Slavic Pagans

A grimdark fantasy storygame by Celicni

Commended by TharaApples on 11/4/2022 9:46:47 PM

Player Rating6.90/8

"#122 overall, #5 for 2022"
Based on 52 ratings since 10/31/2022
Played 1,382 times (finished 73)

Story Difficulty5/8

"Run through the jungle"

Play Length6/8

"It'll be a while, better grab a Snickers®"

Maturity Level7/8

"Anything goes"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18. If this were a movie, it would probably be R.

The wise woman said
Once you're hardened in battle there's no coming back
Fight or fall

You're about to experience that firsthand, as you and the other members of your Slavic tribe are a part of an Avar-led attack force currently heading towards Singidunum.

Don't these fools realize that they're attempting the impossible? The Byzantine fortress has not been breached in 39 years, so why do you have to do this? All you ever wanted was to learn more about gods and religion, Slavic and otherwise.

As far as you're concerned, the rest of them can go die in vain... this may just be the opportunity you were looking for, to change your life from the ground up, and learn more about the gods.


Entry for EndMaster's Myth and Religion Contest.


This is a prequel to my other game, Vincha. It is not required that you read that one first, as this game is standalone, but you will enjoy the story more, and recognize some of the characters.

Just as was the case in Vincha, consider the world this game takes place in to be quite similar to what ours was like in the early middle ages. Except, of course, with the inclusion of many fantastical and mythological creatures, as well as magic.

As with all of my stories, pay attention to the maturity level. There are many difficult subjects explored in the story.

There are some (optional) world-building and historical links here and there. They will be recognizable by the fact your character will think, recall, or consider the topic at hand. If you&'re interested in the world, Slavic mythology, or some history of the Byzantine Empire, you may want to check them out.

Any references to Swedish metal bands, obscure German browser games, Japanese light novels, American sitcoms, or anything else are completely intentional.

Finally, there are 7 different endings. As the story is much shorter than I originally intended, I heavily recommend you try reaching them all. Each one will provide you with some information not mentioned in the other endings.

Your score represents the ending you got. Deaths not marked as an ending get a score of -1, except one special death ending that gets 69.

Player Comments

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Gryphon on 12/9/2022 9:24:32 PM with a score of 100
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Darius_Conwright on 11/7/2022 9:10:50 AM with a score of 100
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Mystic_Warrior on 11/5/2022 2:17:41 PM with a score of 100
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Will11 on 2/2/2024 8:08:34 PM with a score of -1
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Comic1302 on 1/15/2024 8:44:56 PM with a score of 100
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TypewriterCat on 4/8/2023 2:45:34 PM with a score of -1
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DBNB on 11/3/2022 2:03:44 PM with a score of 69
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TharaApples on 11/2/2022 4:18:13 PM with a score of 3
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Yummyfood on 11/2/2022 11:30:54 AM with a score of 69
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Yummyfood on 11/2/2022 11:20:36 AM with a score of 2
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