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21 word story time

6 years ago

Since Algae is boring and cannot into entertain, I shall tell a story.  

Once upon a time, there was a pink reindeer, and all the other reindeer made fun of him.  Then he roped. 


21 word story time

6 years ago

I blame my boring-ness on my glasses.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Since when do glasses make a person boring?

21 word story time

6 years ago

Observe a prime example of the directionality problem.

21 word story time

6 years ago
Pretty weak, I bet a lot of people here could do better with 21 words. They can reply here to prove it.

21 word story time

6 years ago

My favorite short story:


“Once there was an ugly barnacle, he was so ugly that everyone died. THE END.” - Patrick Star

21 word story time

6 years ago

Another sleepless night lying wide awake in bed. Restless without her warmth, his fingers caress a pink ribbon. I miss you.  

21 word story time

6 years ago
Good job being the only person so far to make a serious attempt.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Thanks. It's a slow day at work lol. 

21 word story time

6 years ago

Post Message. I can’t wait to read all the comments! Refresh. None yet? Refresh. Why does no one like me? Refresh.

21 word story time

6 years ago

I am sad because I can only see when I am wearing my glasses and I do not like wearing glasses.

21 word story time

6 years ago

I am happy because I am not some four-eyed normie fag.  For I have discovered SOFT CONTACTS, the secret to happiness.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Hey no need to go there I’m just a friendly little goblin who always enjoys a good fight out of class.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Mizal where is your twenty-one word post because your previous post is actually twenty-two so I believe it is now invalid.

21 word story time

6 years ago
It was not attempting to be 21 words, although I see I got very close without even trying and am now impressed with myself. It was simply what it says it is, an invitation for people who are not as confused and dumb as Subtopewds to reply to it.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Wow, that was rude I was just saying you should try to make a 21 word story.

21 word story time

6 years ago

There was a cricket of Veracruz

Who came to this thread to be amused.

When you called Mizal rude, and when her words were not crude

You left gryllus very confused.

21 word story time

6 years ago
Which part was rude?

21 word story time

6 years ago

"dumb as Subtopewds"


E:sorry never mind I was miss reading that's my bad.

21 word story time

6 years ago
He was rich, powerful, handsome. She was lucky to have him. Giddy, she poked the needle through the condom wrapper. Checkmate.

21 word story time

6 years ago

And that's why you bring your own rubber. "Giddy" is such a powerful word here. It makes me feel slightly uncomfortable that she has so much pleasure and excitement poking a hole in a condom. Actually, disturbingly uncomfortable lol. Makes me think she's the type of person that fills journals writing his name over and over. Maybe on one page she writes his name with little hearts around the pages. On another, it's her name with his last name pretending they're married. There's probably a nicely decorated shoebox filled with sketches of him under her bed. Remember gentlemen: "When in doubt, pull out". 

Edit: Spelling.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Contrary to Ninja, "giddy" made me laugh aloud because it perfectly captured that madly satisfied expression on her face for me.

Good job, you also timed your narration to perfection.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Get the feeling Algae is gae, gee.  

Subtopewbs sucks balls and is banned.  

AustinC may have caught AutismC. Bless his heart.

21 word story time

6 years ago

One down, only two remaining.

21 word story time

6 years ago

I’m not looking to get banned,

and since I’m averagely literate,

dealing with me is just something you’ll have to stand.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Do you mean Gay

21 word story time

6 years ago
Could be a hard or soft G, depending on dialect.

21 word story time

6 years ago

I’d rather be autistic, out of the three,

Since sucking balls and being gay is definitely not my cup of tea.


21 word story time

6 years ago

I agree.

21 word story time

6 years ago
These generously buttered noodles, sprinkled with just a quarter cup of parsley for color and freshness, are the perfect blank slate.

21 word story time

6 years ago
Take these generously buttered noodles, and add a jar of creamy discount alfredo sauce. Now you’re cookin’ like a real Italian!

21 word story time

6 years ago

*wop triggered*

This generously undercooked carne GuISADA, stewed in just a gallon of mayonnaise for color and freshness, is-a perfect!

21 word story time

6 years ago
Headlines trumpeted, ‘Mad-mod Mizal!’ She read on, scowl deepening. She would show them all. “REALLY delete site?” Yes. 23 times.

21 word story time

6 years ago
My father, the Shogun's decapitator, decapitated a hundred lords. Wasn't scared; Shogun was: sent ninja spies to kill him. Everything changed.


Shortened from the intro clip to Liquid Swords from the movie Shogun Assassin (1980):

When I was little, my father was famous
He was the greatest samurai in the empire
And he was the Shogun's decapitator
He cut off the heads of a hundred and thirty-one lords
It was a bad time for the empire
The Shogun just stayed inside his castle and he never came out
People said his brain was infected by devils
My father would come home, he would forget about the killings
He wasn't scared of the Shogun, but the Shogun was scared of him
Maybe that was the problem
Then, one night, the Shogun sent his ninja spies to our house
They were supposed to kill my father but they didn't
That was the night everything changed

21 word story time

6 years ago

Even if it's a little bit evident you had to chop off words, especially in the second sentence, it still makes for an interesting premise for a story (I've never watched the movie).

21 word story time

6 years ago

Call answered,

Relic granted,

Guardian defeated,

Boarder crossed,

Aid acquired,

Temptation averted,

Conclusion commenced,

Defeat tasted,

Death avoided,

Victorious yet changed.

21 word story time

6 years ago

You’re very good at condensing writing.

21 word story time

6 years ago

21 words Hero's Journey, true literary perfection.

Jokes aside, I think it could be a lot better if the words used were more carefully selected. Right now it is... a little cheap. Honestly, I only made it so I'd have at least one 'story' in each of these threads, but it shows how using someone else's template can really help guide the creation process (and you can always make your own template too).

I do find it neat since it helps me have a 'complete' story, even if generic and formulaic, but I think it is nice to have as a comparison for the other stories which are more original (such as those with neat twists).

Anyway, I'll patiently await the 11 word thread for now, tho it will be interesting to see what else people put up into these current ones till then.

21 word story time

6 years ago
We were getting fun with six word stories in the Discord awhile back, I think that's the limit.

Weirdly I've had a harder time with 21 words than even those.

21 word story time

6 years ago

But this really is a nice condensed version, I might use this if I ever get around to redoing my profile. Nice job on what is technically the only complete story in here.

21 word story time

6 years ago

Compliments received.

21 word story time

6 years ago
Pirate with a ship's wheel down front of pants; "Hey doc, this thing's been driving me nuts!"

Dock does not answer.

21 word story time

6 years ago
These tunnels just keep going. Phone doesn't provide much light.

Something is following me. I hear breathing. My battery flashes red.

21 word story time

6 years ago
I liked the premise of this tiny story. The first half didn't build the suspense nearly as much as the second half, so it's more of a slow burn. I think I would have rearranged certain elements, perhaps describing the breathing before the realization of being followed. This would allow your narration to build the tension upon itself more. "I hear breathing. Something is following me." seems to increment the suspense a little more strongly. I did like your use of the cell phone to add a sense of immediacy to the desperate circumstances, as well.

Your narration plants me firmly into the head of the protagonist and the short, blunt series of observations implicitly describes the state of mind that the character is experiencing well.

Well done. I enjoyed this, especially as I read it over and over during my response, discovering more elements that were well crafted and placed each time.

21 word story time

6 years ago
Thanks, this was a lot of time to spend on a tiny story and it's appreciated.

21 word story time

6 years ago
You pierce his body with the trocar. Preparing a body is a messy affair.

At least he would be dead soon!

21 word story time

6 years ago
I don't know if it's the formatting or just that you use smaller words but at first I was sure this was less than 21. And I thought too that this would be some mummy thing until the last line...and the last line was perfect, put a dark twist on things and even taught me a new word!