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Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

I've decided to mess around and just make a deck building card game.  So far I have a template for cards (which if anyone is interested in, I'll figure out a way to add it into the thread) and a few ideas but I thought it'd be interesting to see if any of you have any ideas for a card or two. For example, I've already made "Karen" as a card so don't take it too seriously. In any case, I'm intrigued to see where this goes and hope some of you help out!


Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago
I find it interesting that you mention absolutely nothing about the game itself. It could be about people and attacking one another; or it might be about creating buildings and selling drugs on street corners. Even mentioning that there's a Karen card really doesn't help, as that could end up in any setting. Therefore, I demand that you include a fart card. Also a beer card. And an Ace of Diamonds.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

I don't really have a direction as long as it's actual objects. So I can most certainly make a beer card. Ace of Diamonds would be more difficult but maybe a card pack card. And as for a fart.... Well, couldn't I just include you? 

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Ogre brought up a good point about how I didn't mention what the actual game was about. So far it's just been real objects being reduced down to a few abilities (like Atk and Def) and it'd be centered around two players trying to damage their opponent. So there's be item cards as well. If anyone is at all familiar, it's a hybrid between Magic and Inscryption but with a more grounded/modern approach to it.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Invoke Prejudice

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Sure, why not. I'll change the name around some so it's not a complete rip off but I'll add it in. Maybe simply Prejudice would do and it increases damage dealt to all cards of a single type.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Incite Hatred is probably a better name.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

That's true. And it still works with the idea I had brewing. This'll be fun. 

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Pissin' Kitten

Mind Goblin

These Nuts

Card Game (Unnamed)

2 years ago

Card Game (Unnamed)

2 years ago

I will definitely add this.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

I'm not exactly sure which way you're going with this, but I know you probably saw some of the Illuminati cards from that game that I posted in the discord. I'd advise looking at a few of those for ideas since that game probably had the more humorous approach to various concepts.

In keeping with that game's approach, here's more stuff, though I'm keeping it slightly internet related.

Retard Strength

Most Normal Thing Ever

Safe Space



Trolling for a better Tomorrow

Frosted Snowflakes

Department of Degeneracy

Great Firewall of China

Alt-Crtl Right

Alphabet Squad Unite!






Ass Burgers


Digital Archives

Crusaders for Wholesomeness


Outdated Meme


Plague of Pepes

Crimson Room

RAEP Fantasy




Nigerian Prince

Doxxing for Dollars

Darkweb Market



Lol, fag.

Hell, I could go on with these really, but you get the idea.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Yeah, I saw those. I'm going a slightly more serious route (but not by much). I'm not clever enough to pull that off. However, I am definitely gonna use some of these as at the very least inspiration. Figuring out how the game is actually going to work but Darkweb Market has given me more than a few ideas.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Actually upon thinking about traits, here's a list of potential opposing ones you could give to certain cards. Not all cards need a trait of course, while others could have multiple traits. (Just not two that oppose each other)

Based vs. Woke

Wholesome vs. Degenerate

Orderly vs. Chaotic


Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Mind Goblin- Chaotic Fantasy

Karen- Citizen Degenerate

Fast Food Employee- Citizen Worker  (Maybe Worker vs. Managament?)

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

I'm remembering the opposing traits from the other game they had:

Liberal vs Conservative (This one is pretty much Woke vs Based)

Weird vs Straight (This one is sort of Degenerate vs Wholesome)

Peaceful vs Violent

Government vs Corporate

Criminal (No opposing trait for some reason. Not sure why they didn't have "Law" for the opposing)

Fanatic (The idea with this one was EVERY card that had this trait were opposed to other cards with the fanatic trait)

I sort of came up with the Zealous trait with the Fanatic one in mind.

Card Game (Unnamed)

3 years ago

Peaceful vs Violent isn't a bad one. Gov vs Corporate would be a bit weird now since I'm starting to see those two work together more often than not. Criminal vs Law would make sense but I think Chaotic already fills that role. Fanatic vs. Zealot would is a good addition.

Card Game (Unnamed)

2 years ago
Aren't fanatics and zealots the exact same thing?

And I can't believe no one has suggested Cows vs Aliens yet.

Card Game (Unnamed)

2 years ago
Is this going to be like Gin Rummy?