@Aman and Tanstafl.
You're trying to argue with me on a subject completely unrelated to the one that is being discussed.
Aman, you're saying that nuclear weapons shouldn't be used because using them will result in worldwide destruction.
Tant, you're hoping onto the Aman train and saying that Nuclear weapons will result in worldwide destruction.
Your points, while true, are completely irrelevant to the subject being discussed.
We're not talking about the consequences of an action, or whether it's worth it or not. We're talking about pure, unadulterated or censored power.
The power that 50 nuclear bombs would possess is larger than that of a 1 204 569. The benefits of using one over the other are unimportant and irrelevent, since we're tlaking about pure power.
Aman, you said that to destroy the world, you would only need 20 nuclear bombs, making the other 30 worthless. That's not important, it is not the point, the point is that those 50 bombs will cause more destruction than those 20, making the people who hold them more powerful than people with less of these bombs.
The fact that you can destroy the world with only 20 nuclear bombs is why you don't see people throwing them around willy nilly at each other, because people are afraid to attack each other when everyone possesses that kind of firepower.
The fact that you need infantrymen to hold territory is irrelevent. The fact that those bombs come with a large cost is completely irrelevent.
What's important is that in terms of power, 50 nuclear bombs is so powerful that 1 204 569 infantry being deducted from an army that retained literally everything else in it's arsenal, would still keep it in the position of the strongest army in the world, regardless of the amount of soldiers.