TheChef, The Dramatist
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Play as Tyler, a young man just trying to make sense of dating. When he gets some advice and a Disney+ account from his friend, Brad, there's only one logical thing to do.
Entry for Bucky's Year's End Contest
My entry for Gower's Contest: Battle in the Ruins of a Dead Civilization
Explore the not-so-uninhabited ruins of Japan, after it had been completely annihilated in World War Two. Fifty years later, the travel ban is lifted, and James and his crew may be the first people to get a peek into this relic of a country. However, expect the unexpected, for James and his crew are not the only residents of the Land of the Setting Sun!
Hope y'all enjoy it! Please leave a comment, any feedback would be much appreciated!
V.2 - 183% less POV and tense errors, partly in thanks to the help of Shadowdrake27 and Mizal. Thank you both!
A tale of torture, travel, and terrible secrets.
For the Tiny 'Topias Jam, even if it is slightly wordy.
Fishing Contest test game
Recent Posts
End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/6/2024 1:27:50 AMlocked in, o' great prophet
End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/1/2024 1:10:06 AM
Prompt 10, please.
The Damned and the SHAMED on 10/20/2023 2:52:10 PM
Don't phone it in, you won't win if you do.
Thunderdome 8: Ace vs Dark on 10/16/2023 1:00:42 AM
The quill's other forms include a dictionary, English textbook, and functional brain. Not wielded by the writer. Not tonight, and not ever. An impossible task.
Story A, obviously.
The OLD CYS Media Archive on 8/16/2023 12:04:25 AM
Cel isn't a contest deadline, he stood no chance, honestly.
EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/19/2022 7:49:36 PM
EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/19/2022 7:49:26 PM
The Food logs on 3/1/2022 7:07:47 PM
Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II on 2/3/2022 10:02:52 PM
Contest entry is relative.
End Master’s Culture Clash Contest on 11/30/2021 9:41:27 PM
Equal parts of both lol