Soy_No_More's Experience Points

Soy_No_More has a total of 105 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
1/2/20251Rate Game Kitchen Nightmares but Gordon Ramsay is contractually permitted to kill the owner during filming
7/23/20241Rate Game Project Anafabula
11/8/2023-28Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
10/2/20221Rate Game The Amazing Adventures of Potatoman!
9/20/20221Rate Game True Life
9/4/202215Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
1/9/20221Rate Game Graveyard of Empires
1/5/202215Admin. Bonus - You may still be soy, but you''re no longer sloth.
1/5/20223Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
12/22/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
12/5/20212Admin. Bonus - Ok, this seems about right.
12/5/2021-2453300Admin. Penalty - Got to stop using such big numbers lol!
12/5/2021-297590Admin. Penalty - It was glorious but brief
12/5/20218000000Admin. Bonus - Point Reset Approved
12/1/2021150000Admin. Bonus - Funds to buy more soy milk
12/1/20211000Admin. Bonus - Let us see
12/1/2021-7000000Admin. Penalty - Woah
12/1/20218000000Admin. Bonus - Given under good faith.
11/29/20211Rate Game WARCHIMP
11/29/20211Rate Game CYBERMONKEY
11/29/20211Rate Game Birthday Mania
11/26/20211Rate Game TRASH
11/26/20211Rate Game Tales From The Basement
11/26/20211Rate Game Suzy's Strange Saga
11/26/20211Rate Game Love SICK
11/26/20211Rate Game Repression
11/26/20211Rate Game Paradise Violated
11/26/20211Rate Game Innkeeper
11/26/20211Rate Game Geek
11/26/20211Rate Game Imagination
11/26/20211Rate Game Ground Zero
11/26/20211Rate Game Alpha Wolf
11/26/20211Rate Game A Very Special Choose Your Story
11/26/20211Rate Game Rogues
11/26/20211Rate Game The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly
11/26/20211Rate Game Necromancer
11/26/20211Rate Game Eternal
11/26/20211Rate Game Death Song
11/26/20211Rate Game Inseparable
11/25/20211Rate Game Cows vs. Aliens!
11/25/20211Rate Game 1984: Cog In The Machine
11/25/20211Rate Game Propheteering
11/25/20211Rate Game The Murdering Midget!!
11/25/20211Rate Game The Lost Realm
11/24/20211500000Admin. Bonus - Keep it up!
11/24/202115Admin. Bonus - Fortune favors the bold
11/24/2021-1Admin. Penalty - Even more Autist on Austist violence
11/24/2021600000Admin. Bonus - Has surprisingly good taste. Nothing to see here. -Thara
11/24/20211Rate Game The Tale of the Foolish Princess
11/24/20211Rate Game Shadows and Blood (or What Is It Like to Be a Vampire Bat)
11/24/20211Rate Game So You Want To Join A Cult
11/13/2021500000Admin. Bonus - Keep Going
11/3/20211Rate Game
11/2/20211Admin. Bonus - Taking Pitty On A Fellow Penguin
11/2/2021-9000000Admin. Penalty - Making Penguins Look Bad
11/1/2021-100Admin. Penalty - Achievement Unlocked: Mistaken Identity Solved
11/1/2021-100Admin. Penalty - Achievement Unlocked: Great is the hunger of the mods, be thankful at what you have left
10/19/20213Create Game Project Red Storm: The Martian Genocide
9/10/2021100Admin. Bonus - Achievement Unlocked: Productive Citizen
9/6/20211Rate Game
9/6/202110Publish Game The Martian Rebellion
9/4/20213Create Game The Martian Rebellion
9/4/20213Create Game Heroes
9/4/202115Create Account