There's an Evangelion game on here where part way through the story you get an MP3 player and upon selecting it it gives you links to yt vids that are songs from the show (alongside one extra song for the lols) (There is also one section where it flat out just suggests a song also). I can attest from that experience alone that this would be a cool idea...but its not the end of the world if it doesn't get there are work arounds...
Also I'd imagine that be quite a headache to program for a feature that would only really cater to a niche audience. I'd imagine most normal people would either read in quiet or put a song of their own choice instead.
But can work around it currently by just putting super small text at the top of the page that links to the song you want. Though I suppose the issue would be getting the song to can just mention when its time to go back to silence in a later page...