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Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Who is your favorite character and why?

This could be from Movies, TV Series, Book, whatever.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I can't think of an absolute top-favorite right now who isn't Judge Dredd but Judge Dredd is mostly awesome as a character because of the contrast in his personality to the world around him. There's also Rorscach and V, but I can't choose between the two and honestly, all the characters Alan Moore puts any work into are pretty fucking awesome.

I can outright tell you my favorite TF2 character, however. I mean, there's really no contest since he's by far more awesome than all of them. As badass and endearing as the Heavy and Pyro are, as classy and hilarious as the Spy is, as skilled and awesome as the Sniper is, as genius as the Medic is, and as... uhh... Scottish.... as the demoman is, you literally, (and figuratively) CANNOT argue with the reincarnation of George motherfucking Patton himself. It cannot be done. It's also fun to yell and rant in your best Soldier voice on roleplay maps.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

The "Protagonist" from Eternal by Endmaster.

He's a character that feels insanely realistic and true to himself no matter which path you take. (So thanks for that End!)

Other than that, probably Ellie from "The Last of Us" who also seems really realistic. Between her being extremely sarcastic, hilarious, childish, she also represents the results of the atrocities from the apocalypse, such as her over-the-top cursing and attitude.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Heh. Joel is mine. :P

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Probably...the Joker.  Compared to Batman, the Joker doesn't mind killing a few top-class crime lords to make the city go wild, and yet he doesn't do enough to damage to entirely destroy the city, but instead makes everyone there stronger.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Shane from the Walking Dead (TV series, not comic) is one of my favorite characters of all time.  I think he is one of the few characters on the show that I considered 'real' in reacting to the zombie apocalypse.  A lot of people go off on him about doing Rick's wife, but he honestly thought Rick was dead and tried to get him out of the hospital.  When he found out Rick was alive, It was just too late and he had already fallen for Lori hard.  Lori didn't help by leading him on even after the fact.  Shane knew what was necessary to survive the world they were living in.  I believe Rick took a part of him after taking his life on that hill, and that made Rick a better person.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I f*cking hated Lori. Seriously, all she does is complain about CERRRRRRRL not being safe and she really just ruined the show. When Rick went all crazy because she died, I started to like the show less. I mean, come on, I would have been f*cking happy she was dead. Period.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I hate Carl too. Everyone goes on about how he's "going through teen problems", but the kid is f*cking 7. I can't stand him, and he wastes the entire show's time. Why couldn't Rick's son have been a nerd, the show would have been so much better with Carl being able to hack computers and shit instead of him being emo all the time. I can get that this isn't supposed to be "realistic", but Carl has no survival skills. He should have died in season one. At least the little kid from the first episode could hit zombies with shovels.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

That would have made for a much better character.

P.S. Duane (The kid you said could hit zombies with a shovel) died because he thought he could kill his mom (Who was, of course, a zombie) but couldn't. Carl was kind of like that. Plus Carl killed Dale. I F*CKING LOVED DALE!

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Nah, wasn't keen on Shane. You know who's really awesome? ... Darrel!
... Also Mishone. ^_^

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Mike Shinoda. I do a very good Shinoda immitation IRL too.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Mike Shinoda's a fkin legend

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

.....not THAT much.....

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Superman, it's the endless optimism and trust towards even complete strangers, I find it fascinating and inspiring. It reminds me of my father, who is, like Superman, too optimistic and trusting for his own good. If only more people were like that.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I now dislike your father. Meh, never could get into Superman. Byronic Heroes without the charisma, mustaches, and tuxedoes bore me, and they get worse when they're omnipotent anyway.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Well, yeah, he can afford to be optimistic and trusting towards strangers, because he is practically invulnerable. There is no risk whatsoever.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. The list of things that can hurt and/or kill Superman is far longer than just "kryptonite".

Even if that was true though, I don't think it would change my mind, although it would take the "too optimistic and trusting for his own good" out of the equation since such a case wouldn't exist if there wouldn't be any risk whatsoever, but anyone who knows anything about Superman will know at least a few occasions where his optimism and will to trust others is used against him, but he still doesn't abandon those morals because they are so much more important than most people think they are.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I preferred the original.  You know...the one that wore boxers over long-johns.  xD

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Ironically, Sentinel's opinion was not too dissimilar to mine, yet you chose me to berate.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I fail to see the similarities, except he called him omnipotent, which might be synonymous with the "no risks involved" part, but aside from that his point seemed to be that Superman wasn't James Bond/Tony Stark enough for him, not that his most important character traits are minimized by an untrue statement that his enemies lack the ability to pose as a threat to him.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Need I say more? Oh, wait, there is another.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

 Three shots of my favorite t.v. character. He is such an egomaniac. It's hilarious the situations he gets into.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Eh... I actually don't have a favorite character. I like a lot of heroes and villains and side characters all for different reasons.

I will say I'm fond of Sherlock Holmes, though.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Conan Doyle, BBC, Robert Downey Jr, or Elementary? 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

All four of them. :P Conan Doyle created a good character, imho. BBC's version is full of snarkiness that I find amusing and both leading actors did an excellent job. Robert Downey Jr's 'Holmes Vision' is freaking badass and he makes a very likeable Sherlock. (Jude Law was good at keeping pace with him.)

Elementary, while still a good show, is ... actually my least favorite interpretation out of all four because ... I dunno, something really missing from his performance and the energy in the show. The female Watson is a concept I'm willing to support, even if it is a little fan-fic-y, but even her performance feels ... off. 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Augustus McCrae from Lonesome Dove, and Robert Duvall really brought him to life in the TV miniseries.  I don't think there has ever been a close second.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Me, because I'm the froodiest guy I know.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I think you lost some froodiness when you switched from that teacup to manga filth.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Your mom is manga filth.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

How's your butt?

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Fuzzy and warm.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

'Cos it sounds like it hurts something' awful... 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Your odd use of single quotes disturbs me.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

You mean apostrophes? 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
So, that's what you kids are callin' 'em these days.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

You mu'er fuck'r. 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
I don't see the point of replacing the 'e' in 'fucker'.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

u wot m8? I swer on me mum, ill bust ya gabber. 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Luminarty confirmd... 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
Would you ever so kindly tell me what the Hell you are babbling on about?

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

"It's a TRIPLE, BABY!" 
"Smoke weed everydaaaay...." 
"u w8 mate?" 
"But mah hope will nevah diiiiiiiie!" 

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
I don't know why I bother, sometimes.

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

I was referencing this kind of video. 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

I think this is the equivelant of shocking you into that slience...

Like that time I called someone a "fucking fuck slut" in front of my grandmother. 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
You did what in front of whom? XD

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

My grandmother. I was on the phone to a friend of mine while I was at her house once. The friend and I were joking around, and it ended with me sarcastically calling her a "fucking fuck slut" and her calling me a "man-whore". 

Anyway, she walked in as I said "fucking fuck slut" 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
Haha, what'd she do?

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

She actually just laughed. My grandmother and I are pretty close. 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
My grandmother and I are the same way. The other day, she had me try to activate recovery mode on my cousin's ipad and when it failed, I went into a rant about how I wanted to exhume Steve Jobs' body and piss in his eye socket. She was perfectly cool listening to my spill.

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago


I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
I can't tell if you are being serious or not. But, yeah, I can threaten to eviscerate one of my younger cousins with a pizza cutter, and she just laughs it off. Or, she kinda does. You can't really call it a laugh, 'cause she has no voicebox.

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

Is this AnimalLover_124 you refer to now? 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
No, no, no...

She's in Michigan right now. I haven't spoken to her in a while. In fact, I kinda told her that I was not ever going to be on this site again. But, no, I was referring to one of my three little cousins who live with my maternal grandparents.

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

With whom do you dwell, O Fox of CYS? 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
I alternate between two or three different places. I went over to visit some relatives (intentionally trying to be vague here) on my dad's side today, and they offered to let me stay there, but they have this annoying clock and fox hunting motifs across the entire house.

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

Ah. I see. 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
You're statement is a bit vague. What exactly are you observing or agreeing on?

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago

What haven't I seen? *shity eyes* 

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
"Shity eyes"


I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
best video I've ever seen 8/8 m8

I see most pop culture references are lost on you.

10 years ago
Dumb Friends League? What the fuck? First time I use Youtube in a long time and it's like it's mocking me for that animal rights blog I was on last night.

Edit: Oh dear me, the DFL is actually a thing.

Edit once more: Okay, so the name is actually a reference to the fact that they can not verbally defend themselves. Alright, that's better.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Pretty much all the characters in Firefly, especially Wash.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

my fav character

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago


Your Favorite Character

10 years ago


Your Favorite Character

10 years ago
I expected Avagantamos - the eater of nipples, but I was wrong. I'm disappointed.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

no, you're not disappointed, you're rickrolled.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

James T. Kirk of course.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Same as ecoLyte, the 'Eternal' from Endmaster's Eternal.

Also Kaladin from the Stormlight Archives.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

I see you've made this thread, just as I predicted. Or, perhaps it would be more fitting to say:




Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Not necessarily my favorite character, but my favorite episode of Veronica Mars was the cross over episode where she met Buffy the Vampire Slayer and they ended up sleeping together.

Seemed sort of far fetched at first, but it turned out to be plot related (demons as usual) and it wasn't like they stayed lesbians, Buffy ended going back to Angel (or Spike can't remember that bit) and Veronica went back to that psycho dude.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Wait... They made a cross over of two really popular shows with female protagonists, just so they could have lesbian sex? ... I hate men. >.<

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Me likes Patrick Star because he so stupid!cheeky

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Oh that's a no brainer. Greatest and most beloved character of all time...

Prince Joffrey!!! ^_^

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

He's not that bad. Everyone kills Sean Bean at some point in their life. :P

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

To be honest I actually can tolerate Joffrey more than Sansa or boring ass Bran.

I don't really like Joffrey, but I can't really dislike him since he's supposed to be a complete bastard with no redeemable qualities so he fits the role very well.

Sansa's whining, crying and general inaction to improve her situation annoys me more. Though Sansa's been getting slightly better lately and I've been trying to see her as starting out as a stupid young girl that is becoming slightly more savvy about the real world. Still, it feels like with her she's waiting around for someone else to help her like a damsel in distress rather than doing anything.

Bran and his beast master routine is just dull stuff to me though. He could've died when Jamie pushed him out the window and I wouldn't have missed him. Hodor is more interesting than Bran. Lol.

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

Jules Winnfield.

"Mmm-hmm! This is a tasty burger!"

Your Favorite Character

10 years ago

It appears I never shared my favorite character... Anyway, I'd probably go with Hannibal Lecter from Silence of The Lambs, Red Dragon, and Hannibal Rising. Because, c'mon, who doesn't like a brutal cannibal?

EDIT FROM A YEAR LATER: Han Solo. Hands down.