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100 word story

6 years ago
I thought we had a thread for these already but I can't find it now, oh well. ***** The sea holds many secrets, dear. But none at your command. Her draggled form seems so unlike her. She was prettier before, if inconvenient. The grim-faced men cordon off the beach, and every camera flash dashes you against the rocks. They want to speak with you again. That dreadful yawing as the waves creep up, nibbling at the faults in your castle of lies. Revealing that after all, it is only made of sand, and you are nothing greater than a lump of clay. The sea grants no favors, dear. Direct such requests to the judge and the Devil.

100 word story

6 years ago

Ordinary day suddenly changed; a rift has opened, altering the land.

You beseech the king; a powerful relic is granted.

Soon, threshold guardian found to be no match for the relic's blade.

Border is crossed.

Outsider met; they aid you in traversal and teach how to close the rift.

Night. Assailed in dreams; promises of power are refused.

Finally, the rift. Futile attack, you fall.

Clasped by death.

Suddenly, rift's magic breathes new life into you.

Yet still it must be closed; the new power grants you strength to prevail.

Return is rejoiceful, they know not you are forever tainted.

Edit - This is the 100 word story thread right? (Also your story is good, really like the prose, but figured trying to 'contribute' would work as a better bump).

100 word story

6 years ago
You just wrote an outline for a large fantasy story, congrats. Use this for Corgi's contest.

And yes, I'd thought we'd had one for 100 word stories already, but I think now it was Kar's and he wanted it deleted so he could use his story for something else.

I might have COMPLETELY invented that though, I don't even know. My memory is getting pretty bad!

100 word story

6 years ago

You did not.  We definitely had one, but it didn't do as well as the 50-word thread.

100 word story

6 years ago

TvTropes hero's journey image was totally not a huge inspiration. Anyhow, it'd need choices to work as a storygame. Luckily, deadline for intent to enter is April 1st, so I've got heaps of time!

Also, I too recall something about a 100 word story thread from a while back, so either your memory didn't fail, or you've successfully began implanting said fake memory into the minds of readers.

100 word story

6 years ago

It was still on the first page of this forum.

100 word story

6 years ago
Well whatever that thread sucks, mine is already better.

100 word story

6 years ago
50 word stories: incredibly popular

100 words: meh

Somewhere in between lies the effort threshold for the average CYStian, which science has never been so close to discovering.

100 word story

6 years ago

What about the 21 word stories?

100 word story

6 years ago
"You can't go there! We're not allowed!"

"What? You're afraid?" he chuckled, his malicious smile betraying his enjoyment and excitement.

"b-but..." she muttered, her eyes fixed on her shoes "they say it's cursed."

The trip was short and uneventful. They soon entered the dark house, blindly and noisily searching for a curtain to open.

A formidable figure of human shaped horror, violence, and madness, appeared against the opposite wall; its fearful eyes contrasting with the sight of its mouth devouring a headless body.

They screamed and ran for their lives.

The Quinta del Sordo was at peace once again.

100 word story

6 years ago
Right up until the last line I was thinking that some friends going to a 'supposedly' haunted house and predictably seeing a scary monster wasn't REALLY much of a story, but then you turned it around and you did manage to play with reader assumptions there. Also I'd recommend anyone who didn't get it google the name of the house, there's a pretty cool story behind it.

100 word story

6 years ago
The grating voice droning about nothing, the obnoxious laugh, the cigarette stench. You hated them all. You would trade shifts just to avoid her. So of course when the dead began to rise, it was just you and her behind the steel door. “At least we won’t starve. There must be two years worth of food down here--“ “Four.” She’s shocked by your suddenness. When it’s over, you are too. But man always becomes the real monster in these scenarios; fiction has taught you this. When you hear the first groan behind you, you remember something else you should’ve learned…

100 word story

6 years ago

I liked this one a lot.

100 word story

6 years ago

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

100 word story

6 years ago

If only I could remember. 

She stands, anxious, convinced she's innocent. The blade from the body speaks otherwise. 

My best friend, my love, my everything. Why did she do this? 

The memories, like rain into barren soil, seep their way back into my mind. 

Impatient, the crowd awaits my verdict. 

I mustn't lose her. I mustn't. She's the only one that understands me.

Nobody else would.

The pieces, like those of broken glass, come together once again. 

I remember the truth. 

I must lose her, but it's for the better. 

Nervous, I open my mouth, muttering a single word. 


100 word story

6 years ago

EndMaster. A tyrant. At CYStia

Thara. A young girl that followed EndMaster from IS entered CYStia.

They trolled in the Lounge.

She worshipped in the Workshop.

EndMaster was happy with Thara.

They became father and daughter.

EndMaster and Thara at CYStia.

But daughters grow up.

Thara eventually disappeared from CYStia.

EndMaster said “She who was my daughter through worship and trolling, is gone forever.”

Thara, her enthusiasm missed.

However, in time a familiar sound was heard.

EndMaster investigated the noise and was pleased by his discovery.

Different, yet the same.

Thara, a new form arrived.

EndMaster and Cricket at CYStia.

100 word story

6 years ago

Gosh darn, this story was sweet.  RIP OG Thara.

100 word story

6 years ago
This is the most heartwarming story End has ever written. Probably also the only one that doesn't involve necrophilia or rape.

100 word story

6 years ago
Posted in a 100 word story thread on another forum by DavidWhyld, but wouldn't you all agree that the man who wrote this has the heart and soul of a fellow CYStian? She loved Hubert. She loved the way he looked and dressed and smelled (well, she tried, and that was the main thing, right?). She loved his bank account most of all, though. She loved the shoes and the dresses and the yacht it bought her. All necessary expenses, of course. She wasn't frivolous with Hubert’s money. The diamond swans she’d bought for the pool and thrown away five minutes later because they clashed with the tiles were absolutely necessary. She loved Hubert. Everything about him. Including the coffin he buried her alive in when he got his credit card statement.

100 word story

6 years ago

He fits right in. I also liked his other one on the novel and the 50 word story on the plane crash by Daza.

100 word story

6 years ago
The ambulance speeds down the road. "Damn it, hang in there!" the paramedic yells. The pulse stops. He beats on the still body, desperately trying to revive.

One beep, then another. A sigh of relief.

"Found him," the EMT says, showing the paramedic the chart. All of his info with a big, red heart.

"Oh, thank God," the paramedic says, sighing. He clamps his hand over the man's mouth and nose, who begins to drown in his own blood.

He makes a call. "Good news! Your son is going to make it to his next birthday. We found a match."

100 word story

6 years ago

Lol, this purified my soul from all those episodes of medical dramas. You also divided the paragraphs well, you've become good at dosing the right amount of words at the right time.

100 word story

6 years ago
I couldn't tell if it was meant to be funny, or if there was just something wrong with me.

100 word story

6 years ago
The first draft was campy and humorous. The second was horrifying and disturbing.

The final I dialed back a little to give the reader room to move.

100 word story

6 years ago

I guess it speaks volumes about my permanence on CYS that I immediately classified it as black humor and found it funny. After all these short stories with dark twists I might have become a little inured to it.

100 word story

6 years ago

A single moment can alter the rest of your life. You woke up early to swing by the café before work. Jenny always worked the morning shift and you rarely needed to vocalize your order.

“Vente Americano.”

She knew your usual drink and your fingers softly touched as you took the cup from her. Shyly smiling, Jenny turned to help another customer. Glancing down, you saw that she wrote her number. One coffee led to a first date, marriage, and a lifetime of bliss.

You kneel at her gravestone, wrinkled hand unsteadily clasping a lukewarm Americano. Soon, you’d join her.


100 word story

5 years ago

Sitting still, dreams whirring.

Thoughts are slurring, the ceiling is gay.

The happiest ceiling, in dismay.

Dark clouds form upon the horizon, stark fears give way to everlasting wonders.

A man in his folly, either jolly fool or witness to his blunders.

Ripe, prime, fresh, primordial soup. Fresh for the taking, mold to their desires, his ordinal coup. 

Master stroke now finished, faster it is broke. 

Harold, only typo and autocorrects prophecy. 

Far old are times of greatness, now lies shallow odyssey. 

Something something, something rhymes. Strange crimes.

In the veil one peeps, now retired, my dick goes in a blender.

100 word story

5 years ago
Very deep. But I think the key to understanding it is the gay ceiling.