did for about 300 posts during (Insert flame war here). I can think the way I'd imagine Robin Williams thinks when I'm on a keyboard. (Un?)Fortunately, my mind doesn't do that kind of thing when I'm just talking.)

You like it? It's my very first-ever avatar!

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I was referring to the pony one, but... sure, that one's nice, too.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name: Alvira and Zachary (Hero name: The Twins)

Age(s): 16

Appearance: (omg, how do you put in pictures?) Alvira: a medium height blonde girl with dark blue eyes. Zachary: A tall blonde boy with dark blue eyes. 

Superpowers: Can merge to become one being that can change into all living and dead people.

The Twins were only kids when they saw a bank robbery. That's when they discovered they had powers. They had wanted to be policemen/policewoman together, but they knew being superheroes was the thing for them.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

AgName: Eric Valharn  Hero name: Berserker

Appearance: Big guy with giant muscles but a calm and compassionate attitude Norse tattoos on his arms.

Superpower: Eric is of barbarian descent and he can call upon his barbarian blood in battle. It makes him stronger faster more aggressive and you get the gist. If he calls upon the blood he goes into a battle rage and whoever is standing between him friend or foe god help them

Short story: He tried to0 deny his barbarian descent being a pacifist for a while but one day while watching a bank robbery take place he resigned his pacifism and decided to make a change in the city and help the good people putting the evil ones behind bars.

Age: 19

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

So whaddya guys think. I showed the superhero to my friend and he told me he sucked :( I hope it's good but it probably isn't since I just spent ten minutes thinking ;) 

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

The fact that he basically works like the classic interpretation of the Hulk, except for his change being voluntary, is kind of an issue strategically. I mean, berserkers are fun and all, but no one would really be able to work with him unless there was a way to control or direct his power.

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago


You copy and paste the picture into the text box

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

 Make your own characters. 9_9

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

I think to make the best teen titan is to think of it this way...

What if you ARE a 15-19 year old teen?

What powers with YOU like to hold?

I am pretty sure you wouldn't wanna be an uncontrollable hulk lol

Teen Titans Story! FINALLY HERE!

9 years ago

Name. spirit (hero, although sometimes he gets borderline villain, see below)

Age. 17


Abilities.  Spirit is able to teleport short distances. When he does he can leave a spirit of himself that continues to fight, or whatever it decides to do. These spirits have Spirit's thoughts and thus they usually do what Spirit does. If he touches one of his spirits they combine again. One issue if those spirits take a mortal blow Spirit loses part of his memories. He is exceptional in martial arts and in the art of sword fighting.

His abilities manifested after his parents were murdered. During the crime he accidentally sent a spirit out, but it was soon killed. The memory lost, the killer's face. He is now driven to stop criminals in order so what happened to him does not happen again, but he has another passion hunting down his parents murderer. This is where some of his spirits go rogue, they decide it is better to find evidence rather than help,  and they don't care how it's acquired.