Cricket, The Grandmaster of the Written Word

Member Since


Last Activity

11/20/2021 10:57 AM

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0 wins / 0 losses




"Cricket always makes things better" - EndMaster

"Cricket is clearly chaotic neutral, she just wants to watch people suffer while admiring pretty bugs." - Darkspawn

"Dead stares is not consent! >:(" - TurnipBandit

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Having 1 Storygame(s) Featured Given by EndMaster on 04/03/2019 - To my only daughter, for going above and beyond with various tasks I assign. You have my thanks.


Featured Story Ineptitude 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO
Write or be SHAMED!!! *Any resemblance to real life persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidential.

Sir Osis

It's about a time in the life of a knight named Sir Osis. There's a pony too

Winner of Sir Corgi's Lords of the Land contest.  Originally published April 14, 2019, but briefly unpublished for edits to the font and description.

This story is "Cave of Time" style. So just make use of that back button if you would like to see another path.  Please let me know what you thought of the story after you read it.  I appreciate comments.

Special thanks to Ghost11 for the motivation, suggestion, and inspiration for one of the endings.  



The story of a noob who entered a writing contest.


Recent Posts

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Did you know that nationwide durum yield per acre is not even 60% of 2020's? Because of the drought, North Dakota's production is even less than Montana's last year. North Dakota is still number one of course, but since that ranking is never close, it really highlights how much yields are down.

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I do like making kids happy too. Happy birthday, MHD.

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I just noticed Coins is even Korean in this. Beautiful.

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I taste.

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