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10 years ago

If cow is beef, chicken poultry, fish is seafood, pig is pork, deer is venison, what is human? Do any of you know what kind of meat human meat is? Also, what do we know about what humans taste like? Some people say it's like chicken, others say beef, pork, etc.

Is cannibalism ever a valid option, is there any reason as to why we shouldn't eat other humans? I forget where I found it, but apparently the average adult human has enough nutrients to meet the daily nutritional needs of sixty adults.


10 years ago

Human meat would be Prime Beef, because we are Prime Ates, obviously. And, just like sheep, the taste/consistency of human meat depends entirely on what it is made of, ergo, where people are from, what they ate, and how much of it. An Indian guy would taste very different from a French woman.

Also, eating too much human meat, (or eating it often) will cause deficiencies or something that give you shaky hands and other creepy symptoms.


10 years ago

I think there's no word for the meat of humans because in general, we don't need one.  "Beef," "pork," etc exist to distinguish talking about animal-as-food from animal-as-creature.  Since for the most part, we don't talk about human meat, we don't have a word for it. 

"Long pig" was most often used in the Caribbean as the descriptor for human meat.  Biologically, I believe we would be a white meat mammal, like pork.  We're neither herbivores nor ruminants, like cattle.  And we're certainly not birds.

Kuru is why we shouldn't eat other humans.  But that really only applies to the brain matter. 

Also, even if the human had enough nutrients to feed sixty adults, we still wasted a lot of energy raising it to adulthood.  In terms of nutritional efficiency, vegetarianism is the superior choice.


10 years ago

How is vegetarianism a better choice than eating both plants and meat?


10 years ago

I don't know Seth's rationale, but most farmers and ranchers will feed just about anything to their livestock if it meant they were able to save or make a buck.  It's a crap-shoot at best any time you buy domesticated meats.


10 years ago

This is true, but you can buy better meat from certain places that don't do anything to the livestock. Unfortunately they tend to be more expensive.


10 years ago

I have trust issues when it comes to humans.  I think the best alternative is still to hunt or catch it yourself (preferably in areas yet untouched by man, like the majority of Canada).


10 years ago

Eating the plants themselves gets you more of the nutritional value than eating an animal that ate the plants.  The most common stat I could find says, for example, that cattle consume calorically 16 times more grain than they produce as meat.

And to IAP's point, yeah- there used to be a lot of "livestock meant for human consumption being fed the remains of their brethren, because that's what was cheap."  It's technically against the law in the US now for cattle and pigs- mad cow and trichinosis both come from eating cannibal animals.  Still ok for chickens, that's why they label the chicken and the eggs "vegetarian fed."


10 years ago

Mammals aren't meant to eat their kind. I'd rather die than eat a human. As to what it tastes like? It probably depends on how you cook it.


10 years ago

Well, would you want me to eat you, Danaos?


10 years ago

Okay, that's just a stupid argument.

Mammals "aren't meant" to eat their kind?  Many kinds of mammal eat their own young, whether due to overcrowding or asserting dominance.Yes, it's true that a species which ate its own kind exclusively would die out- but that doesn't answer Dan's point.

"would you want me to eat you?" is not a valid argument. It does nothing to answer the question of why nearly everyone has a visceral disgust reaction to the idea of cannibalism.  Anyway, my answer is yes.  I don't want to be killed for it, but once I'm already dead, I'd gladly offer myself to anyone who cared to consume me.


10 years ago

To think I'd have to debate against cannabalism. I ain't bothering, some shit goes without saying.


10 years ago

We shouldn't eat other people because if we do, then other humans will eat us. I think Danoas should be more clear in his questioning. Is he asking if we should eat people who are already dead, or if we should be killing people so we can eat them?


10 years ago

I'd be less likely to eat a cannibal than a vegetarian.


10 years ago

I think my questioning is pretty clear. When is eating other humans okay, if ever? Is there any reason not to eat human meat? I'm not suggesting that we should go out of our way to kill people like we do animals, I'm asking if eating human meat is a valid option.


10 years ago

I'd have to say only as a last resort.


10 years ago

May the odds be ever in your favour... 


10 years ago

I'd also prefer that human meat, if we are actually to eat it like anything else, is preserved in a similar way to other meats. Generally when I imagine meat being cooked, it's slimy, yucky, and the person's corpse hasn't been preserved very well. They're basically road kill.

I'd think that human meat can be prepared in a fashion similar to how Hannibal cooks his meat, minus the high-class decorations.


10 years ago

I would say the only time when it would be 'okay' to eat it would be when you're on the edge of starving to death, and only if it's already dead, and even then, it'll still feel disgusting as hell to consume it, so...


10 years ago

The reason virtually everyone has a disgust reaction to cannibalism is because they imagine eating somebody that has thoughts, feelings, emotions...somebody they could be attached to/love.


10 years ago

That sounds more like a pro than a con.  :P


10 years ago

Unless she's Jihelu, no way she'll be into you now. 


10 years ago

To answer your question, no. I'd more likely than not resist your attempts to consume me. and I'm pretty sure most people feel that way. Once I'm already dead, it wouldn't matter since I can't do anything to stop you.


10 years ago

I think either an African or South-American tribe were legally allowed to partake in cannibalism, since they already had existing laws listing the conditions when eating people is allowed.

That tribe might possibly have a word for it.


10 years ago

Well, if some people who were stuck living in mud houses till they were conquered did it, I think we're missing out.


10 years ago

*Thatch huts and wooden lean-to's.

Primarily, though, they were hunter-gatherers, except for a few cash-crop farmers.  They also imported in clothing since they like it :P


10 years ago

Some Polynesian tribes as well, as cannibalism is part of their cultural heritage. 


10 years ago

And nothing of value was lost.


10 years ago

Exactly, because they preserved their cultural heritage :P


10 years ago

The only reason I can think to eat another human is if there isn't any other food source, I'd still be reluctant do it but anything to survive, maybe?...


10 years ago

Bushmeat? Anyhow, I remember reading somewhere that eating humans is unsafe, as diseases can possibly spread from the human to the person who eats it. This is less the case with the consumption of livestock as animal diseases only rarely jump from meat to man if it's cooked properly. 


10 years ago

Bushmeat refers to something very different these days, Rom.


10 years ago

Apart from the illegal monkey/ape-hunting kind?


10 years ago

Yes. Usually, this new meaning refers to domestic meat in sausage form.


10 years ago

Ah, haha, didn't know about that :P


10 years ago

Just to be clear, I was making a dick joke. Don't go to a grocery store and ask where the bushmeat is, they'll probably have some questions for you.


10 years ago

So that's why that butcher pulled his pants down! Hmm, now I feel bad for suing him for indecent exposure... Oh well, at least I got an English lesson. 

(Got the joke btw...)


10 years ago

Humans eat a lot of strangely phallic foods. I thought spotted dick was a euphemism for herpes.


10 years ago

At least sounds like something you should get checked out... 


10 years ago

It's certainly a valid option for survival purposes and a lack of other food sources available, but it wouldn't be the "morality" of it that would make me hesitate so much as it would be the possible disease factor. Humans aren't really the cleanest and it seems like a lot of work would go into preparing one to eat safely.

But assuming I was that desperate to eat someone to begin with, I'm guessing I might be less concerned with even that factor, baring the potential meal being covered in bubonic plague like sores or something.


10 years ago

Hmm.  Even though I've considered it, I don't really think I'd partake of human flesh.  If there were no other option, I guess I'd get one that hadn't done a days work in their life (perhaps I'd hunt outside an office building).  A better option would be to put it to good use as hog feed and/or fertilizer, so as not to consume it directly.


10 years ago

According to William Seabrook, its taste is comparable to veal.


10 years ago

That's the interesting question, I think:  Why do most people consider it self-evident that cannibalism is wrong/ have an instinctive disgust reaction to the idea of consuming human flesh?

I could see veal. Depending on the preparation (like wiener schnitzel) veal can taste a lot like pork.


10 years ago

Some Africans and islanders still do it. I'm pretty sure that Phryges would eat their dead as ritual. So one could argue that it's cultural or whatever, though I'd like to think that it's basic human nature to NOT eating your own kind. 


10 years ago

Might have something to do with how social Humans are, in fact I think we are number one in that aspect. In primitive times Humans probably thought of each other as companions or fellows, and still do today, so eating one another wasn't a good idea to Humans back then and now.

For example, two lions meeting each other for the first time may fight, but two Humans on the other hand would probably just say hi and walk away. 


10 years ago

A lion of the same pack would only fight over becoming the leader or cause of a lioness hoe. He'd only fight a random lion if it was from another pack.

A man stepping in the wrong hood? Wow boy.


10 years ago

So lions and men are the same, as they both randomly fight with men/lions if they are from another pack? :P


10 years ago

I'm sorry, but that was driving me nuts. 


10 years ago

Nope, humans are even worse. The beasts shall kill cause it's insticts tell it to, we're fully aware of our actions yet still commit them.


10 years ago

I am destroying every trace of the misspelled subject line. 


10 years ago

It depends actually, it's always debatable how consciously people murder someone, that's why temporary insanity is often pleaded in court cases. Furthermore, it's also accepted that animals (apes for example) can to some degree plan a murder. 

And besides, murderers usually make up an extremely small percentage of a given society, so you can't really say that all humans are evil just because of the actions of a few of them. 


10 years ago

I know m8, I was just quoting someone. Nature can be pretty damn barbaric to. 


10 years ago
The thing with cannibalism is that in order to not be eating rotten meat, you'd have to kill the human yourself and preserve it fairly quickly - which I think is where most of the taboo lies. If humans just died randomly and didn't start to immediately decay or contract disease from the immobility of blood - it'd be okay to eat. However humans know that humans are disease ridden almost immediately after death.

Also, lets say it was legal if you didn't kill them - that means someone else killed them and you'd be tampering with evidence. If it was suicide the same situation occurs. The action of eating a human is not what is immoral - it's the method of acquiring the dead human to eat which puts cannibalism into a taboo category.


10 years ago
To further my point, it may also be wrong since the death may be a serious deal to the family or relatives. They may have a certain ritual, such as burial or cremation, that they were asked to perform on the death of the person - and it would be disrespectful to eat the body when the family clearly wants to be responsible for their passed loved one.


10 years ago

Two cannibal clowns are eating a corpse, and one clown says to the other, "Does this taste funny to you?"

Anyway, the most I know about cannibalism is Rust (Where it's perfectly fine) and the Hannibal (Where it's beyond fucked up) movies. Love SICK did feature some cannibalism, but it was only a brief mention of literal girl scout cookies.


10 years ago

The question was, Chris, when should cannibalism be acceptable?


10 years ago

When playing Rust.

Or in any kind of apocalypse.


10 years ago
whenever you want technically xD


10 years ago

I wonder...

If certain animals were sentient would you still eat them? It wouldn't be cannibalism.


10 years ago

Of course I would still eat them. It's called the Circle of Life (I think?).


10 years ago


10 years ago

I wish you'd make links that I wouldn't have to copy/paste because they screw up in Firefox.


10 years ago

That's why Firefox sucks.



10 years ago

Yeah, it works in Chrome.  But if I started using it, I'd have to deal with a multitude the other issues.


10 years ago



10 years ago

There was a Vsauce video (Google it on YouTube) about this topic. Apparently, human meat tastes similarly to a baby cow.


10 years ago

*cough cough*



10 years ago

Yeah, but you're Drako, so it's safe to say your opinion doesn't really matter unless the topic is less than serious :P


10 years ago

Love you to <3


10 years ago



I think...


10 years ago

Wait, are the ethics of cannibalism or the quality of Vsause serious topics now?



10 years ago

Delta's an Aussie. Cannibalism is pretty much a requirement there.


10 years ago

Euromuts are the same, only this time their origins are even less noble (Greek immigrants aside).


10 years ago

Speaking of cannibalism, I said "I like to chop girls up and eat them. Did I mention I'm a brutal sociopath?" to the girl I liked today. Pretty sure she'll never speak to me again.


10 years ago

-_- Slick move...


10 years ago

You did no such thing.

This is what really happened:

1. You saw the girl.
2. Tried to think of something to say.
3. Failed.
4. Walked up to her anyway.
5. Awkwardly tripped over your feet and nearly knocking over the girl in the process.
6. Apologized and spit on her face accidentally because you were so nervous.
7. Attempted to wipe the spit off of her face.
8. Failed and groped her instead.
9. Got slapped and kicked in the balls.
10. Crumpled to the ground and wept for an hour.
11. Peed pants.
12. Went back home.
13. Wept.
14. Looked up porn on the computer.
15. Abused self.
16. Failed.
17. Wept.
18. Posted on CYS about some bullshit.
19. Wept.
20. Went to bed.


10 years ago


10 years ago


Well at least he still managed to grope her I guess.


10 years ago

I'm the cross dresser that Ford raped and I confirm.


10 years ago

Number 11 should be 'Creamed pants'.


10 years ago

>Spaghetti falls of pockets


10 years ago

>Open the door

>Get on the floor

>Everybody walk the dinosaur


10 years ago

>le funny image-board meymeys


10 years ago


How the fuck do you FAIL to abuse yourself!? You either do or you don't! That's how that shit works. I understand that you might not be as good/arousing at it as other people, but you take what you can get, right?


10 years ago

This is Chris we're talking about.

Plus it's funnier that way.


10 years ago

My Current Butthurt Level: James

Either way, that's pretty much what happened... But I really did say "I like to chop girls up and eat them. Did I mention I'm a brutal sociopath?"


10 years ago

I can't remember where I found this, but there are a few tribes who honor their dead by allowing them to continue to sustain the tribe. Only those who die without honor don't get to be eaten by the rest.


10 years ago
You're aware we only call animal meat different from the animal because of English's unique roots, right? The "animal" is in English, while the "meat" comes from old French words, which stems from the time England was conquered by the French, and everyone rich was French while everyone poor was English.

So "human" would probably be something like "umain".


10 years ago

The French never conquered England. If anything the opposite almost happened.

No, the Normans weren't French.



10 years ago

They spoke a form of French, though. Same difference.


10 years ago

I thought it might be something like — porcine, bovine, equine, feline, canine, and humine?