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Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

So, I've been wondering, what's you guys' take on the legalization of marijuana? I've been seeing far too many posts on Facebook and other such social media big shot sites that are all 'supportive' of the legalization of the drug, and claim instantly that whoever objects is a total fucking idiot and is ignorant of the fact that the drug is 'good'. Kinda like our site and Warrior Cats, if you think about it XD

But I've been doing some research and it seems to me that they're the ones who are ignorant of the risks involved in smoking. Not only is it a natural irritation of the lungs, thus quite possibly a form of cancer in the lungs, but it also reduces perception across various areas of the brain, such as time or sense of reality in general, aka the "high" feeling. In younger generations it increases memory loss and a lack of focus, resulting in a lower IQ, however these effects aren't as prevalent in older people, though they still have their own set of problems. Of course, I can't be arsed listing everything that I read, and it's probably not good to trust things on the internet too much, but that only proves my point further for those that love to light a joint.

Now, I've never smoked in my life and, to be frank, never wish to. If they want to legalize weed then they can go ahead and do it for all I care. I just typically enjoy a good debate is all. I'm just wondering what you guys' take on all this?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

There'll be Jamaican reggae bands popping up everywhere if this continues.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

It means I have less competition in this capitalist country I live in.  Potential business rivals are lost to their addictions, so it's their loss when I advocated them to vote against its legalization.  If they have to pay more to live with their addictions, so be it.  That's one more money sink for them and more in the bank relative to them.  My family, that mostly lives a clean, cheap life, suffers little when they need little.

My addiction, unfortunately, is wanting you to move on with RPs.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago


Marijuana isn't addictive... Or at least not nearly so much as any of the legal drugs that it can replace.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

But it's a gateway to more addictive ones :3

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

If it weren't illegal, you wouldn't have to get connections in groups that lead to more addicting drugs in order to get it.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago


...but wouldn't the legalization of one drug lead to the legalization of potentially more?  At least that?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

So that means innocent people should have their freedom stripped from them?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Not when it's a safer alternative to a few things that actually can addict people, ruin their lives, or straight up kill them. most painkillers today may as well be fucking heroin, you do realize that, right?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Not exactly. There is less of a stigma towards marijuana compared to other drugs. People are far more willing to accept cannabis that, say, heroin. What you go there is what we call a slippery slope.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

If alcohol is legal, I see no reason for marijuana to be illegal.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago
As long as they have designated smoking areas, like the smoke box in airports and public places - I don't mind if marijuana is legal - I just don't want to smell it.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I once read somewhere that, at different quantities, each substance can be either a medicine, a drug or a poison.

While I do not agree to any illegal (poisonous / possibly addictive) uses for any substance, marijuana included, I support and always will support any legal use of it as medicine (or if needed somewhere else , like renewable energy, alternative fuel or some other industry).

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Legalise all drugs, let nature take its course


Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I wouldn't legalize whatever intoxicating substance you're  on right now, sir.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

You should try it first.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago
That would certainly thin the herd and filter out many people, 90% of which I guarantee are holding society back.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

That's going a little too far. Just because people should be allowed to use it, doesn't mean we should make it easy for people to get their hands on drugs like crack or heroin. Decriminalization is a nice compromise. 

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I'd rather not that be the case.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

People prefer to believe what sounds good. So many people will think marijuana is good because it has 'medical' purposes despite the obvious risks. It's like why people drink beer even though it's bad for you. It gives a 'high' and it's displayed as a normal good thing.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Hmmmm..... Well, alcohol is legal and all, so maybe it's not so bad....

But I do know that since pot is now legalized, more people will have it, and also more teens. They just steal it from their parents. 2 kids last year where nearly expelled for coming to class high.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

People will get high no matter what.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Trust me, it's a lot easier for kids to buy weed than it is alcohol. If anything, teen use would most assuredly go down because they wouldn't be able to buy it on the street anymore, since legal pot would put the vast majority of dealers out of business. 

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I'd much rather have Marijuana legalized than Tobacco.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

One of the problems, I find, with many discussions about the legalization of marijuana is that most of the focus is on whether it's good or bad for you, medical use, personal responsibility, etc. However, very few talk about the bigger scale or effects of illegal drugs or just how much ramifications there are with them. The drugs issue is not a secluded issue.

The ideas behind pro-legalization isn't just that marijuana is considered to be less dangerous than other drugs (or other substances for that matter), it's also about things like easing away the stigma, regulation, shrinking the prison population, and keeping the money from funding things we definitely do not want to fund. I'm pretty sure there's even more to the story than even that. What really sucks is that both pro and con ignore this and even more of the bigger picture.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Don't forget that legalizing it also destroys a huge source of good money for the drug cartels.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

That falls under "funding things we don't want to fund." Gangs get money from it, too. It's seriously not just a US issue, either. There have been reasons why Mexico has been asking for us to legalize and regulate drugs. For those on that side, you could argue that the War on Drugs actually did more harm than good if anyone were to research the topic enough.

I think the idea stems from the idea that by legalizing marijuana, we're saying we're cool with people smoking in, when in fact, it could be used as a way for us to responsibly control it.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Uh, irritation in the lungs is a form of cancer? Calm down there Delta, first, look up what "irritation in the lungs" is, then look up what "Cancer" is, you should be good after that.

Ironically enough, yes, there are negative long-term side effects in young smokers, but adults can take it without much risk (and I think it's actually shown to benefit elderly patients with Alzheimers).

Well, yeah, it does reduce perception of time, sense of reality, etc. - That's the point XD. These effects also happen to be temporary. 

There is no point to not legalizing it, age restrictions should be placed (more than likely to the great chagrin of the many teenagers who toats won't just not care and smoke it anyway), but otherwise there really isn't any particular reason not to.

I also find it really funny when people try to point out possible dangers in marijuanna while ignoring the fact that the most popular recreational drug in the world - alcohol - has been proven to be exponentially more dangerous. It's like arguing to ban pistols but letting everyone get their own rocket launcher (which would admittedly be awesome, but that's besides the point). 


Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

One would think that since America already had a problem with banning something bad for people (Prohibition and all that) that we would know better than to try and ban Marijuana.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

It's not like it's any worse than booze and tobacco. I say they should legalize it.


It hasn't been because they think it's a "starter drug" that when a lot of people after smoking try other much worse drugs which have been a few cases but I doubt its that common.

Though I do agree that it should have age limit.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago
In any case, if they legalize it or not - there's almost no chance they'll see number of people using marijuana increase or decrease. The people who strongly want to legalize marijuana, are the people who do it illegally anyways. The only problem I have is I don't want to walk down the street and have my nose FILLED with the scent of greasy disgusting smoke from marijuana. That's where I draw the line.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I don't know about that. If it were legal, I would probably try it.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago
Aren't you like...13? or something? I doubt you're going to try marijuana any time or not

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Shit. Where have you been? I'm about your age. Maybe a little younger. 

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Why exactly would you want to try something that's only going to cost you money and harm your body? That's like buying a pack of matches just to light your fingers on fire.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Why do people smoke cigarettes or tobacco? They are just wasting money too. 

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Because they are morons, lol.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Hey, that's not fair! Some people are just taking one for the team! I smoke cigarettes so the doctors can't say the pot gave me cancer.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago,35386/?fb_action_ids=370121053139468&fb_action_types=og.shares

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Nice new picture Madglee. Good to see you. I'll have to watch the video later though, to tired right now.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

The amount of misinformation in this thread is astounding. As a long-time drug understander and now practicing comorbid disorder treatment nurse physician type person, I would like to offer my AMA regarding drugs, research, etc. Pretend it's Reddit. Pretend I'm young and cool and relevant, so you can hear.

Feel free to ask questions regarding Marijuana, Alcohol, Tobacco, or any other drugs you want an honest, educated opinion on, based on rigorous study and research as well as applied science, in some cases.

Know that the human brain should have full ability to form until around 25 years of age. Unfortunately, many find various vices before then, and cannot allow their brains to mature to that extent.


Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

How much of what the otter just spewed was bullshit? 

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago
In a general sense, what is marijuana? What makes it so bad?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

You must be very tired for your dinked grammar at "Know that the human brain...". 

What specifically do you work on in your field?  Mortician?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I am a nurse practitioner in psychiatry. I function the same as a psychiatrist but instead of being a medical doctor I am a nursing doctor. I tend to focus on prevention, education, and the whole person, rather than concentrating on medication, although I obviously prescribe when necessary.

Currently I teach physician fellows psychiatry, treat residents at various nursing facilities for dementia, depression, etc, and previously rounded in several hospitals treating acute cases of Bipolar, schizophrenia, suicide attempts, etc.

Dinked grammar? You think there should be no "that," right?

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

"the human brain should have full ability to form until around 25 years of age"

should be more like

"the human brain shouldn't be fully formed until around 25 years of age"

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

I disagree. I like, "Know that..." This isn't an essay, it's creative writing, blast you. All that stuff you learned about passive voice being bad is lies.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

1) Tobacco: Extremely dangerous if abused, which it always is, except in some Native American cultures long ago. People smoke tobacco because they start in their teens when "everyone is doing it," and want to be cool. However, due to nicotine, they get hooked.

2) Nicotine: Possibly extremely helpful chemical, attaches to receptors in our brains and improves memory, concentration, and is possibly neuroprotective, helping to prevent such things as Alzheimer's. "Possibly" is a key word. EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE. Many new antidepressants and anti anxiety agents are currently in trials using nicotinic receptor agonists.

3) Marijuana: A naturally growing flower of the hemp plant. There are two strains, Sativa and Indica. Both contain two main ingredients, THC and CBD. Sativa is supposed to make you more awake and "high" and Indica tends to make one sleepy or "stoned."

THC is the one that makes people get "high" or "stoned." Impairs a person's ability to retain new information and recall it for about 24 hours from the time it is smoked. Therefore, if one smokes every day, one may have some difficulty with complex tasks. However, it does seem to improve creativity and can help some feel relaxed, less anxious. 

On the other hand, there do seem to be a lot of people who smoke marijuana and become quite paranoid, experience time dilation or slowing, and feel anxious or uncomfortable in social situations. Chronic marijuana abuse does also seem to lead to depression and anxiety, although it differs depending on the strain and the person. 

Marijuana of today, particularly in states where it is legal or medically legal, is extremely potent, with high levels of THC in most strains. The marijuana of the 60's was not like the marijuana of today.

CBD, the other chemical, seems to have neuroprotective effects, and there is some research which shows that it theoretically should help prevent Parkinson's. CBD is not psychoactive in that it does not make you "high," but rather relaxes you. It's almost like a natural Xanax, in my opinion, albeit weaker. 

Due to the lack of long-term research of marijuana, it is difficult to determine all the health effects, but it has been used for centuries in a variety of ways. Hemp is a particularly sustainable part of the plant which can be used instead of trees for paper, rope, etc. 

As far as its effects on the lungs, it is not clear that it causes emphysema (like tobacco does) or cancer (like tobacco does). 

One problem with marijuana is that you are basically playing chemistry set with your brain. Despite the derth of research and anecdotal evidence that marijuana can be helpful, many chronic users can feel depressed, anti-social, and anxious. If one is younger than 25 or so, the best thing to do would be to allow the brain to mature before starting to smoke or drink or do anything.

Unfortunately, college or even high school is where most people smoke their first joint.

4) Alcohol: Deadly poison. Really doesn't have many good effects. Causes relaxation and improved mood at first, then tends to increases aggressiveness, make one extremely impulsive, then causes blackouts in some and hangovers for most. As one abuses alcohol, the hangovers increase in frequency and severity, causing severe depression, anxiety, etc. In severe cases, one might get the DT's, or delirium tremens, which causes psychosis and sometimes death. One can also get permanent brain damage or an encephalopathy from alcohol called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

It is interesting to note the stigma against marijuana when alcohol is almost praised in the US, advertised heavily at all major sporting events, etc, and alcohol is certainly worse than marijuana as far as people committing crimes, engaging in violence, and generally getting brain damage.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

That, was a rather helpful comment.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

This is very helpful. 

In a way, making it legal would actually help with underage usage. Since most use it when they're in high school because it's illegal and all. If they just had an age limit, I think more kids and teens would wait until they were a little more mature to try it. Not all but more, right?

Plus, it'd be a slightly better alternative to tobacco and alcohol.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Not to mention the fact it'll be harder for kids to get pot...

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Yeh I saw your post. I hadn't thought of that.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Err, how?

I mean, getting alcohol is already a joke (I'd say easier than getting pot), if pot is basically made as popular and legal as alcohol I can't see how that would make it harder for kids to get.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

With alcohol you need to find somebody else to buy it for you, as there is no black market for it, and liquor stores strictly avoid selling to minors.

With pot, anybody and everybody has it. All you need to do is walk around some areas for less than half an hour and somebody will be trying to sell you some. Drug dealers don't have as much of a problem selling it to kids as a business that could get it's license revoked would.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Or it could be banned completely and anyone who was found using it would be publicly executed.

Anarchy FTW.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

The irony of that statement is mindblowing... haha

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Irony FTW.

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

# @coins FTW

Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago


Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis

9 years ago

Banned. The point is not how hard it is to get. Anyone can get anything if they understand how. The point is that there is no evidence to support the idea that flooding of alcohol and weed into the general populace increases alcoholism, or pot addiction, or anything of the sort.

The reason pot is illegal is due to how easy it is to grow. Alcohol prohibition failed when people started making it in their tubs and the black market got more powerful than the government.