As much as I am tempted to drop another shining turdpost into the great toilet that is the Lounge, I'll refrain.
Social anxiety is probably something that everyone who uses an obscure internet writing site struggles with. I certainly did, as can be seen by my earliest posting history.
However, there are ways to get over. Number one: be yourself! Well, no, sorta. You should definitely be yourself, because people will reciprocate your energy, and you'll eventually find the job, friends, etcetera that YOU want. However, you probably can't be yourself at first, in a new situation or with new people. Instead, you want to create a good first impression. Usually, this is where the anxiety comes in. You wonder, "is this a smart thing to say? Will I sound pretentious, or obnoxious? Do I look good? Are those pervasive put stains back?"
There's a simple solution to this form of anxiety though. Just fake it til you make it. Confidence seems like a mystical, whimsical thing to some people, and while it comes naturally to others, you can create it for yourself. How? Just BE confident. Take care of yourself, and act like it. If your self-confidence goes up, your other-person-interaction-confidence will go up, in part because they'll see you as confident before you even utter a word.
And when you fail, just remember that people are fundamentally retarded. Half the people at my school (and probably anywhere else), are at best Skyrim NPCs, and they literally don't matter (as a bonus, ignoring these people will boost your confidence). Keep on improving yourself, and the rest will come naturally and happily.
This post is getting unreasonably long, but I'd also like to point out that CYS is kind of an indicator of this. First, you build a positive first impression with reviews/ratings, which are an objective measurement of you having at least some aspirations. Then, you begin your interactions carefully, trying to get on everyone's good side. Eventually, you've got some allies, a hefty sum of points, and you can slowly start leaking that wonderful weapons-grade autism that we know you've been hiding all along. Sure, it'll drive away some, but the people that DO matter won't care they'll accept you for who you are. Sure, a drive-by noob might flip out, but we can always laugh at them, bully them, and then ban them.
So good job posting this, and don't worry about anything else you do on here. We know that you're a badass writer, so just keep at it, and feel free to post whatever you want, weird or normal. Start channeling your big dick energy into real life interactions. You can do it.